Recent content by Al-O-Meter

  1. Al-O-Meter

    19 science journals shutting down and over 11,300 papers being retracted due to academic fraud

    I remember that whole brouhaha. There was a recent video from a PhD physicist I've been following where she talks about how academia actually works, how it is all about generating revenue, and how it leads to what we're seeing today. View:
  2. Al-O-Meter

    Charles Barkley Says He Will Retire From TV After 2024-25 Season

    The world will be a little less bright when he steps out of the spot light.
  3. Al-O-Meter

    Rewatching 30+ year old TV shows to see if they hold up.

    First up is Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. It still works. My kid immediately understands the characters and dynamics with a pace he doesn’t get bored with. Watching this show is oddly similar to watching anime. The only thing holding it back is the 4:3 aspect ratio of the picture. Corin Nemec is...
  4. Al-O-Meter

    Is it a crime to claim to be Black when you are not?

    No. Is that on Fox News? I got it from a law blog. Mostly I'm bored with Trump is awesome / Trump is awful. Biden is awesome / Biden is awful so I'm looking for other stuff.
  5. Al-O-Meter

    Another Boeing vehicle may kill its passengers on June 22nd.

    NASA gave Boeing a $4.8 billion dollar contract to develop a space capsule named Starliner. It has been plagued by delays and poor performance. For a fraction of the cost and time, Elon Musk’s Space X developed a competing capsule called Crew Dragon which as flown many times now. After years...
  6. Al-O-Meter

    Is it a crime to claim to be Black when you are not?

    There is a case being taken up by the Supreme Court in the next session seeking to answer that question. It is Kousisis v United States. There was a painting company who submitted the low bid on a government contract to...
  7. Al-O-Meter

    Colleges now closing at a rate of one per week

    The numbers are shocking and I don't blame you for being skeptical, but that is the actual data. "In 2022, the total number of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in college was down by approximately 1.2 million from its peak in 2011. Most of the decline is due to fewer young men pursuing college...
  8. Al-O-Meter

    19 science journals shutting down and over 11,300 papers being retracted due to academic fraud

    I don't think not trusting science is the correct answer, but having a healthy skepticism for scientists and the peer review process is certainly warranted.
  9. Al-O-Meter

    Colleges now closing at a rate of one per week

    If the issue was expense, then you'd see an even fall-off among men and women due to both paying the same price. That isn't what we see. 83% of the loss is male and only 17% is female. The women don't seem to think it is a bad deal, but the men do. The difference is in how the environment...
  10. Al-O-Meter

    19 science journals shutting down and over 11,300 papers being retracted due to academic fraud

    Researchers found that in the 5 year period between Feb 2020 and Feb 2024, roughly 1 scientific paper out of every 5 was fraudulent. Journals owned by 217-year-old Wiley Science Publishing were among those to be shown publishing supposed “peer reviewed” fraud...
  11. Al-O-Meter

    Colleges now closing at a rate of one per week This is such a good thing societally. It is bad for the students caught at one of these colleges, and the alumni may now have worthless degrees, but this correction has been delayed for...
  12. Al-O-Meter

    The United States is NOT a democracy and never was

    I'm reviving this thread as it was asked recently the difference between a democracy and a republic, along with an insistence that we are both. They are not the same thing and we are not a democracy. As mentioned above, the word 'democracy' comes from the Greek. The word 'republic' comes from...
  13. Al-O-Meter

    Donald is about to go through some things...

    The US military has previously become enamored with supposed advancements and gone all in only to realize afterwards it was a bad idea. One example is the gun that could shoot either 152mm rounds or Shillelagh missiles. They designed both the M551 Sheridan and the M60A2 Main Battle Tank around...
  14. Al-O-Meter

    Donald is about to go through some things...

    Hope your trip goes well, but Costa Vida? Not too far from there is the greatest restaurant in the world.
  15. Al-O-Meter

    Donald is about to go through some things...

    Data is simply another word for information. Just because you don’t like particular information or it falsifies your preheld beliefs doesn’t mean it isn’t information. We are not a democracy. We are a republic and prior to about 15 years ago that wasn't a controversial statement. "I pledge...