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  1. Al-O-Meter

    19 science journals shutting down and over 11,300 papers being retracted due to academic fraud

    Researchers found that in the 5 year period between Feb 2020 and Feb 2024, roughly 1 scientific paper out of every 5 was fraudulent. Journals owned by 217-year-old Wiley Science Publishing were among those to be shown publishing supposed “peer reviewed” fraud...
  2. Al-O-Meter

    Colleges now closing at a rate of one per week This is such a good thing societally. It is bad for the students caught at one of these colleges, and the alumni may now have worthless degrees, but this correction has been delayed for...
  3. Al-O-Meter

    Woman drives truck on bridge, almost makes it across, called a "miracle" View:
  4. Al-O-Meter

    Harley Quinn is itty bitty committee Asian and purposely not fun now

    Harley Quinn has always been a blue-eyed blonde pixie bombshell speaking in a heavy Brooklyn accent with a firecracker ditzy personality that deceptively masked her considerable intellect. Fans immediately took a liking to her, including a huge number of girls who still wear Margo Robbie’s...
  5. Al-O-Meter

    W-T-F Republicans?!?!?

    Decades ago it was the political left that used to champion liberal values. In the intervening years the sides have switched, with the political left becoming more progressive and the political right becoming more libertarian. With the GOP-led effort to successfully pass the Antisemitism...
  6. Al-O-Meter

    New USA Olympic Track & Field uniforms made public. Feminists mad, says women’s kit is too revealing.

    Nike said the uniforms were developed with female athletes, and this is what they came up with to run in. I think it is almost an Islamic Burqa next to what Flo-Jo chose to wear back in the 1980’s but B's gonna B.
  7. Al-O-Meter

    Married teacher caught getting it on with student in teacher’s husband’s car. Student panics, flees in car and crashes it.

    This important part first: Was the teacher hot? I don't think so, but I don't live in Nebraska. The seventeen year old student managed to keep the teacher's husband's car unwrecked for two whole blocks in his desperate escape. After he crashed the car, he took off on foot. He was later...
  8. Al-O-Meter

    Lara Croft is now a flat chested truth seeker supporting cultures and people.

    Lara Croft was once awesome, but the original developer fell on financially hard times and sold off the IP. The new owners like Lara Croft’s name recognition but hate everything else about her, and that includes her being a Tomb Raider, which they have deemed problematic colonialism. View...
  9. Al-O-Meter

    Latest TikTok trend: Punching random girls in the face So far the trend seems confined...
  10. Al-O-Meter

    Psychosomatic, Hypochondriac, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy – Long-COVID appears to be totally fake says science

    Good news everyone, unless you happen to be a White American woman of middle-to-upper income with a political compass result placing you on the political left. Long-COVID isn’t a real thing that can be physically tested for or physically treated as it appears to be psychosomatic. Those more...
  11. Al-O-Meter

    Google election interference (Google not happy when you search out this news)

    There was a study done analyzing the political bias of results served up by Google's search engine and the calculated impact in terns of numbers of votes switched from the less favored party to the more favored party. The study is here...
  12. Al-O-Meter

    Science says: Ugly women are more likely to cheat on you

    Statistically speaking, unfortunate looking women are more likely to cheat on their partners. Smoking hot women are more likely to be faithful. The opposite is true for men. The finding from this study that really surprised me was that women who were satisfied with their sex life were more...
  13. Al-O-Meter

    This just in: Haiti is a craphole country (Trump was right, again)
  14. Al-O-Meter

    Are you a DVE Actor?

    DVE stands for Domestic Violent Extremist. It is the term the FBI is using to refer to potential domestic terrorists. To be classified as a DVE Actor and put on the watch list only requires that you express a view in opposition to open borders, COVID-19 lockdowns, or vaccine mandates. There are...
  15. Al-O-Meter

    YouTube Music workers unionize and demand higher wages

    The workers of YouTube Music group based out of Austin, Texas unionized and made demands of higher wages. As part of their effort, one of the prominent union members stood before the Austin City Council to ask for their help in getting YouTube to come to the negotiation table. Here is how that...
  16. Al-O-Meter

    John Oliver facing 15 years in prison for attempting to bribe Supreme Court Justice

    I don't think anything will come of it as John Oliver is loved by the left and the DOJ is only weaponized against the political right, but he clearly did attempt to bribe a Supreme Court Justice on tape...
  17. Al-O-Meter

    What happens when corporations take control of everything?

    Contrary to what many people believe, corporations running the government is not Fascism. It isn’t a type of Fascism. It isn’t related to Fascism. It also isn’t better than Fascism. There is an example right now of an industrialized society that has been completely captured by corporations, and...
  18. Al-O-Meter

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    Why should you be afraid? I don't know, but supposedly whatever the mystery is, it is scary. It is being referred to as "destabilizing foreign military capability" and a lot of people think it is a big deal...
  19. Al-O-Meter

    An observation of cultural climate.

    Decades and decades ago, my Mom used to plant crocus flowers in our front yard and every year they were the first flowers to bloom on our street. Sometimes they’d even bloom before the snow fully melted but their appearance marked the end of winter. I feel like the crocus flowers are blooming...