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  1. Handlogten's Heros

    Off-Season Rumblings

    I think they are waiting to see if they can get Trae or Donny and will pivot if they don’t land someone that can be an offensive engine. But if not then they will eat up the best parts of that cheap contract for nothing.
  2. Handlogten's Heros

    Off-Season Rumblings

    OKC was very involved as well. Per Fred Katz and Andrew Schlect.
  3. Handlogten's Heros

    Which name do you prefer for our team?

    Part of me is glad its gone. It would 100% be something you remembered being awesome as a kid and then as an adult its not nearly as good.
  4. Handlogten's Heros

    The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

    Not only that... Likely used them as leverage like FAs use the Sacramento Kings. JJ and Hurley are both weird candidates imo. Hurley made more sense for the post Lebron era at least.
  5. Handlogten's Heros

    Which name do you prefer for our team?

    Especially with the other options lol.
  6. Handlogten's Heros

    Which name do you prefer for our team?

    If we trade the name and get something for it I say we let chat gpt name the team and not the current version of ChatGPT the janky beta version.
  7. Handlogten's Heros

    Which name do you prefer for our team?

    I have some video from Ryan in HS
  8. Handlogten's Heros

    Which name do you prefer for our team?

    If I could get one more sloppy scone before I pass I will consider my life complete.
  9. Handlogten's Heros

    The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

    This is true… I just doubt he’ll ever get as strong as Jrue. Dudes a tank.
  10. Handlogten's Heros

    The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

    Jrue is build like a brick *****ouse though. Key is light.
  11. Handlogten's Heros

    The Non-Jazz NBA Thread in the Jazz Section

    I think that sounds about right on Key.
  12. Handlogten's Heros

    Off-Season Rumblings

    We good... just wait. There will be a report that Taylor has grown an inch or two and yes... you guessed it... gained 15 lbs of muscle.
  13. Handlogten's Heros

    Off-Season Rumblings

    Paging @KqWIN Who will be bigger by the end of next year... Wemby or Bilal? View:
  14. Handlogten's Heros

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Yeah I'm done... just send the pick in. Its a highlight tape so I'm expecting some loud plays but still find myself going "dayummm". Some of the hang on the pivot stuff looks a like Brunson. I don't care that he's 30... just take him. It will be fun.
  15. Handlogten's Heros

    Off-Season Rumblings

    7 game sample... mostly in March... Imma need more than that.
  16. Handlogten's Heros

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Right... like if you change one of the big things and it unlocks him... like there are obvious places to work I guess. And maybe he's MKG and its busted.
  17. Handlogten's Heros

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Right but 67% from the line. That is okay but his form looks like it might go in more than that. I think you see him shoot and think he's closer to 40%... I think its why he gets labeled as a good shooter at times when he's average-ish with a maybe below average projection.
  18. Handlogten's Heros

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Like I think Flip is an example of this. His shot form seems like it would shoot a higher percentage than it actually does.
  19. Handlogten's Heros

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Yeah IDK. I think there are guys that shoot below their form... if that's something. Like the shot looks pretty but the results aren't quite up to snuff. His offhand is way too involved. Seems like something that should be able to correct pretty easily.
  20. Handlogten's Heros

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Yeah... I'm not sure what is worse a guy with bad mechanics or a guy with solid mechanics but the ball doesn't go in. He has some stuff to fix and I think in his interview with KOC he kinda downplayed it and I wonder if it is that type of thing that turns some teams off. Like he has 2-3 things...