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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I guess, but #BleachBlondBadBuildButchBody was great to see trending on X all night.
That is exactly why it happened and why we can expect more of it. You liked it. A ton of people liked it. It was widely condemned publicly but everyone was drawn in. In the people's house, this is apparently what the people want.

Personally, I don’t like people getting into the mud with MTG. She’s part of the obstructionist party that began with the tea party. They aren’t there for policy. She isn’t there to govern. She’s there to prevent governing. This benefits the rich primarily and those already cynical about government working for normal people secondarily. Like Mike Lee, She campaigns on government being broke and exploits her constituents’ anger and then spends every term proving that government can’t work.

So let her get her Fox News hit, that’s what MTG, Bobo and Gaetz want and then act like the adult and insist that we get to government work. Her drooling constituents addicted to Facebook and Fox News won’t see it but the rest of us will see that Democrats are the adults in the room.
That was my thought exactly, well said. AOC and the others did themselves no favors by letting themselves get pulled down to her level. All it did was allow Fox News to end their segment on all that stupidity with a tagline about AOC being out of control. This is all so obviously a concerted attempt at developing a controlling plutocracy by destabilization of the machinery of government. Too bad so many are like the frog being boiled alive that this has a very good chance of succeeding. I mean it's been going on since the Reagan years and the first big tax cuts of the "trickle-down" years, but it has certainly accelerated under Trump and the current crop of Republican governance. And it's the biggest existential threat to our society and way of life we've seen in the modern era.