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The Big Ken Lofton Watch Thread

Without sounding like someone embracing a clique, Ive always been big on Lofton, I disagree with the skinny on the kid that he's out of shape and is at best a scrub. His footwork and hands are excellent, kid has great touch and a fat future.
Without sounding like someone embracing a clique, Ive always been big on Lofton, I disagree with the skinny on the kid that he's out of shape and is at best a scrub. His footwork and hands are excellent, kid has great touch and a fat future.
He has a fat future lol

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With Lauri, and Taylor you could play Lofton 48 mins. He can do the 3, 4, 5 on offense and guard whoever on defense. The Jazz could start winning right away. If he loses 30 lbs he would equivalent to a top 5 pick already. Come on Danny do the unconventional.
With how agile he is already at that weight, absolutely it's an advantage. The dude's girth creates space for him.
Yes but dropping a few would help with other stuff and he’d still have plenty of girth. Long term carrying that extra isn’t great on the lower body. The ideal balance is probably 15-30 lbs of bad weight not necessarily 40-50 lbs. over an offseason he could comfortably drop 15 lbs without hurting his functional strength/girth advantage. It will benefit him more on defense than offense as well as with just general conditioning and longevity.
Kenny needs to go to the Jalen Brunson and Jalen Williams School of the Dark Arts for taking BS Charges. With his defensive shortcomings and ability to see/read the floor I think that is a tool he should develop.
Yes but dropping a few would help with other stuff and he’d still have plenty of girth. Long term carrying that extra isn’t great on the lower body. The ideal balance is probably 15-30 lbs of bad weight not necessarily 40-50 lbs. over an offseason he could comfortably drop 15 lbs without hurting his functional strength/girth advantage. It will benefit him more on defense than offense as well as with just general conditioning and longevity.

workouts like this in the off season?
We lose 17 straight and Lofton finally gets his opportunity to play some significant minutes and we win two in a row. Coincidence? I think not. Yeah the Rooks were killing us at first and they’ve finally found a groove but look who was available Friday night on a back to back on the road and look who came in and spearheaded a comeback in the first half against the Clips starters.

I don’t want to read too much into it but I guess I can’t help it. This team needed a dog in the worst way and we found one finally in Lofton. Nobody scares this kid in any way, shape or form, not even PJ Tucker (remember how bad Gobert got the shakes against Tucker?).

I live in absolute fear that we hoarde and use every pick and have no room on the roster for Lofton, Dunn, Juzang and Bazley. Lucky to have them and the draft won’t do us any better. We need to consolidate our picks and trade up for Sarr.
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