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Name the team!


Well-Known Member
Let's hear some ideas for the name of the new Utah NHL team. I know Ryan Smith has floated the name Yeti but I don't think that's a very good name and it might have some trouble getting licensing.

I think I have the perfect name for the team, the Utah Rizz. It follows the tradition of double Zs without being tacky. For the boomers out there, Rizz is what the kids say these days for a person that has "game" and/or is successful within their dating pool. It is based on the word charisma, so having Rizz is basically the same as having good charisma.

Anyway, what are some other names you guys think would work?
The Gold-diggerz

The Taxmen

The Salt Lake Pillagerz

Smith's Emanant Domain
Just keep it Coyotes
Utah does have coyotes right?
Part of the bargain the NHL made to get the team out of Phoenix appears to have been to let the old owner keep the "franchise" including records, history and name. The old team is just "inactive" for up to five years.
Just keep it Coyotes
Utah does have coyotes right?
The previous owner of the franchise is keeping the rights to the name and hopes to bring the Coyotes back to the Phoenix area within 5 years in the form of an expansion team.
Utah Patrol-a nod to skiing

Blizz-blizzards and keep with the Jazz theme.

Voodoos or Saints-NO is already pissed we have the Jazz name, let's rub it in!
Utah Venom is my personal favorite. Mascot can be a snake or a scorpion.

Utah Blizzard is cool too. I’ve seen the Outlaws and Yetis. Both are ok… nothing special to me.
Yeti is dumb. I liked Wasatch Winterhawks, a name AI gave me. Blizzard is good. I still think Great Salt Lakers is a good name for something.

Maybe I’ll save my better names for baseball.
The Utah Green Jello with Carrot Shavings.....I mean, if we really want to get to the root of the community.
I think they're missing a bet by forcing it to be Utah. They should call the team the Salt Lake Ice, because then they can have jerseys that say "S.L.ICE"
When they play at the Delta Center, is it called a home slice?
Let's hear some ideas for the name of the new Utah NHL team. I know Ryan Smith has floated the name Yeti but I don't think that's a very good name and it might have some trouble getting licensing.

I think I have the perfect name for the team, the Utah Rizz. It follows the tradition of double Zs without being tacky. For the boomers out there, Rizz is what the kids say these days for a person that has "game" and/or is successful within their dating pool. It is based on the word charisma, so having Rizz is basically the same as having good charisma.

Anyway, what are some other names you guys think would work?
Please just anything. Literally ANYTHING but the Blizzard.

It sounds like a 3rd grade youth Hockey team

Like the Hurricanes or Avalanche except the much less cool of the 3... like if these were high school students, Hurricanes and Avalanche could hang together but the Blizzard wouldn't be cool enough to hang

The Utah Blizzard Sounds like a Beige Water Pistol

It sounds like Andy Dalton before he grew a beard.

I like the Outlaws. The Yeti would be fine.
Utah Venom is my personal favorite. Mascot can be a snake or a scorpion.

Utah Blizzard is cool too. I’ve seen the Outlaws and Yetis. Both are ok… nothing special to me.
Boo on the Blizzard. BOOO!!! see my earlier post in this thread (#16)
What about King to Me? Utah King to Me?

I’ll see myself out.