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  1. kcgar

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    This is exactly how I feel. Derek White is the exact player I want and I feel like Carter is hopefully similar to him
  2. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    I'm out. You won the argument
  3. kcgar

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    The thing that I don't like about these guys, is there defense is pretty non-existent. How many times did everyone complain last year about how bad our defense was?. We have enough players that can contribute on offense. We need more defense. I understand BPA, but sometimes I don't necessarily...
  4. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    Well, I am sorry that the little thumbs down triggered you.
  5. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    That's a LOT of troll posts. Touche.
  6. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    So, no answer to the question. Also, I don't try to elicit a response when I dislike, like or anything else with emojis. I am just not a big poster, because most of the time people say what I am thinking already and it would be redundant. Therefore, I use the emojis to show how I feel about a...
  7. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    Can you enlighten me on the point of trolling? What percent do you troll, cause it is really hard to be an ******* all the time?
  8. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    Do you contribute anything that is worthwhile on this forum? Anything? Like any opinions on what Jazz should do as far as Draft? What Jazz should do for free agency? Whether they should fully tank, keep the course, or go "big game fishing? Looking at the last 100 or so of your posts/activities...
  9. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    What a sad life you live
  10. kcgar

    Luka Doncic appreciation thread

    You must have rooted and cheered way harder than I did, because they lost. My rooting game must have been subpar, as it didn’t seem to affect anything in this series or any other.
  11. kcgar

    Luka Doncic appreciation thread

    I don't think this is true at all. First, a team that wins also loses players, which is what makes it so hard to repeat. Second, there are 29 teams that don't. The vast majority don't blow it up. Third, I would argue that teams that are really close to winning generally don't blow it up because...
  12. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    First off, rooting for a player has zero effect on anything. Doesn't change any outcomes and has literally no impact, whether it is our team or some other team that we have picks for. It is a good human quality to be happy for other's achievements, especially if they used to be on your team and...
  13. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    It would be interesting to be there when you get older and more mature and you look back at your life and you cringe at this time when internet trolling was the highlight of your day. Then again some people never change or mature. A bit of self-reflection goes a long way.
  14. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

  15. kcgar

    Rudy Gobert Appreciation Thread

    Trolling is one of the most foreign things to me. Like, I can’t even fathom the purpose of it. I understand that it is an insecurity/immaturity type response, but I don’t see how it makes them feel better about themselves. “I feel so good because I said dumb pointless stuff on the internet...
  16. kcgar

    Luka Doncic appreciation thread

    Now that schools out (Do they still do a little graduation for finishing 8th grade?), you are gonna have so much time to play photoshop. How many of your favorite players have to put into Jazz jerseys. Did you put Luka into a purple jersey or your favorite yellow?
  17. kcgar

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Yeah like Dillingham? We need another short Sexton like player
  18. kcgar

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    I stand corrected. My bad. Maybe, he learned from his dad's bad shooting ;)
  19. kcgar

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    Another thing is that his rebounding, blocks and steals are awesome. Averaged 1 block, 1.8 steals, and 8.7 rebounds this last year. He had 13 games of 10 or more rebounds and one 15 rebound game.
  20. kcgar

    2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

    I think he can be a combo guard with George. They both play pg sometimes and both play off-ball sometimes. As far as the shooting who knows, but he definitely has the pedigree.