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Neighbor dogs barking


Well-Known Member
My neighbors dog likes to bark through the night. It wakes me up everytime. This seems to be getting worse and worse. And now tonight(its nearing 1 am in the morning) the other neighbor who lives right next to them seems fed up and now has their bigger dog barking at the smaller dog. Its like a neighbor war of dogs barking and im stuck right in the middle of it(i dont own a dog) I cant sleep because of it. We already went and talked to the one neighbor about this but he kind of brushed it off as nothing. I dont know much about this guy but he seems really shady..anyways Its annoying af and dont really now what else to do.
25 minutes later yep still at it. These arent just little barks the bigger dog is really loud. I looked through the window and the guy is just watching a movie on his projector. Suck for me i have to actually wake up early and go to work. But what can i do? Earplugs dont see to block it out.
So sorry! This has happened to us in 3 different place we've lived and it sucks. The first place was in apartments (both we and they), I can't remember the details. They would leave dog tied up on their porch or something. I think we ended up calling the police a few times with noise violation complaints. Eventually it stopped. The second place it was our next door neighbor who was a nurse working late shift and she would let her dog out when she got home like at 2 am. Dog would do his business then bark and bark to be let back in while she showered or took a nap or something. This went on for years, basically up until she moved. She was a nice lady and we complained to her several times but it didn't ever get significantly better. We decided it wasn't worth making a huge stink. The third time was also next door neighbors, very nice family. Happened much less frequently... I think they took our complaints more seriously than last lady, and changed when they would let the dog out. Also wasn't as late at night

In your case I'd look at your city's noise control ordinances and probably complain to police if it seems warranted.
For example I did a quick search for Orem and found their website says this,

My neighbor’s dog barks all the time, what can I do?
Call non-emergency dispatch (801-229-7070) and file a complaint. Either an Animal Control Officer or Orem Police Officer will respond to investigate. It helps to have the exact address where the offending dog(s) is located.

Maybe your city has something similar.
most communities have nuisance ordinances that cover situations like this - as Wes mentioned, call the police. Or at least call your local government office and ask about their policies.
For example I did a quick search for Orem and found their website says this,

My neighbor’s dog barks all the time, what can I do?
Call non-emergency dispatch (801-229-7070) and file a complaint. Either an Animal Control Officer or Orem Police Officer will respond to investigate. It helps to have the exact address where the offending dog(s) is located.

Maybe your city has something similar.

Orem wouldn't do anything for me. I complained on a neighbor at least a half a dozen times. I banged on the guy's door so hard one night I almost broke in. I shouldn't have done that but I'd had enough. It was a mean chow that got loose a lot too. The other neighbor caught it raping his dog and thought he killed it when he body slammed it on a storm grate. Another time it woke me up from a Sunday nap when it attacked a kid walking his lab. I got there just before the guy's father and told him I was going to take care of his problem the old fashioned way. He didn't care. The father was livid and screaming that it bit his son. The dog owner just patted the thing on its head and said "oh puppy".

Some people simply don't care so I go straight to the police and hope for the best. I'd prefer talking to them in person first but these people know their dog is barking. They can hear it and do nothing? Talking with someone like that isn't going to get results. They need to be forced to change.
Random thoughts-

Its not the dogs fault it belongs to dumb people.
Animal Control will usually side with the dog owner and view the complainer as irrational or a "not an animal person".
If you do anything to the dog you will be prosecuted more heavily than if you walk over an punch the owner in the nose. I am not suggesting either option.

IMO- Joe public relies too much on the government to solve the problem. IME-Government would prefer to ignore the problem, and the bully neighbor imposes his harassment on the neighbors without fear of justice.
Don’t have a dog if you’re not willing to, or can’t take the time to train it properly. Dogs can be very rewarding when well behaved. Makes for a happier dog too.
Ear plugs.
I've worn ear plugs to bed for about 18 years now. I honestly can't imagine sleeping without them.

But there are a lot of people who absolutely cannot bring themselves to do it. Like they think they'll sleep through a fire alarm or something.
I've worn ear plugs to bed for about 18 years now. I honestly can't imagine sleeping without them.

But there are a lot of people who absolutely cannot bring themselves to do it. Like they think they'll sleep through a fire alarm or something.

It's become a habit for me too. :)
I feel your pain. Quite a long time ago now, I lived in an apartment downtown and my neighbor below me was the devil incarnate. For 1 year straight I put up with an enormous stereo system thumping heavy metal music EVERY SINGLE DAY (not exaggerating) from about 5 pm to 2-3 am. It was a studio and there was no escaping the sound (earplugs did nothing). I could feel the thuds and vibrations on my bed. The guy was buddy buddy with the landlords and cops wouldn't do anything. I felt like I was taking crazy pills for a long time. Nothing worse than not feeling comfortable in your own home.
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I feel your pain. Quite a long time ago now, I lived in an apartment downtown and my neighbor below me was the devil incarnate. For 1 year straight I put up with an enormous stereo system thumping heavy metal music EVERY SINGLE DAY (not exaggerating) from about 5 pm to 2-3 am. It was a studio and there was no escaping the sound (earplugs did nothing). I could feel the thuds and vibrations on my bed. The guy was buddy buddy with the landlords and cops wouldn't do anything. I felt like I was taking crazy pills for a long time. Nothing worse than not feeling comfortable in your own home.

That one is easy to solve. Turn his main breaker off and put a padlock on it. Boom, problem solved.
I've worn ear plugs to bed for about 18 years now. I honestly can't imagine sleeping without them.

But there are a lot of people who absolutely cannot bring themselves to do it. Like they think they'll sleep through a fire alarm or something.

How are you then able to wake up via an alarm?
@prodigy if you’re going to get police/animal control involved, document the nuisance. Record it on your phone or something. Too many times when the authorities show up, the dog is inside, not barking. Have proof.
How are you then able to wake up via an alarm?
I started using one of those natural light progressive alarms a while back and I love it. I find even on short nights I wake up better. It takes me about 10 minutes to wake up to it on average and I feel like I slept better than if I just had a blaring alarm. It lets me set a sound alarm as a fail-safe and it almost never reaches that point. I recommend it.