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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

Threats are probably directed at biden rather than Finland and Sweden as the article indicates

you do realise that's a different statement ?? And yes directed at Finland and Sweden. Trying to compare one statement or position to another that is completely different is .. well just you being you Sadly you seem to want to just twist everything to be viewed through whatever your political point of view is.
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Lol. Poor baby. You got Biden on your mind all the time. Putin makes a vague threat at no one and everyone. It could only be directed at Biden. Lol.
If the US sent their full military force to fight russia you would most definitely just criticize that move as well. Just you being you.

Funniest thing about your post is that im pretty damn certain that the US has sent more weapons and money and aid to ukraine than anyone else. They have also sent the most troops from what I can tell. Also hit russia with the heaviest sanctions.
At least trump was always super mean to putin and always stood up to him when he was president. Heck even now that he isn't president he is being really mean to putin. He is super duper tough

oh please if that lunatic comb-over orange faced ************ was still in charge you'd be saying the exact opposite.

A statement warning the most dire consequences should "anyone" cough cough intervene isn't directed at the President of the United States ?? If that is your assertion you cannot be taken seriously.
oh please if that lunatic comb-over orange faced ************ was still in charge you'd be saying the exact opposite.

A statement warning the most dire consequences should "anyone" cough cough intervene isn't directed at the President of the United States ?? If that is your assertion you cannot be taken seriously.
Lol. Other countries are already intervening besides the US. You seem to think that if hungary or poland or france or any other country were to intervene then putin would be cool with it but if the US did then there would be dire consequences. Pretty silly. His use of the word "anyone" means anyone to me. To you it means JOE BIDEN!!!!
If trump were in charge right now then I would be blaming this military invasion on putin. Just like im doing currently. If trump was president and putin said that if anyone interferes there would be most dire consequences then I would assume that he was referring to anyone. Not just trump. Duh.
Lol. Other countries are already intervening besides the US. You seem to think that if hungary or poland or france or any other country were to intervene then putin would be cool with it but if the US did then there would be dire consequences. Pretty silly. His use of the word "anyone" means anyone to me. To you it means JOE BIDEN!!!!
If trump were in charge right now then I would be blaming this military invasion on putin. Just like im doing currently. If trump was president and putin said that if anyone interferes there would be most dire consequences then I would assume that he was referring to anyone. Not just trump. Duh.

dude i'm not blaming Biden. I'm blaming the nutbag Putin. But if anyone is going to intervene you're joking if you think it's going to be anyone other than your country. Hence Putin's comment was absolutely specifically aimed at the US and by extension it's leader You're unbelievably naive if you think that's not the case.
dude i'm not blaming Biden. I'm blaming the nutbag Putin. But if anyone is going to intervene you're joking if you think it's going to be anyone other than your country. Hence Putin's comment was absolutely specifically aimed at the US and by extension it's leader You're unbelievably naive if you think that's not the case.
Nah, I dont think he wants any country to intervene and if any country does then I think he might try to punish that country. I do agree that the United States is a part of "anyone" but not the only part of "anyone" and I have no idea what Joe Biden has to do with it. It wouldn't matter who the president was, Putin would still not want anyone to intervene.
dude i'm not blaming Biden. I'm blaming the nutbag Putin. But if anyone is going to intervene you're joking if you think it's going to be anyone other than your country. Hence Putin's comment was absolutely specifically aimed at the US and by extension it's leader You're unbelievably naive if you think that's not the case.
Why can't Australia? Why?

What has stopped you from building a military capable of facing down with Russia?

What if Australia was next, either the target of Russia or China? What would you do then? Would you laugh like a ****ing jackass?
checking in to see where this board was at.

I will tell you guys that I've personally been checking in with roughly two dozen people I know in Ukraine personally over the last few days. The situation is horrible.

Actual stuff I fielded just today:

The place I froze my eggs was destroyed;

My family has no cell service - can you help me get them walkie talkies so they can talk to each other;

I took my child to Romania to escape war, but I only have enough money to get a hotel for tonight;

My brother is getting drafted but they don't have a flak jacket for him;

I have to pick which cat to take underground because I can't carry them all

I've sent over $2,000 worth of cash and services to people in the country trying to get out in the last 24 hours. It's barely making a dent.

This isn't a political game. This is real people who are getting their whole lives blown up by a monster. Domestic politics is irrelevant at this point. Please open your wallets and your hearts and donate here: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/
Nah, I dont think he wants any country to intervene and if any country does then I think he might try to punish that country. I do agree that the United States is a part of "anyone" but not the only part of "anyone" and I have no idea what Joe Biden has to do with it. It wouldn't matter who the president was, Putin would still not want anyone to intervene.

checking in to see where this board was at.

I will tell you guys that I've personally been checking in with roughly two dozen people I know in Ukraine personally over the last few days. The situation is horrible.

Actual stuff I fielded just today:

The place I froze my eggs was destroyed;

My family has no cell service - can you help me get them walkie talkies so they can talk to each other;

I took my child to Romania to escape war, but I only have enough money to get a hotel for tonight;

My brother is getting drafted but they don't have a flak jacket for him;

I have to pick which cat to take underground because I can't carry them all

I've sent over $2,000 worth of cash and services to people in the country trying to get out in the last 24 hours. It's barely making a dent.

This isn't a political game. This is real people who are getting their whole lives blown up by a monster. Domestic politics is irrelevant at this point. Please open your wallets and your hearts and donate here: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/
FYI, Charity Navigator rates that group very highly - I've already heard of scams, but these guys are legit:

Putin is a mass murderer now. He's gone off the deep end. Blood lust. This war will go on until Ukraine is decimated because the Ukrainians won't give up. China are hurting themselves by standing by.
I’ve donated to a few of these organizations. I can’t physically fight for Ukraine but I’ll gladly donate money and pay higher gas prices if it means their freedom. Money is only money. It comes and goes. Freedom, democracy, and human life are irreplaceable.

We can either confront Putin now or later once he invades another… I’d prefer now. I hope Ukraine holds out and that this works as a catalyst for Putin’s downfall.

Putin is a mass murderer now. He's gone off the deep end. Blood lust. This war will go on until Ukraine is decimated because the Ukrainians won't give up. China are hurting themselves by standing by.
It’s been interesting to see his buddies in Europe, notably Orban, turn their backs to him. I hope they drop the SWIFT bomb on him. Europe can either fight now or fight later when things are even worse.
Remember when Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine only to be released if they dug up dirt on Joe Biden and his son? Seems like that was pretty important. Also, remember how Trump promised that in a 2nd term he’d get the United States out of NATO? Gee, I wonder who would’ve benefitted from that? That 2020 election was pivotal in maintaining democracy for the west. Suddenly, tax policy doesn’t seem all that important when you consider what he would’ve done to the post World War II order. Right?

This book is one of the best ones I’ve read on Trump’s presidency. It’s haunting

checking in to see where this board was at.

I will tell you guys that I've personally been checking in with roughly two dozen people I know in Ukraine personally over the last few days. The situation is horrible.

Actual stuff I fielded just today:

The place I froze my eggs was destroyed;

My family has no cell service - can you help me get them walkie talkies so they can talk to each other;

I took my child to Romania to escape war, but I only have enough money to get a hotel for tonight;

My brother is getting drafted but they don't have a flak jacket for him;

I have to pick which cat to take underground because I can't carry them all

I've sent over $2,000 worth of cash and services to people in the country trying to get out in the last 24 hours. It's barely making a dent.

This isn't a political game. This is real people who are getting their whole lives blown up by a monster. Domestic politics is irrelevant at this point. Please open your wallets and your hearts and donate here: https://unitedhelpukraine.org/
Excellent. Thanks for posting. Donating right now.

I’m curious how you think this plays out?

Ukrainians aren’t going to look at Russia in the same way for the next 50+ years, right? That’s completely changed over the past week. It’ll probably change even further the longer this goes and the bloodier it becomes.

It’s going to be hard for Putin to quickly install a puppet regime, right? I’d think the regime would look illegitimate from the get go and face strong resistance. If Zelensky dies, he dies a martyr. If he lives, he’ll be seen as the legitimate leader of the government, not mini Vlad installed by his Russian handlers.

If Russia gets bogged down into urban warfare and/or a bloody occupation trying to maintain a puppet regime while fighting off an insurgency then this will bleed them dry. Not to mention the economic fallout from all of this…

How does Putin extricate himself from the mess he just created?

Did Putin just collapse his house of cards finally? I haven’t seen the west this United behind a cause since 9/11. Haven’t seen NATO this popular in decades either. Putin has helped unite the west and has made NATO relevant again! Nice job! As Trump recently said, “Putin is a genius!”

I don’t believe Russia has been engaged in a bloody unpopular war like this since Afghanistan. If Ukrainian democracy survives and Russia autocracy collapses, this could be a real game changer for this century. I’m probably getting ahead of myself now.

I hope Ukraine survives another dark cold right and that pressure inside of Russia builds to end this conflict. War is hell. Ukrainians deserve better. They’ve been through enough already.
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Are cracks beginning to form? I know they’re a tiny minority in the Duma. But could this be the start of stopping this invasion? One can only hope

Is it too soon to remind Americans about this?

Now who would’ve wanted less assistance to Ukraine? Hmmmm? Any guesses? Hmmmm?

President Trump may have been involved with a change to the Republican Party campaign platform last year that watered down support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine, according to new information from someone who was involved.

Diana Denman, a Republican delegate who supported arming U.S. allies in Ukraine, has told people that Trump aide J.D. Gordon said at the Republican Convention in 2016 that Trump directed him to support weakening that position in the official platform.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Trump weakened support for Ukraine while Manafort fed Russians internal polling data and Russians ratcheted up their disinformation campaign for his benefit. Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

There really needs to be a sustained political price for this. If Americans give the keys back to the car to Republicans in 22 and re-elect trump in 2024, all of these sanctions against Russia and support for NATO and Ukraine will dissolve. Our domestic politics has a direct effect on the international order. Imagine if trump had been re-elected. He’d be helping putin right now by attacking our Allies, refusing to enact sanctions, and kissing Putin’s ***. You think the guy calling Putin a genius the other day would be enacting sanctions or shipping military aid to ukraine?

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How much of this takeover is about arable land? China doesn't have much of it.

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