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Well-Known Member
Any chance to see Fess back in Jazz uniform? I think he didn't have enough opportunities to show his real qualities! I would re-sign him for the minimum!!
Somewhere there was a great stat on how much better the Jazz were defensively. It is surprising that you don't hear teams going for him when there's a lack of big men
good locker-room guy, you can't teach height, he's a big body, his per 48 stats from his top 10 games last year were amazing, he's tall, if he was in the draft this year he would have been a first rounder, ask Carmelo what he thinks of Fesenko....Fesenko?

which of these lines is his agent using these days?
Somewhere there was a great stat on how much better the Jazz were defensively. It is surprising that you don't hear teams going for him when there's a lack of big men
Because most team don't data mine. (Note that Houston--who does data mine--came the closest last year, but decided understandably on Yao Ming, Chuck Hayes, Brad Miller, and (briefly) Hasheem Thabeet.)

And because while big men who can defend (or disrupt) are in short supply, too many teams want offense--or want a player who has the potential to consistently play both. Even Utah might possibly have multiple 4/5s who produce on both ends of the court--if Big Al can learn to help, if Favors can learn to post, and if Kanter builds on his Euroleague experience.
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Because most team don't data mine. (Note that Houston--who does data mine--came the closest last year, but decided understandably on Yao Ming, Chuck Hayes, Brad Miller, and (briefly) Hasheem Thabeet.)

And because while big men who can defend (or disrupt) are in short supply, too many teams want offense--or want a player who has the potential to consistently play both. Even Utah might possibly have multiple 4/5s who produce on both ends of the court--if Big Al can learn to help, if Favors can learn to post, and if Kanter builds on his Euroleague experience.

I actually like posts that have been "edited" as it shows that the writer is thinking things through...
The only scenario I'd want Fes back would be if this was still the Deron-Korver-AK-Boozer-Memo team and we needed to go through the aging Lakers with (Bynum, Gasol or even Howard). I'd say yes because of Fes' superb defensive ability.

In any other situation, the answer is no because you can't depend on the guy. Can't depend on him to be healthy, can't depend on him to be prepared and focused, can't depend on him to make a free throw, and can't depend on him to stay on the floor because of his incredible foul per minute binges.

We've got a bunch of young guys and the future of this franchise is dependant on them learning how to work hard and how to be professionals. We just don't need Fes.
He has absolutely no basketball talent. Simply a big body that gets in the way, and the ability to foul hard.
Somewhere there was a great stat on how much better the Jazz were defensively. It is surprising that you don't hear teams going for him when there's a lack of big men
About as much relevance as the fact the Jazz were 19-14 when McLeod started.
Mark Eaton
Eaton blocked a ton of shots and could play more than a few minutes without getting winded. Eaton was DPOY two times IINM. Comparing Eaton with Fes is like saying Almond could have been as good as Jordan because he was a great scorer.