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Jazz FA rumors

The Jazz are very, very interested in resigning Millsap.

I think they will offer him around 36-40 M. / 4 year while he might demand around 44-48 M. / 4 year.

I only want him back for maximum 30 M. / 4 year and even then I have a hard time seing him as a starter.

link please?
link please?

Jody Genessy: The Jazz and Paul Millsap are expected to have another conversation this week, according to the source. Twitter @DJJazzyJody

Ken Berger: Jazz made no offer to Millsap last night, but there's mutual interest. In the meantime, Millsap will explore interest from other teams. Twitter @KBergCBS

Bill Oram: The #Jazz expressed a "high interest" in re-signing Paul Millsap at Sunday night meeting in SLC, but no offer was made, sources say. Twitter @tribjazz

Bill Oram: Same sources say that interest is mutual. Deal would make sense, however, only if Jazz envision both Kanter and Favors as centers. Twitter @tribjazz

Chris Haynes: Utah Jazz will have a meeting in person tonight with the representatives of their free agent power forward Paul Millsap, I'm being told. Twitter @ChrisBHaynes

I would not have used as many verys but it is obvious the Jazz are interested in Sap.
God no. If they sign milsap our hopes that this org has finally figured it out are shot.

I think they still need a starting caliber big to pair with Favors... you could do worse than $8-9mil per for Millsap IMO.

Even OKC needs a Perkins type vet.
MiLlsap will be distraction on the bench or starting. Let's move on and find another.


They're already saying Millsap's return is contingent on their seeing Favors and Kanter both as centers. In other words, Sap is cool with playing for the Jazz as long as he's the #1 PF on the team. Confirming the biggest concern with bringing him back.

Yeah, crying and whining about rep brings so much to the conversation. Be the change you want to see, bro.

Hello my little cutie. I see two years of absence wasn't long enough to take the stench of (something) off of you.

I hoped you had (something), and am a little disappointed now.
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They're already saying Millsap's return is contingent on their seeing Favors and Kanter both as centers. In other words, Sap is cool with playing for the Jazz as long as he's the #1 PF on the team. Confirming the biggest concern with bringing him back.


I agree. I was OK with Sap coming back under certain conditions. But his desire to be the #1 PF is a deal breaker for me.

Best of luck Sap. Hope you land on a contender.
MiLlsap will be distraction on the bench or starting. Let's move on and find another.

You could do a helluva lot worse than Favors 36mpg, Kanter 36mpg, and Millsap 36 mpg. Hell, Jazz will probably need a fourth big considering Favors' foul rate of 5 per 36 minutes.

Millsap is a stud; only reason not to re-sign him is to tank, and that's kind of selfish nonsense to begin a season with.
The Jazz are very, very interested in resigning Millsap.

I think they will offer him around 36-40 M. / 4 year while he might demand around 44-48 M. / 4 year.

I only want him back for maximum 30 M. / 4 year and even then I have a hard time seing him as a starter.

The Jazz had better not be that stupid. In fact, their actions say otherwise. Millsap isn't getting more than 8-10 million a year. If Utah offered him anything close to that, he would have signed already. The fact that the Jazz told him to shop around tells me their number is closer to 7 a year and not 10.
God no. If they sign milsap our hopes that this org has finally figured it out are shot.

I agree. Just move on, give up the comfortable security blanket and move on. Sap the player is okay, Sap the teamate not so much. Everyone thinks he pouted and tanked last year, and they resign him? When, supposedly they are going to feature the youngsters?

Sure, the Jazz need some vets, but not ones who are going to pout if they do not start. Let him walk.
You could do a helluva lot worse than Favors 36mpg, Kanter 36mpg, and Millsap 36 mpg. Hell, Jazz will probably need a fourth big considering Favors' foul rate of 5 per 36 minutes.

Millsap is a stud; only reason not to re-sign him is to tank, and that's kind of selfish nonsense to begin a season with.

You can't build a strategy around triple overtime games.
This whole ****ing thread needs fixing. Gimme Millsap at the right price all damn day. Dude is a warrior, and all you sissies are being too presumptuous about stuff from last year. Bring him back, and let Kanter earn a starting job; if he does, then Paul won't have a problem -- guaranteed.
