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Video Game Thread

I am playing Portal series these days. Definitely one of the best games ever. So good that I had to find this thread and write it.
Dragon's Crown is friggin' awesome, btw (for PS3 and Vita).


Never mind the 8/10 score in the video. The point is that this game has got to be the best side-scrolling beat-'em-up ever, not that there's really very much competition for that title nowadays. Castle Crashers and the unofficial fan-made Streets of Rage Remake were both really good, but they don't hold a candle to this game. It's old-school co-op fun and I'm already addicted.

Oh, and big jiggling boobs. Because why not?
^^^^^^ I couldn't play that just because the art style bugs me.

Just picked up Bioshock, Infinite. The original Bioshock was my all time favorite game. The second was was pretty bland. I've heard this is the best of the bunch and cannot wait for the sun to go down and start logging some hours with this bad boy! First time I had a Big Daddy charge me was ****ing awesome! Scared the **** out of me.

Next on my play list. I haven't played any games in like 3 months and hoping this pulls me back in because there are a few after that I want to play too, but it seems like if I run into a few games that I don't like consecutively then I automatically go into break from video games mode. And sometimes it lasts years.
Another game I could suggest for hardcore gamers, Mount and Blade series. Especially the Warband and Napoleonic Wars. I spent thousands of hours to Warband in 2010.

It's one of the most unique games ever, it has an enormous online community with hundreds of creative gamemods being produced constantly and it has the most addictive gameplay. Graphics are its weakness but core gamers won't mind it.

The video is from Napoleonic Wars multiplayer gameplay. Every single people in this video are real people playing it real-time. It's awesome.

UPDATE: The last of Us. Play it. Instant classic, personal top 5 all time. didn't even expect to like it since i hate zombie/horror/survival games. mind = blown. Dragons Dogma, no idea what i was getting into, bought it based on AP's review. Loved the hell out of it. As a hardcore RPG fan I will say it was better than Skyrim. Def one of the best console RPG's this gen. Just dove into the Mass effect trilogy on ps3. about 20 hours deep into #1 and loving it. showing it's age, but still a stellar game so far.
UPDATE: The last of Us. Play it. Instant classic, personal top 5 all time. didn't even expect to like it since i hate zombie/horror/survival games. mind = blown. Dragons Dogma, no idea what i was getting into, bought it based on AP's review. Loved the hell out of it. As a hardcore RPG fan I will say it was better than Skyrim. Def one of the best console RPG's this gen. Just dove into the Mass effect trilogy on ps3. about 20 hours deep into #1 and loving it. showing it's age, but still a stellar game so far.

Can I borrow these games?

This post brought to you by UGLI baby
Can I borrow your lamp and cooler and mirror and tortillas?


Pls have a couple sticks of butter also and maybe a hamper.

You will get yor games next time I see you. Havent touched em once.

This post brought to you by UGLI baby
UPDATE: The last of Us. Play it. Instant classic, personal top 5 all time. didn't even expect to like it since i hate zombie/horror/survival games. mind = blown. Dragons Dogma, no idea what i was getting into, bought it based on AP's review. Loved the hell out of it. As a hardcore RPG fan I will say it was better than Skyrim. Def one of the best console RPG's this gen. Just dove into the Mass effect trilogy on ps3. about 20 hours deep into #1 and loving it. showing it's age, but still a stellar game so far.

First, glad you liked Dragon's Dogma. Hopefully you got the re-release with the extra content? Anyway, it definitely had some flaws, like an unwieldy menu system (I get that they wanted item burden for each character, but in the end having four different inventories for four different characters is just annoying) and broken difficulty at high levels (except for the bonus content, nothing is challenging after a certain points), not to mention unbalanced classes (the warrior kinda blows, while the assassin dominates), but none of it was game-breaking, and the positives all far outweighed any negatives. Capcom has said they'll be making a sequel, and if they fix a few of these small issues then that sequel really stands to make some noise. And yeah, I really think it is indeed better than Skyrim, largely because Bethesda's actual gameplay and combat mechanics bore me to tears. There's very little difference in gameplay between Skyrim and Oblivion, and I had played way too much Oblivion already to be interested in playing basically the same game again five years later. I did pick it up at below half price but probably only played about four hours or so before I gave it up as a bad job. I'll take Dragon's Dogma any day, thanks.

As for Mass Effect, yeah, I played through the first one like five times. Loved it to death. I wasn't as crazy about the second one even though the shooting mechanics were better. For one, the RPG elements were less deep, they added limited ammo (I was a fan of the infinite bullets myself), it has no Mako (people were divided on this, but I loved driving around in that thing), and the story suffered from middle installment syndrome -- nothing much actually happened IMO. You pretty much spend the whole game collecting your crew and then there's a final mission and the game is done. As for the third one, I haven't played it, only because I never got around to re-playing the second one, which I want to do because I badly screwed something up the first time around that will carry through to the last game.

Last of Us I've actually stayed away from despite the rave reviews, reason being that I don't like the Uncharted games. They just seemed like cheesy Hollywood action movies in video game form (very linear), and the combat mechanics weren't particularly impressive. I'm fairly certain I would like Last of Us better, but I'm still not interested enough to buy it at full price. Maybe I'll get a black Friday deal on it or something.
I thought you were talking about dragon age when discussing dragons dogma and I was like "wth, I don't remember any of that"

I didn't like either mass effect. I expected a story as great as Knights of the Old Republic and I guess I over hyped myself. Even Jade Empire had a better story I thought and a great plot twist that Mass effect really didn't have.
If anyone wants to try Mount and Blade Warband you can download it from its official page and play until you become level 7.

After that you'll need the serial key. Which I can give(to one person) if anyone wants, because I don't play it anymore.
UPDATE: The last of Us. Play it. Instant classic, personal top 5 all time. didn't even expect to like it since i hate zombie/horror/survival games. mind = blown. Dragons Dogma, no idea what i was getting into, bought it based on AP's review. Loved the hell out of it. As a hardcore RPG fan I will say it was better than Skyrim. Def one of the best console RPG's this gen. Just dove into the Mass effect trilogy on ps3. about 20 hours deep into #1 and loving it. showing it's age, but still a stellar game so far.

PS3 exclusive, lame.

Mass Effect series is alright. I always felt like something was missing when I played the games that kept them back from being great.