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Where is that pit bull thread when I need it?

Sounds like you are not sure if pits are more dangerous than other breeds...... seems retarded that you wouldnt know the answer but all you really need to do is live life and talk to people.

Everyone has had or knows someone who has had problems with a pitbull
I've seen people with pit-bulls and been around them a lot. Never had a problem with them or known the owner's to ever had them bite someone. Of course the owner's were responsible and properly trained them. If an owner's dog gets out and attacks someone or another animal I'm all for pressing charges against the owner and possibly putting the dog down. It is the risk you take when owning any animal. But to just ban a breed of dog because people like trout don't like them is wrong.
To me it's the same argument to me as banning guns. Just because some people misuse them and accident's happen. Does not mean that nobody should be allowed to own them.
Seriously? Have you given this any serious thought past the "Trout is dumb, lol!"? Would you be ok with people owning tigers? Maybe lions? How about gorillas? No, you wouldn't, and there is a reason you can't own an animal like that (outside of insane circumstances). A city has the authority to tax, have a police force, fire, snow removal, etc., so why is it all of a sudden you are bitching about a city's authority to control an animal; one that has a serious violent history? You're happier with the big gov telling people that it doesn't matter if they're worried about the safety of their family, because "insert some idiotic constitutional quote that is completely out of context*. What about your neighbor that has six huge dogs that bark all day, **** all over - to the point that neighbors smell it, and doesn't care about it? I guess it's HIS RIGHT to own six dogs. Hooray 'Murica! Except most cities don't allow people to have six dogs, again, unless there are odd circumstances. Why aren't you bitching about that? Multiple dogs are banned for superficial reasons, and you're fine with that. Even if you don't agree that Pitbulls are dangerous, why are you against letting a city, who votes their own leaders in, decide for themselves?

Why am I bothering with an explanation when I know you have no desire to think this through?
Because I don't think the leaders of a city should be allowed to make laws that restrict rights. Just like cities should not be allowed to make laws that ban guns. For the person that gets attacked they still have rights. Just like if someone gets mugged, robbed or other crimes against them, they have a right to press charges against that person, Or in this case the Dogs owner. And the owner of a dog that attacks people should full well be held accountable for the actions of their dog. I'd even go so far as to say a person who has a history of owning dogs with problems should no longer be allowed to own animals or dogs specifically at all. But the abuse of a few should not mean that the rights of everybody to own them should be taken away.
For the record I don't think your dumb, Just wrong in this instance. I don't know why you specifically hate Pit Bulls but you seem to hate them so bad you don't care why other's don't. Their are tons of pit bulls out there. And comparatively speaking the # of attacks is small.
Sounds like you are not sure if pits are more dangerous than other breeds...... seems retarded that you wouldnt know the answer but all you really need to do is live life and talk to people.

Everyone has had or knows someone who has had problems with a pitbull
ii seriously have not.
and been around all kind of dogs and pitbulls.

i can size a dog and owner up within 10 seconds.
If those pits get out of your property and come across another dog or feel threatened by someone and there would have been a problem.

they never left the property.

only time they left the property was on a leash or in a car.

there where RULES. and they LIVED BY THEM!

only time there was a problem was when my dad was walking one of them around the neighborhood. and cam across someones property with some little crappy dog. and the owner was standing there laughing doing nothing.
while his dog ran towards my dad and the pitbull. my father held the pitbull back with voice commands and the leash.
but this lguys little mut kept trying to harras/bite my dad and the pitbull. all the while his owner was laughing on his property.
my dad let the leash go and called out dogs name and said GO!

1 secnod later the mutt was DEAD!. pittbull just calmed down went to sit wiaintg for leash to get on.

the problem was my dad did not want the pitbull to kill the dog. but he did with one hand. so that caused some trouble.

the dogs never left the property. btw my little brother got bit by a neighbors german Sheppard who left the property while his owner was driving out. his hand got ****ed for live. had some stitches and does not have full ability.
so yeah if you have bad experience with pitbulls or any other dog, its because the irresponsibility of their owners!

got enough real live experience with all kinda dogs. to know that when some dog acts up the owner is a bad owner
So instead of asking if pitbulls should be banned, perhaps we should be asking should those raising the pitbulls be scrutinized first?

Congrats, Onebrow! I just trolled you into expressing my point more simply.

Gosh, if only I knew I was being trolled, and had said so earlier, I would be less embarrassed.

Personally, I don't see owning one particular breed of dog is such a fundamental right that it can't be banned, while also agreeing that if a dog causes havoc/injury, the owner should be charged with a crime. Both dog and owner play into the result.
Rather than go all PKM on Bronc for not bothering to read anything, I'll just bow out. Trying to reason/argue with a fool is just something I'm not up for today.
Sounds like you are not sure if pits are more dangerous than other breeds...... seems retarded that you wouldnt know the answer but all you really need to do is live life and talk to people.

Everyone has had or knows someone who has had problems with a pitbull

I thought I made my point very well. They are dangerous. But so are dozens of other breeds. The most dangerous thing is a negative development, which falls upon the owner. Ban the owner, not the dog.

And I really hate to agree with dutchjazzer on anything, but I've got several friends that own pitbulls. The more "socially and economically mature" owners have had 0 problems. Those that are "socially and economically immature" is another story.
I thought I made my point very well. They are dangerous. But so are dozens of other breeds. The most dangerous thing is a negative development, which falls upon the owner. Ban the owner, not the dog.

I am more in line with this. Place additional consequences on that breed perhaps. Such as fines and community service on the owners of pittbulls involved in non defensive attacks.
I thought I made my point very well. They are dangerous. But so are dozens of other breeds.

Pitbulls are MORE dangerous...... as are a larger group of pit owners
Pitbulls are MORE dangerous...... as are a larger group of pit owners

To go back to the gun relation.
Its legal to own certain guns.

However its illegal to own certain guns as well.

Why? Because certain guns are more dangerous than others.

Same with dogs. Are there lots of dangerous breeds? Yes. Are pitbulls on another level of dangerous compared to others? Yes.

In dutchs story of his brother being bit by a german shepherd it simply bit his hand and ****ed up his hand...... had that german shepherd been a pit instead, then its likely he gets more than a bite on the hand
I was bit by a red healer once on the forearm. Small puncture wound that didnt require stitches.

Thank god it wasnt a pitbull because there is a huge difference in the amount of damage that a healer is likely to dish out vs what a pitbull would be likely to have done to me.

The main reason most people get pitbulls is because they are the best at stopping intruders if someone was to be a threat to your home or family.
Why are they the best at this particular job? Could it be that they have the potential to be more dangerous than all other breeds?
I was bit by a red healer once on the forearm. Small puncture wound that didnt require stitches.

Thank god it wasnt a pitbull because there is a huge difference in the amount of damage that a healer is likely to dish out vs what a pitbull would be likely to have done to me.

The main reason most people get pitbulls is because they are the best at stopping intruders if someone was to be a threat to your home or family.
Why are they the best at this particular job? Could it be that they have the potential to be more dangerous than all other breeds?

Of course they do. It is simply genetics. They were bred to be so.

I see the point that trout makes on let each city decide for themselves. Like many issues I simply see this as one that many people will be unhappy no matter the outcome.

One could argue that if a city bans them it is not saying that you cannot own one. You just cannot own one and have it in town. Keep it beyond the city limits or move away. Both viable options.

I still think increased potential penalties would help to decrease irresponsible owners.
To go back to the gun relation.
Its legal to own certain guns.

However its illegal to own certain guns as well.

Why? Because certain guns are more dangerous than others.

Same with dogs. Are there lots of dangerous breeds? Yes. Are pitbulls on another level of dangerous compared to others? Yes.

In dutchs story of his brother being bit by a german shepherd it simply bit his hand and ****ed up his hand...... had that german shepherd been a pit instead, then its likely he gets more than a bite on the hand

Ok, lets go back to the gun thing. Certain types of guns are illegal because they're more dangerous. I get that.

But those guns still exist. They're still being made, and you can get a lot of them if you get special licensing. Why not the same here?