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Jazz vs Clippers: Round 2

Hayward shooting above 50% from the field and 3pt line, as well as 90% from the FT line through 5 games.

22/6/4/6 tonight. Only negative was 5 TO's.

Haterz gonna hate, but I was never worried about his shooting not returning to his historic 45%/38% range.
How great has our transition defense been so far?
Tonight we turned the ball over 20 times and only allowed 6 fast break points. That is pretty impressive, especially against a team with the talent to run like the clippers.
preseason games have been too good to be true. i'm gonna be cautiously optimistic. we are not as good as think we are. and we aren't as bad as what 'critics' say. we are somewhere in between.

but i'm loving what i'm seeing. we are moving the ball. we are making quicker decisions. it doesn't look anything like corbin's amateur offence. i really wish kanter can hit those open 17 fters. would love to se more nastiness from favors. would love to see trey doing what he did tonight.
Strange stat: it appears FT% is the worst indicator of a team's success.
Jazz finally are respectable at 81% and lose; Clippers shot 59% and won. Go figure!
preseason games have been too good to be true. i'm gonna be cautiously optimistic. we are not as good as think we are. and we aren't as bad as what 'critics' say. we are somewhere in between.

but i'm loving what i'm seeing. we are moving the ball. we are making quicker decisions. it doesn't look anything like corbin's amateur offence. i really wish kanter can hit those open 17 fters. would love to se more nastiness from favors. would love to see trey doing what he did tonight.

I agree. I will say that what we saw tonight was "real." The Clippers did not turn in a typical preseason performance. The last quarter and a half they really fought for the win.
Lol this is why players don't want to come off the bench because fans like you have this mindset that coming off the bench means you aren't good enough to be a starter.
Manu Ginobili...scrub?

Many teams have a token starter at one position who plays short minutes, usually a strong defender who won't take a lot of scoring opportunities away from the other 4 starters. I think Alec has earned a chance to start. And making him a 6th man would not sit well in a contract year. But the other possibility is sitting Kanter and starting Booker. Enes can be a scorer off the bench where his defensive liabilities will not be as pronounced.

I really think the player the Jazz don't really need is Novak. WE have four bigs already who need PT. And Hood has established himself as a shooter at SF. I know Utah will keep him, but DL should look for a trade at the deadline.
I know people will be disappointed that we lost, but I actually think this was the best game we have played all preseason. We are going to surprise some people this year. Are we this years "Phoenix Suns"?

****, that was better than any game last season.

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Did you guys notice CDR has a "Faygo" tattoo on his shoulder?

Dudes a juggalo.

Woop woop!
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My thoughts and experience from the game:

-Burke was awesome during the second half. Especially after Baby Griffin got in a fight with Mike Harris 2.0

-Steve Novak must be pretty cool because everyone was coming up to him and talking with him/shaking hands (Jazz players, guys working behind the scorers table, Clippers players, etc.)

-Gobert boxes out and wants the rebound every time. He played better than his stats showed.

-Kanter sucked. He had one nice block and his corner three was cool despite it not going in but aside from that I felt bad for the guy. He's physically imposing and should be dunking it and getting lay-ups.

-Exum is going to be a star. He played better in the first half and his double-team dribble to the hole for the hoop and foul was amazing.

-Rodney Hood didn't do much but he somehow fouled out.

-Favors is awesome. He's an intelligent player. He lurks around until he sees an opening or a mismatch and makes his move.

-Hayward is awesome. He had a bunch of steals in the lane and disrupted pretty well. There were times where it looked so easy for him.

-Amazed Clark played more than 30 minutes. Would have loved to see Burks be healthy and play.

-Jones sucks and we need to cut him.

-Wanted to see Cooley, Motum, Murry & Felix play. As mentioned, either Cooley or Motum was nailing 3's from the corner during the shoot-around after halftime.

-Is Evans hurt or does Snyder hate him?

-The guy who was yelling during Jazz free-throws finally returned but he switched seats with his friend and never yelled during another free-throw (smart of him).

-Clippers fans are attention wh0res and they take pictures of the jumbotron when they see themselves on it.

-Also, most Clippers fans know nothing about basketball.

-CDR is cool. I like his game and he looks like a cartoon character.

-Crawford killed us tonight. I would see him over from behind the ARC and want to scream. Nobody could stop him. He even schooled Exum numerous times despite what some people on here think.

-Snyder is a hands-on coach. He's active. I wish I knew what he was saying to players when he pulls them aside.
Hayward played great defense on him. He didn't score on the ball when Hayward guarded him for the last few minutes. His clutch 3's came off a busted play and a CP3/Blake PNR sucking our defense in.

Hayward was guarding Crawford on his last 3 - he mistkenly started to rotate to Hawes late and got caught guarding no one. Still a great game by Gordon.
Great game by everyone. But--long term--it was the flashes out of Exum that are really exciting. Watching him in the first half it was just like... yeah, this kid's got it. I don't know how long it's gong to take, but he's going to be a star.
Dante's shot looks so much better. He gets his feet set and squares up a lot better.





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Just stumbled on Clippers pregame pressconference. Doc Rivers saying some pretty nice things about our system and players and more notably he was asked about Exum and he said "I like him a lot! We were just talking about him. I think he's going to be really good. He played great yesterday[vs the Lakers]. I just think he's so darn long. How old is he BTW? 19? Jesus! He may grow 2 more inches. He's a better shooter already than I thought he was so with his ability to handle the ball, he could be a gigantic point[guard]. He's going to be great! I think. "

Here's the whole press-conference video. The bit about Exum starts at about 10:00

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My thoughts on the Game

-Burke is awesome. He's back to the guy I fell in love with at Michigan
-Hayward played an awesome game. He just let the game come to him and didn't try to do to much. 22 points on 7 shots!
-Kanter didn't do too well. He was missing his shots. Hopefully they start falling the more he gets to take them
-Favors. Played very well. He's not a superstar, but is very solid. Hard to believe he's only 23. Hopefully he continues to improve. (BTW, should have been some kind of violation on his last free throw with the LA guy flailing his arms around like that)
-Clark and Jones- Neither one impressed me, actually I thought they both sucked to put it bluntly. Hopefully their playing time was Quinn giving them enough rope to hang themselves with
-Rudy was solid. He looks like he belongs out there, and isn't making many mistakes. He may overtake Kanter for PT this season.
-Exum. Very impressed with what he is able to do already. He can get to the rim, and will improve at finishing. His shot is falling, and he has great vision. Wish he would have finished the game instead of Clark. His defense is already average to above average for a perimeter player.
-Too bad he had so much foul trouble. Would have liked to see him more.
-Booker. I hope he picks up that 3 point shot. I loved him not backing down against Griffin

BTW. I hate the Clippers. Griffin is a little girl, and I can't stand Jordan. Then their bench is Farmar, Crawford and Barnes, that pretty much speaks for itself.
Dante's shot looks so much better. He gets his feet set and squares up a lot better.


Wish I could see Booker and Griffin go at it in a back Alley. Griffin acts so tough on the court (when he's not busy whining like a little girl). Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't want to meat up with him in a back alley. He's got 10 inches and 60 lbs on me, but I think Booker would tear him apart.
Wish I could see Booker and Griffin go at it in a back Alley. Griffin acts so tough on the court (when he's not busy whining like a little girl). Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't want to meat up with him in a back alley. He's got 10 inches and 60 lbs on me, but I think Booker would tear him apart.

Basketball players cant fight they both would get winded before actually landing a punch.