Recent content by aussietinask

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    Following potential 2014 draftees

    probably been talked about a million times already, but what happens if jazz draft embiid? Kanter or favors gone? not sure if this belongs here or in a separate thread
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    Core 5 analysis of the Indiana game

    That doesn't make much sense to me. The point of ice (assuming Alec did ice) is that you can contain a pick and roll without a 3rd defender, in which case there shouldn't have been any reason for Derrick to come help and possibly lose his man, meaning it wasn't a 'help one pass away' from Alec...
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    Game #24 Jazz at Kings, Wednesday Dec 11 at 8pm Mtn.

    wow that spin by kanter was pretty. damn.
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    We need a game thread -- Pacers at Jazz, 20131204, 7pm MT

    theres this one play i remember where after some screens david west got the ball around the elbow with kanter lagging slight behind in the paint because of the screens... and then kanter never moved. just stood at the top of the restricted area with his arm up. i swear i could hear david west...
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    I miss this guy....

    My first reaction was stern haha
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    For me, its the willingness to take those 3 pointers thats important in hindsight. I would be pissed if he went 0-4 from downtown, but him willing to shoot 3s is just good for spacing and will help his slashing game. The phoenix game basically had him going hard at the rim 100% of the time, and...
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    Burke averaging a turnover every 20 minutes.

    All the people calling bust in summer league tsk tsk I've been really really impressed by Burke's handles. His handling going into his midrange is CP3-esque, although he doesn't have the craftiness that CP3 uses to get into lane so he's more limited in that respect. Almost always under control...
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    Same fans not rooting for the TANK

    Marvin has some good trade value now. 46% from field, 41% from deep, and expiring. Woud like to see him traded around the deadline, but I've enjoyed watching him of late. Hope he stays for most of the season.
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    12/2/13 Houston Rockets @ Utah Jazz 7 pm local

    idk man, im living in houston now, and some of them are decent.
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    Jeremy Evans should teach gordon hayward how to shoot.

    He always had a nice 15 foot jumpshot. I would always doubt when it left his hands, but it would mostly go in. Somebody (Locke?) said that he'll be a very solid NBA rotation player if he can keep extending that range.
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    Game Thread: Suns @ Jazz 7PM MT Friday

    nothing in the game was easy to watch. I've always wondered why PnR is so easy for any team besides the Jazz
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    Game Thread: Suns @ Jazz 7PM MT Friday That's the play I was talking about.
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    Game Thread: Suns @ Jazz 7PM MT Friday

    I think he had a good game, but its not the sort of game that will help the team grow. He's not the player the Jazz needs right now. All he does is play iso, attack the rim hard (most of the time pretty out of control), then hope someone gets the offensive rebound (more often than one might...
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    Game Thread: Suns @ Jazz 7PM MT Friday

    The thing that pisses me off about the Jazz defense is that they don't show any heart whatsoever, even at the start of the game. When someone is completely open for a 3, nobody even considers trying to leg it towards them. It might not be useful at all, but it shows effort. Most of the 3s...
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    Game Thread: Suns @ Jazz 7PM MT Friday

    attacking the rim 100% is not necessarily a great thing. it means that defenders can leave him so open on the perimeter that our already cramped offense just gets worse. They know he won't shoot.