Recent content by Farside

  1. F

    Stupid Pet Peeves

    People who are turning left at a green light and don't pull into the intersection. The light changes to yellow and they have time to turn but nobody behind them does.
  2. F

    Congrats to the Jazz and the fanz.

    Nope, I don't have any alts. Just didn't have anything to say.
  3. F

    Congrats to the Jazz and the fanz.

    I've been around.
  4. F

    Congrats to the Jazz and the fanz.

    Impressive season and an impressive series. Hope the team can keep the core together. Good luck in the next round!
  5. F

    Amazon Selling "How-to" Guide for Pedophiles

    I don't believe you. You're just trolling.
  6. F

    Amazon Selling "How-to" Guide for Pedophiles

    Trout, would you sell this book?
  7. F

    Jason Sucks (So do you!)

    By the way Jason, thanks for removing the announcement saying that we should avoid insulting anybody based on sexual orientation. I feel much more comfortable here now that you've eliminated that policy.
  8. F

    Jason Sucks (So do you!)

    An Award for Excellence? Special Jazzfanz status?
  9. F

    Jason Sucks (So do you!)

    So feeling like such a nerd for failing to make any new friends, I decided to do what all nerds do and find a good game of Dungeons and Dragons. I did a little research and found a dungeon in my area. I called and was invited over. Let me give you a little warning. Never play D & D if...
  10. F

    Jason Sucks (So do you!)

    After a one-year ban for posting “obscene” photos on the board, I’m back. Thank you. Thank you. I see everyone is pretty excited about this except GayVeganCommunist. He looks kinda bummed. All I can say to the uptight prude that banned me, to the freak that runs this site, all I...
  11. F

    I guess I'm back. Now that Steve Nash is retiring, I have absolutely no reason to root for the Suns. They can't keep Amare. A few years ago they couldn't keep Joe Johnson. Sarver...