Recent content by krebstaz

  1. krebstaz

    Game 6 Chant? Need Help

    Warriors come out to play
  2. krebstaz

    How many times do you wipe?

    I've had an ongoing debated with my friend and I'll ask the question here. Do you stand or sit when you wipe?
  3. krebstaz

    Al Jefferson Finally Gets Mo Williams In Bed

    What does the red bars mean?
  4. krebstaz

    Al Jefferson Finally Gets Mo Williams In Bed

    If Al is going to drop $23,000 to get Mo in bed, he could have at least bought a decent camera.
  5. krebstaz

    How many points Hayward will average this season?

    The sky is the limit for Hayward. He did an excellent job of not running plays correctly to piss off D-WILL. That ultimately led to a D-WILL Sloan feud causing Sloan to retire which gave free reign to Hayward to go off for one game against the Lakers. All obstacles have been removed and it's...
  6. krebstaz

    Is Hayward God?

    If Hayward is GOD he's the GOD of overrated
  7. krebstaz

    Nov 7th SLCC Exibition game feature several Jazz players

    I gained a new respect for Chauncey Billups. Here is a guy that could be the biggest jerk. He accomplished more than anyone on the court with rings, finals MVP, and all-star appearances but he is playing in a charity game. During timeouts and halftime he was talking to Jimmer a lot and it looked...
  8. krebstaz

    Off-Season To-Do List

    We don't want to draft a pg. Pg don't win you championships. We need a dominant 2 and an allstar C. I hope favors can grow and inch and add muscle. How to get the dominant 2? Beats the hell out of me
  9. krebstaz

    Insight into the Jerry Sloan fiasco

    This is so awesome! When does chapter 2 come out?
  10. krebstaz

    I really don't miss Deron that much...

    I miss the Deron before the Brewer trade. He wasn't the same after that.
  11. krebstaz

    The Tao of Ronnie Price:

    Just remember it could be worse. We could still have brevin the dark knight
  12. krebstaz

    Something about Devin Harris

    How was the health of Harris when he was with the nets? Was he injury prone?
  13. krebstaz

    Who's the new floor leader?

    It was clear Dwill was the floor leader but now he is gone. Who is going to step up and be the new captian. Who are the players going to look to on the floor? Who is going to lead by example? I would have to say it's time for millsap to step into this role, but with the way big al has been...
  14. krebstaz

    All star weekend: Who will recruit D-Will

    Um wow gotta give you credit! That was original
  15. krebstaz

    All star weekend: Who will recruit D-Will

    I really hope that's the case. But everyone loves to be recruited and it's slot easier being recruited than being the one who recruits. I hope Dwill stays here his whole career but I started to question if he wanted that after his comments after the brewer trade. Another question, who do you...