Recent content by rcb1820

  1. R

    Lyles shows what he's going to be able to do next year....

    Play Lyles at the 3 I was a one-man Twitter campaign last night, pleading for Coach Q to play Lyles some at the 3. He's shown he can defend the 3 (no slower than Slo Mo)and he actually hit the 3 with startling regularity (unlike Johnson). If you give Lyles their 12 combined minutes, he suddenly...
  2. R

    Where's Harpring?

    My problem with Harping and Boler is they frequently forget there's a game going on, rambling on about Georgia Tech versus Kansas and often neglecting to notice a critical substitution. Stuff like, "Oh, hey, so-and-so just checked in (actually it was five minutes earlier). Why have a former...
  3. R

    Point Guard Situation

    Jazz are going to find some way to get Jordan Clarkson after seeing him in action. We might have to give up one of our core group, but Clarkson is a player who won't be happy either playing the 2 with Russell or coming off the bench.
  4. R

    Deseret News - Bryce Cotton a summer standout for Utah Jazz

    We have to start re-thinking how we view and discuss "100% Cotton." If he were our 12th pick in the draft instead of "former undrafted D-Leaguer," we'd be ecstatic over his Summer League performances. Instead, we still have polls about whether he or Cooley should make the team when Cooley...
  5. R

    Mt. Rushmore of the Jazz

    Very perceptive Great response. But we definitely would have to expand the Mount Rushmore tableau to include Dantley. I'm grateful I had the chance to watch him play in the Salt Palace. Age does have a few benefits.
  6. R

    Terrible pick?

    Actually, Lyles was the perfect fit with Rudy and Derek. When Rudy sits, Derek slides to the 5 and becomes the modern NBA 5 -- a bigger, stronger Greene. Lyles comes in at the stretch 4 and gives us a whole new dimension.
  7. R

    Hood is more important than you think

    Happy you believe we ought to draft Frank. I watched the video of him one-on-one against Okafur, and he more than held his own against the projected 2-3 pick in this draft, offensively and defensively. He has much better lateral quickness than I was led to believe by the Frank haters. People...
  8. R

    D-Will karma

    I really like Deron, and it made me feel a little sad to watch him struggle against us. He and another forced emigre Boozer brought a lot of excitement and excellent play to the Jazz during the post-Stockton/Malone era. He has always spoken well of his time in Utah, and there's no reason to diss...
  9. R

    1/7/15: Official Game Thread--Utah Jazz @ Chicago Bulls 6PM MT--ROOT, NBALP

    There are 96 minutes to divvy up between the 4 and 5 spots: Gobert, Favors and Kanter each gets 30 and Booker gets 6. that way our bigs don't get worn out during the regular season. On occasion, move Booker to the 3 to make sure he gets 20 minutes. Of course, it all depends on Kanter being...
  10. R

    Jazz game tonight yada yada yada EXUM to Start!!

    Excellent post. Everyone seems to have annointed Exum as our PG of the future even though he doesn't seem to have a competitive bone in his body. That's reflected in the zero rebounds. Zero assists is more worrisome -- despite great size, speed and athleticism, Exum really doesn't know how to...
  11. R

    I am starting to hate trey Burke.

    Way to early to consign him to the D.J. Augustin professional junk heap. I have to admit I often find myself screaming at the TV when Trey can't finish; he misses the easiest shots to go along with the occasional ill-advised long-range launch. Having said that, I'm seeing glimpses of progress...
  12. R

    Players the Jazz need to go after that we can realistically "acquire"

    With the emergence of Rudy, Enes becomes expendable and trade bait. I'd like to see the Jazz trade him in a package for the Celtics' Jeff Green, a great stretch 4 who could be paired with Rudy and provide badly needed scoring. Likewise, I've become disenchanted with Burke and his inability to...
  13. R

    David Locke and his Strange Love Calls

    Strangely colorful I would characterize Locke's calls as "strangely colorful." His calls make the game fun and enjoyable, as opposed to the bland, overly scripted, redundant banter from the TV guys. There are times when Harping and Boler are barfing something about Georgia Tech when I want to...
  14. R

    At the very least....

    Exciting to realize it took Paul's triple-double and Blake's 31 to finally overcome us. This feels like the early Stockton-Malone-Bailey-Eaton years when the Jazz began their ascent.
  15. R

    Rebuild over?

    Yes, trade Kanter I like your idea of trading Kanter for Randle, especially since the latter is out for the season with a broken leg. They're desperate for a true center and might take Kanter and a 2015 #1. I'm intrigued with using Gobert the way Dallas uses Chandler, who also has a limited...