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On the record...


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Here is the off-season rant/boast thread. Go on the record here for anything that floats your boat. Want to tout a specific player? Go for it. Make a prediction about win-loss or playoffs? Have at it? Rant about the ****** officiating in the NBA today? Get after it!

For me I want to go on the record to say that I hate that we traded Gobert. Yeah I know for the long run it is best for the team, but he was a supreme competitor and a generational talent and I loved having him on our team. He was one of the more entertaining players we have ever had and we haven't had anyone with his loyalty in a long long time. Sad to see him go and I hope he gets a ring and a couple more DPOY since he should have 2 more right now. Got robbed. ****ing voter fatigue ********.

Ok, next?
Here is the off-season rant/boast thread. Go on the record here for anything that floats your boat. Want to tout a specific player? Go for it. Make a prediction about win-loss or playoffs? Have at it? Rant about the ****** officiating in the NBA today? Get after it!

For me I want to go on the record to say that I hate that we traded Gobert. Yeah I know for the long run it is best for the team, but he was a supreme competitor and a generational talent and I loved having him on our team. He was one of the more entertaining players we have ever had and we haven't had anyone with his loyalty in a long long time. Sad to see him go and I hope he gets a ring and a couple more DPOY since he should have 2 more right now. Got robbed. ****ing voter fatigue ********.

Ok, next?
I hate that Jazzfanz are rooting for Gobert to win a title. That’s just one more year the jazz aren’t winning. Anyone rooting for Gobert to win is an idiot, and I was the biggest Gobert homer here. I moved on when the jazz did.
I hate that Jazzfanz are rooting for Gobert to win a title. That’s just one more year the jazz aren’t winning. Anyone rooting for Gobert to win is an idiot, and I was the biggest Gobert homer here. I moved on when the jazz did.
Hey we aren't winning it in the next 3-5 years. They can win one or two in that time frame, give us something to cheer for, then we can take over and it can be our turn for a dynasty from these 1,349 draft picks we are going to get.
I hate that Jazzfanz are rooting for Gobert to win a title. That’s just one more year the jazz aren’t winning. Anyone rooting for Gobert to win is an idiot, and I was the biggest Gobert homer here. I moved on when the jazz did.
They can struggle with injuries and **** and be a playin team, win the playin and then the whole thing.
Hey we aren't winning it in the next 3-5 years. They can win one or two in that time frame, give us something to cheer for, then we can take over and it can be our turn for a dynasty from these 1,349 draft picks we are going to get.
Just not wired that way. If I see Gobert win with the Wolves, All I’ll think is wtf couldn’t Gobert win with Utah. That would just infuriate me more than anything. That is the last thing I want to see happen. I don’t care how good we are in the next few years good or bad. It will still be gut wrenching to me.
I want to see the jazz keep and develop Vando. He’s got some interesting skill sets, and basketball feel is definitely one of them. Good passer and some handling chops. He’s got potential as a super role player with some dog. I like Kessler as well. I think he can be a defender right away giving him time to develop his jump shot, as of now it’s not there but has potential. I don’t believe Horford had a jump shot right out of the gate.

Put these two in the starting lineup, keep Mitchell. Trade all other vets, and grab some draft assets and build. We have under 3 years to convince Mitchell to stay and re-sign in Utah.
For me I want to go on the record to say that I hate that we traded Gobert. Yeah I know for the long run it is best for the team, but he was a supreme competitor and a generational talent and I loved having him on our team. He was one of the more entertaining players we have ever had and we haven't had anyone with his loyalty in a long long time. Sad to see him go and I hope he gets a ring and a couple more DPOY since he should have 2 more right now. Got robbed. ****ing voter fatigue ********.

Ok, next?
That covered it for me. I'll still enjoy Jazz basketball next year.
Just not wired that way. If I see Gobert win with the Wolves, All I’ll think is wtf couldn’t Gobert win with Utah. That would just infuriate me more than anything. That is the last thing I want to see happen. I don’t care how good we are in the next few years good or bad. It will still be gut wrenching to me.
You don't have to be a little man, too.
I'm probably just going to obsess about the draft again this year.

There's no one on the current roster that I'm all that excited about, and I'm assuming the Jazz will trade Donovan mid-season. Maybe I'll argue that NAW could be a successful role player.
I want to see the jazz keep and develop Vando. He’s got some interesting skill sets, and basketball feel is definitely one of them. Good passer and some handling chops. He’s got potential as a super role player with some dog. I like Kessler as well. I think he can be a defender right away giving him time to develop his jump shot, as of now it’s not there but has potential. I don’t believe Horford had a jump shot right out of the gate.

Put these two in the starting lineup, keep Mitchell. Trade all other vets, and grab some draft assets and build. We have under 3 years to convince Mitchell to stay and re-sign in Utah.
Vanderbilt is the kind of player who would develop much better in a winning situation vs a tanking team. Not really that interested in watching him on a bad team.
Vanderbilt is the kind of player who would develop much better in a winning situation vs a tanking team. Not really that interested in watching him on a bad team.
He will either tank his value in that context or help the team win on the margins. And the Jazz won't have his free agency rights at the end of his contract either. And he just signed with Klutch.

He's gone. Best of luck to him.
I hope he wins one in 2024 and comes back to win three with us.
That'd be tight. I just don't see Utah being very competitive in the next 4 years so I don't think Gobert having success will cost the Jazz much.

I also don't see the Wolves going back to being bad anytime soon. I hope we trade the later Minny picks at some point because I don't think they will match the hype and will only devalue as time goes on.
Mine are similar and I’ve meant to make a more meaningful post on it. I’m not as optimistic on the potential return on Gobert when all is said and done. I don’t believe many people acknowledge the realistic possibility that it could equate to a mess of pottage. I also don’t know that people realize how good the Wolves can be, even legitimate contenders. We had Gobert surrounded by Mitchell, Conley and Bogdanovic, then pretended Royce was a valuable defensive piece. The Wolves surround Gobert with KAT, Edwards, DLo and McDaniels. That’s a much more talented cast, any way you slice it. I know we’re prone to poopoo it and “lol it’s teh wolvs,” but if we had that kind of talent around Gobert, we would have circle jerked ourselves into expecting a title this year.

Over the past few years I’ve consistently harped on specific problems that we had that were addressable:

1. Quin’s overemphasis on filtering to Rudy that had the unfortunate side effect of conditioning guys to not play defense at all.

2. Mentality. There was a huge mental hurdle that compounded with every historical collapse.

3. Rebounding in the clutch. We never really played a true power forward unless you count Favors, and that’s when our defense was better, but he still didn’t close and it was always a problem that Rudy ended up guarding the shooter and nobody could rebound, so we’d get smoked on giving up offensive rebounds.

4. We’ve justified obvious misses of easy Gobert targets by pointing to his offensive inefficiencies. Being able to hit Gobert with a lob is something that made people believe Exum could survive in this league.

If we would have addressed any of the above by even 25%, we’d be in a totally different situation. But how do the Wolves differ on this?

1. The entire team hasn’t been conditioned to not play defense for the past number of years. You take guys giving an average effort and then add Gobert and you’ll get some pretty great results.

2. Minnesota doesn’t have the mental baggage of collapsing in big moments in historic fashion. There’s very little pressure here. They’ll likely be underdogs and hungry.

3. Instead of having Bogdanovic or Royce next to him in the front court to grab defensive boards, he’s got ****ing KAT. He averages more rebounds per minute than Royce and Bojan combined, to say nothing if Edwards and McDaniels’ better rebounding abilities than the rest of our cast. Yes, I get that this will redistribute a bit, but this is worlds better with no hyperbole.

4. Russell will look significantly better as a point guard with Gobert. He averages 8 assists per 36 minutes. And KAT gives some massive spacing on n the perimeter while combining Gobert’s massive gravity at the rim.

The picks we get from the Wolves may well all be in the 20s. The pick swap may be irrelevant. People are talking about the Wolves giving up way too much. This is actually a nice bold move from Minnesota and this deal can legitimately put them on the map. This is the reason you cash in on potential (i.e. picks) because the hypothetical value is always higher than the actual value. An example is Donovan’s rookie year. Nobody wanted to give up the pick because we kept thinking it was Doncic. I kept telling everyone the pick won’t be that good. But, hey, it could’ve been Doncic, like Almost Ainge! We needed to parlay that hypothetical value into real value. Instead, we got… Grayson Allen. Then the cap space issue. We “kept the powder dry” to not act too prematurely. So we waited. I know many have perhaps memory-holed this, but for a couple years we were thinking of guys like Kawhi and Klay being who we could dump our money on. As time went on, we eventually hit a wall where we were going to lose cap space and our return was... Mike Conley. Now you can certainly say it was a reasonable deal at the time and the best available, but there's absolutely nobody who, had you told them a year or two before hand, that all that "dry powder" was to land Conley, that they would have been excited. The "potential" of what something can be is almost always much higher than the reality of what it becomes.

On the flip side, there's a consistent appeal to Ainge rebuilding Boston by getting the return he did on Paul Piece and Kevin Garnett. Kevin Garnett was 37 years old with a lot of NBA miles on him. Paul Pierce was 36 years old. Boston didn't have a supporting cast. The fact that Ainge was able to parlay that into what he did is the exception and not the rule. Had Boston not flipped something later this past season, it's also a totally different narrative on what Ainge did while he was there. Donovan Mitchell is 25 years old. Rudy Gobert is 30 years old. Both of these guys are under contract for three more years and both have a player option for the fourth. Kevin Garnett had two years left on his deal. Paul Pierce had one year left on his. These situations aren't even remotely close, and the amount of value Ainge sent out for what he got back isn't even remotely close to the kind of value ratio we're getting now. We're doing all of this for perhaps a slim chance that we get back to maybe being as close as we are now, with perhaps a theoretically higher ceiling. All yet to be determined. We could do well and make it out better off, but I think a lot of people are discounting how realistic of a possibility it is that this offseason may end up being a gigantic **** up because Ainge is going all-in on what worked for him once, much the same way that DL wanted to go all-in on Udoka because he felt getting Rudy and Donovan gave him that forecasting greatness.
Hey we aren't winning it in the next 3-5 years. They can win one or two in that time frame, give us something to cheer for, then we can take over and it can be our turn for a dynasty from these 1,349 draft picks we are going to get.

We own their first round pick next year I hope they ****ing suck.
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Minnesota also isn’t going to be nearly as good as most think on here. Nobody besides Jazz fans think they’re going to be anything more than maybe a second round exit as their ceiling.

If we traded a lot of our depth for KAT like Minnesota did for Gobert I don’t think many of us would think that move pushed us into being title contenders.
They won't.

They definitely aren’t winning a championship or coming close to it. This is the wrong time to go all-in for Gobert when the West is ****ing stacked and you have three max players on different time lines. Just some absolute terrible planning and moves.