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Donald is about to go through some things...

He’s based his entire identity on Trump.
LOL. I'm a Southern Californian who owns more wetsuits than business suits, am a registered Libertarian, stated many times that it wouldn't bother me if Trump were prosecuted in a criminal court, and have been pushing for DeSantis to beat out Trump for the nomination.

The Thriller sees me in the image of Trump because he sees everyone he disagrees with as in the image Trump. The crazier part is The Thriller thinks there is only one person on this board he disagrees with and that one person uses a bunch of different sockpuppet accounts to make it look like there are a lot of people he disagrees with. The Thriller thinks there is no Babe, or Bucknut, or me, or half a dozen others who have posted here over the years. The Thriller thinks we are all fake accounts for a single Trump-obsessed Jazz fan who likely long ago left this board.
Annnndddd history repeats itself.

Remember when Trump threatened Comey to stop investigating Flynn?

Or when he threatened Zelensky to investigate Biden?

Or when he threatened the Sec of State in GA to find missing votes?

Or when he threatened Pence to reject the certification of electors on Jan 6?

He did it again. This time to Garland

View: https://twitter.com/tomjchicago/status/1558504807895285761?s=21&t=YEZjhMMu7DSRz4xS0PC10A

We basically put a Tony Soprano type of guy in the White House. He may not be the head of a 6th New York crime family, but he’s 100% Mafioso in temperament, and in how he sees the world. Russia is as much a Mafia state as a nation state. And I do believe Trump envied Putin that fact, and wants so badly to wield the same level of power. The guy’s a mobster, and he didn’t really hide that fact. It’s a look that’s been there all along. I’d like to think we can do better, but when the people get a guy who’s good at channeling their hatred and anger, things spin out of control…

View: https://twitter.com/Folon15/status/1558535167370838018
I would classify my political designation as culturally left, fiscally right. Our government spends like there's no tomorrow with zero accountability and unchecked at any angle - money and dollars are simply made up and exist only in data and figments of our imagination. We also don't spend our "budget' on the right things. If we as as Americans need to budget, why doesn't the government?

I'm not 'woke' by any means, but whom you want to marry, how you identify and any pronouns you associate with yourself matter zero to me. I honestly don't give a **** - it doesn't affect me in the least so you do you. I don't bind my beliefs to ancient texts written centuries ago by scholars as a way to live my life - if you'd like to do so, be my guest, but don't associate your beliefs as ones I should have to follow. I feel good about where my moral compass is simply from what feels right and what feels wrong.

Where on the political spectrum you put that, I don't know as I'm not registered to any political party and have voted for both D's and R's in recent years as I vote on the person, not the letter by the name. As a populace, we'd be in a much better place if we didn't herd everyone to labels that simply don't apply.
LOL. Imagine typing this with a straight face. Biden isn’t far left nor is this Congress that is evenly split. Yhis board is far from being left wing. You desperately need better sources of information.

Out of curiosity, what are you watching and reading? Fox? Newsmax? Gateway pundit? Breitbart? The Daily Stormer

Nah. I just don’t suck the *** of the democrat elite or republican crazies. I don’t follow any of those “news” agencies you quote. I had a lengthy response but then I remembered I’m trying to have a discussion with thriller….. lost cause
Annnndddd history repeats itself.

Remember when Trump threatened Comey to stop investigating Flynn?

Or when he threatened Zelensky to investigate Biden?

Or when he threatened the Sec of State in GA to find missing votes?

Or when he threatened Pence to reject the certification of electors on Jan 6?

He did it again. This time to Garland

View: https://twitter.com/tomjchicago/status/1558504807895285761?s=21&t=YEZjhMMu7DSRz4xS0PC10A

The answer to his question of what he can do to reduce the heat? The exact opposite of whatever the **** he has been doing for the last 6 years.
I would classify my political designation as culturally left, fiscally right. Our government spends like there's no tomorrow with zero accountability and unchecked at any angle - money and dollars are simply made up and exist only in data and figments of our imagination. We also don't spend our "budget' on the right things. If we as as Americans need to budget, why doesn't the government?

I'm not 'woke' by any means, but whom you want to marry, how you identify and any pronouns you associate with yourself matter zero to me. I honestly don't give a **** - it doesn't affect me in the least so you do you. I don't bind my beliefs to ancient texts written centuries ago by scholars as a way to live my life - if you'd like to do so, be my guest, but don't associate your beliefs as ones I should have to follow. I feel good about where my moral compass is simply from what feels right and what feels wrong.

Where on the political spectrum you put that, I don't know as I'm not registered to any political party and have voted for both D's and R's in recent years as I vote on the person, not the letter by the name. As a populace, we'd be in a much better place if we didn't herd everyone to labels that simply don't apply.
This is me as well. I am also currently registered unaffiliated. Voted for democrats and republicans last time around. Never even voted for anyone before trump ran for office.
Nah. I just don’t suck the *** of the democrat elite or republican crazies. I don’t follow any of those “news” agencies you quote. I had a lengthy response but then I remembered I’m trying to have a discussion with thriller….. lost cause
you literally repeated lies that had been refuted by mainstream media sources and the National Archives and you have nerve to accuse me of sucking on a certain politician or political party? Why did you repeat that bad information? And why are you reacting so defensively to being corrected?

I’m now the second person you’ve failed to have an intelligent conversation with in this thread in the last two days. The first being Fish. So perhaps a little self-awareness is in order? Maybe the issue isn’t so much with others as it is with you?

It would certainly help us have a better conversation if you weren’t repeating lies and unfounded conspiracies. You’re certainly entitled to your own opinions but not entitled to create your own facts. Otherwise, yeah, it truly is a lost cause to have a conversation with you.
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I just think it's hilarious that Trump enhanced the penalty for unauthorized removal of Presidential documents in 2018 and wants that law retroactively applied.

He enhanced the law and is now paying the piper for it.

Political vengeance is never a good way to make laws... But it is hilarious that he's facing the enhancement of a law he signed designed to go after Obama or Hillary.
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More (different) bad news for the trumpster. Seems everyone is out to get him right trumpers? Im sure its everyone else and not the common denominator in all this. Remember, before he was ever president and before the "deep state" was after him and all the lefties, commies, marxists, socialists, and dems were just going after him simply due to politics he was in court a whole bunch for wide ranging law breaking and grifting. He is always the common denominator. Maybe instead of everyone is just out to get him, could it be possible that trump IS the problem.

"I do think the investigation is just beyond Donald Trump. I think Trump has to be worried about the mole within Mar-a-Lago because there is a reason why they got a search warrant. They had someone on the inside who knew that Trump was allegedly lying about the possession of these documents and knew where it was located -- inside that safe.

"Here's the other troubling thing: based on the statutes cited, that mole may have also told the feds that Trump had destroyed documents," he added. "So, it's not just that Trump possessed documents, but that that secret source may have observed Trump destroying the documents, which is another crime altogether."

He concluded, "So yeah, he's got a lot to worry about, because the one thing you know about Donald Trump, he values loyalty above everything else, even though loyalty, to him, is one-way street."
The trumpers who have screaming from the rooftops "trump can declassify whatever he wants and everything was declassified" are going to love this:

  • Rep. Jim Himes said Trump's claims of a "standing order" to declassify any documents he took are "utter baloney."
  • Himes said the declassification process is complex and can often take months.
Himes told MSNBC that while the president is a declassifying authority, there is a "really elaborate documented process for declassification," which can often take months.

"Of course, he's going to say that because it creates a little bit of confusion and throws a bit of mud into the water. But I can tell you as someone who also sees the most sensitive information this country has, that's utter baloney."

In a statement to Fox News, the former president defended himself by claiming that he had a "standing order" whereby documents were declassified "the moment" they left the Oval Office. Sorry donnie boy, that aint how it works.

Himes, the representative for Connecticut's 4th congressional district, dismissed Trump's claims and described the stringent security process for accessing sensitive documents in government facilities.
"If I take documents out of that facility, I have committed a felony. And if a president takes them out of a facility, he too has broken the law," he said.

Himes said he did not believe that Trump thought the documents were declassified and would have been immediately corrected even if he had expressed that belief.

"If he thought that that was, or told anybody that that would be the case, you know, there would have been about 50 people that say 'no sir, that doesn't work.'"

Himes suggested that Trump's latest claim is just an attempt to deflect the issue, such as his unrelated comparison of former President Barack Obama taking documents to Chicago after leaving office.

"We should try to keep our eyes on the main thing here, which is we're in the world of the typical Trump defense," Himes said.

And again, the classification status doesn't really matter all that much in the end, since the possible crimes being investigated do not depend on the classification of the documents, as they relate to the handling of national security information.

Fox News host Bret Baier rejected claims that former President Barack Obama had also unlawfully taken 30 million pages of documents from the House, which Trump had sought to use as evidence that the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago home earlier this was politically motivated.
“There is a process” to declassify documents and remove them from the White House, Baier said. “Everything we know [about Obama’s records] followed all of those, the processes to get those documents to Chicago. … But how they were handled was done by that process.”

“NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area, where they are maintained exclusively by NARA,” the agency said. “Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the [Presidential Records Act], former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration.”

More (different) bad news for the trumpster. Seems everyone is out to get him right trumpers? Im sure its everyone else and not the common denominator in all this. Remember, before he was ever president and before the "deep state" was after him and all the lefties, commies, marxists, socialists, and dems were just going after him simply due to politics he was in court a whole bunch for wide ranging law breaking and grifting. He is always the common denominator. Maybe instead of everyone is just out to get him, could it be possible that trump IS the problem.
Trump has always been the problem... Have some sympathy for the Trumpers they are just going through denial, eventually we'll get to bargaining and acceptance...

If they can ever get beyond their sunk cost fallacy, which will move on to defascist rather than them ever admitting they might be wrong about anything.

Sometimes i think even if some god came down from the heavens and called them morons for following Trump, they'd still be in denial.

They have become the people their own bible warned about.
The trumpers who have screaming from the rooftops "trump can declassify whatever he wants and everything was declassified" are going to love this:

  • Rep. Jim Himes said Trump's claims of a "standing order" to declassify any documents he took are "utter baloney."
  • Himes said the declassification process is complex and can often take months.
That's great Fish. You found an article who uses as their source a politician from the opposition party who has his degree in Latin Studies. You are not centrist like Avery. He has critical thinking skills and can weigh evidence from both sides while you've turned into the new The Thriller, vomiting up pages of the most biased content you can find.

Although I know it will be completely lost on you, others may find what actual legal scholars with fields of expertise in this exact issue and a published Supreme Court cases concerning a President's absolute power to determine what is or is not classified for the purposes of national defense have to say on the topic:

"if Congress were to enact a statute seeking to limit the president’s authority to classify or declassify national security information, or to prohibit him from sharing certain kinds of information … it would raise serious separation of powers constitutional issues."
--Robert F. Turner, Associate Director of the University of Virginia's Center for National Security Law

"[The president is not] obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed,and he can change those."
--Steven Aftergood, Director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy

Let’s dispense with one easy rabbit hole that a lot of people are likely to go down this evening: the President did not “leak” classified information in violation of law. He is allowed to do what he did. If anyone other than the President disclosed codeword intelligence to the Russians in such fashion, he’d likely be facing a long prison term. But Nixon’s infamous comment that “when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal” is actually true about some things. Classified information is one of them. The nature of the system is that the President gets to disclose what he wants.

The reason is that the very purpose of the classification system is to protect information the President, usually through his subordinates, thinks sensitive. So the President determines the system of designating classified information through Executive Order, and he is entitled to depart from it at will. Currently, Executive Order 13526 governs national security information.

The Supreme Court has stated in Department of the Navy v. Egan that “[the President’s] authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this Constitutional investment of power in the President and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant.” Because of his broad constitutional authority in this realm, the president can, at any time, either declassify information or decide whom to share it with.

In short, Trump did not violate any criminal law concerning the disclosure of classified information here.

--Jack Goldsmith, Susan Hennessey, Quinta Jurecic, Matthew Kahn, Benjamin Wittes, Elishe Julian Wittes (All are lawyers in the field of National Security)

The answer to his question of what he can do to reduce the heat? The exact opposite of whatever the **** he has been doing for the last 6 years.
Sadly, It doesn’t sound like he took your advice.

View: https://twitter.com/politicussarah/status/1558834605201014786?s=21&t=ghLgm-Z3G99ko0fWSbsqug

The Inspector General said the FBI acted with ‘gross incompetence and negligence.’ I was fully vindicated in the Russia, Russia, Russia SCAM, the ‘No Collusion’ Mueller Investigation, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and all else. NOW THEY RAID MY HOME, ban my lawyers and, without any witnesses allowed, break the lock that they asked us to install on the storage area that we showed them early on, which held papers that they could have had months ago for the asking, and without the ridiculous political grandstanding of a “break in” to a very storied, important, and high visibility place, just before the Midterm Elections…

The whole World was watching as the FBI rummaged through the house, including the former First Lady’s closets (and clothing!), alone and unchecked. They even demanded that the security cameras be turned off (we refused), but there was no way of knowing if what they took was legitimate, or was there a “plant?” This was, after all, the FBI!

Trump was even re-posting ridiculous accusations that are, again, irrelevant even if true. Here is one Trump “re-post” from some anonymous account named DaKine17 which – for all we know – is some Russian military intelligence analyst in the Moscow suburbs.

The FBI is a criminal RICO enterprise whose covert “sources and methods” include criminal acts, sedition, subversion of American laws and the Constitution, while lying and obfuscating their activity from Congress and the people of the United States. Congress seems ok with this arrangement as long as they’re able to claim plausible deniability or classified status.

Without having to repost the slop, Trump also noted a message that accused Presidents Obama and Biden of Seditious Conspiracy for “interfering in the 2016 election,” the one that Trump won.

In a post from someone named “We The Pepe” (An obvious Q-anon reference), there is a picture of Mike Pompeo’s tweet from the day of the search, without knowing the purpose or what was found, shaming DOJ and the FBI for reversing 250 years of history to “weaponize” the federal government’s law enforcement.
you literally repeated lies that had been refuted by mainstream media sources and the National Archives and you have nerve to accuse me of sucking on a certain politician or political party? Why did you repeat that bad information?
See this is where we disagree. Main stream media can refute all they want. The problem is most news is not news, it’s propaganda for its political cronies. Fox, CNN etc…. All have an agenda. You just don’t like what I believe to be true. The only truth is your truth and all other truths are invalid. Truth is obviously in the eye of the beholder. This is why we can’t discuss issues. We all have our own truth and we hate the truth of those who appose us. I don’t believe most people are truly looking for what is actually true…. Just the truth of their tribal right or left leaning politics. This is why some believe we are in a civil war already. It emboldens the crazies to be crazier. Leads to Jan 6 situations, riots, etc….