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Despite former President Donald Trump's dominant Iowa caucus victory, some supporters are spreading false claims of voter fraud because he lost a single county by a single vote.

“Haley by one vote in Johnson County screws my prediction of 99/99 to Trump. Audit!,” election denial influencer Seth Keshel posted on Truth Social.

Keshel’s followers baselessly claimed that individuals who voted for Nikki Haley had been “paid” to vote against Trump.

Users on The Donald, a pro-Trump message board that played a key role in organizing the January 6 riot, expressed dissatisfaction with Haley's assertion on Monday night that Iowa voters transformed the presidential election into a "two-person race," Wired reported.

“They rigged that county by a single vote just so she could say this,” one user wrote.

Others claimed that the one-vote loss was the work of the so-called deep state with a user writing: “To win by ONE vote is just too conspicuous. It looks like a ‘F**k You’ from the Deep State.”

Similar messaging also spread on X/Twitter, with far-right activist Laura Loomer perpetuating such claims.

“After it was reported that President Trump won every county in Iowa tonight, Democrat shenanigans ensued and now it’s being reported that Johnson County in Iowa, which is a Biden +40 county, flipped to Nikki Haley by ONE VOTE,” Loomer posted on X.

Another account called Red Eagle Politics wrote “We need a recount in Johnson County RIGHT NOW!”

The former president’s supporters continue to embrace the false narrative that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.

Nearly 70 percent of his Iowa caucus voters falsely believe that President Joe Biden was illegitimately elected, The Independent reported. When questioned about the legitimacy of Biden's election in 2020, over two-thirds of Iowa caucusgoers said they believed it wasn’t — including 69 percent of Iowa caucusgoers who supported Trump.

The main impact of conspiracy theories surrounding electoral outcomes in the primaries will be felt following the general election — if Trump continues “priming” Republican voters not to trust electoral processes, it increases the likelihood of further unrest should Biden win reelection, Bauer said.

It also increases the likelihood that Republicans engage in voter fraud to counteract perceived efforts by their opponents as we saw in 2020, Bauer pointed out, referring to three people in Florida being charged with voter fraud in connection with the last election.
Who is Rachel maddow?
As for TDS, I definitely have that. Its one of the main reasons I don't want him to be president. I, and a lot of Americans, could definitely benefit from a break from Trump. The country as a whole could. If you truly want me and other Americans to "get well" then don't vote for him.

Why would anyone want to elect a president who has a syndrome named after him that afflicts so many Americans. A huge flaw of Trump is that no one can go a day without seeing him on TV or in an article or at a rally or doing an interview or reading his posts. Dude never shuts up and seeks out attention way too much. He is a narcissist with an enormous ego.

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Who watches cable news? Boomers, that's who. If you aren't over 65 years old it is very unlikely that you watch cable news.

Who watches cable news? Boomers, that's who. If you aren't over 65 years old it is very unlikely that you watch cable news.
Is that Maddow?
Nevermind I just google imaged her. Not even close to what I pictured. I thought she looked kind of like rosie odonnel or something. Kinda chubby. Not sure who I was thinking of but that wasn't it. What news channel is she on? CNN?

Edit: I think that i was picturing huckabee sanders? I dont really know who she is or where she works or whatever either but I think that is who I was picturing. She has kind of a rosie odonnel look to her right?
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Is that Maddow?
Nevermind I just google imaged her. Not even close to what I pictured. I thought she looked kind of like rosie odonnel or something. Kinda chubby. Not sure who I was thinking of but that wasn't it. What news channel is she on? CNN?

Edit: I think that i was picturing huckabee sanders? I dont really know who she is or where she works or whatever either but I think that is who I was picturing. She has kind of a rosie odonnel look to her right?
I think she's on MSNBC. You'd probably be hard pressed to find an actual person who watches her show on a regular basis. MAGAs probably know more about her than anyone. I'd bet Bentley heard something about her on his conservative media where they told him that the liberals pay attention to her and then he was outraged that liberals believe her lies. Completely detached from reality.
This is still the biggest issue we have going on in the US right now.

The migrant crisis. This is not about race, its about resources, which we do not have to handle this problem.

I have been talking about low income housing for over a year, on this board but I'm going to expand on another limited resource...

Doctors and medical resources. Lets see what's happening in Denver:

"Eight-thousand migrants from Central America accounted for approximately 20,000 visits in 2023. Denver Health asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide funds for immigrants’ medical costs. The state and federal governments aren’t reimbursing the hospital, which spent $136 million for patients who didn't pay."

20,00 visits in 2023 were from migrants. $136 million spent on services for patients who didn't pay... we can't even properly care for Americans.

So how many people came over the border this year? 3.2 million

How many doctors are needed for 3.2 million? 8,000 (2.5 per 1000 source https://data.oecd.org/healthres/doctors.htm#indicator-chart)

How many new doctors enter residency per year? Around 40k (https://www.vox.com/22989930/residency-match-day-physician-doctor-shortage-pandemic-medical-school)

How many doctors left the work force? 117,000 in 2021. Within 5 years they are estimating a deficit of doctors to be around 140,000. 5 more years of this volume of migrant, this country will need to add another 40,000 doctors.

Pausing the border crossings is needed.
8K out of 140K is not an effective ratio. What we need is more doctors, as well as more carpenters, etc. House Speaker Johnson, among others, has complained about about there not being enough young workers, but that's who's coming across the border. If we integrate these people, our demographic issues will be ameliorated.
Y’all must get your news from espn, I guess. Or Colbert. You have my pity.

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8K out of 140K is not an effective ratio. What we need is more doctors, as well as more carpenters, etc. House Speaker Johnson, among others, has complained about about there not being enough young workers, but that's who's coming across the border. If we integrate these people, our demographic issues will be ameliorated.
I think this issue is much like marijuana prohibition vs legalization. People are going to use it. Making it illegal causes many many unintended issues, some are actually intended but unspoken. Enforcement, prosecution, invasion of rights, taking productive people out of the economy and putting them in prison, making all profits go to illegal enterprise and getting no tax revenue, etc., etc..

People are coming over the boarder because there are opportunities here and less government corruption, less gang and/or cartel violence, etc.. The demand for these people exists and they are more than willing to fill that demand.

Make it easier to come here legally, faster, safer. That way we are actually screening the vast majority of people who enter. We need screening. We need entry standards. The only way to do that is to accommodate fast, easy, safe entry that meets the demand.

That is the only real solution.

Building walls, building death traps in the river (look it up), creating a death zone at our boarder is NOT a solution and will not stop people from coming. It will just cause more death and suffering while creating a situation where we have no control over who actually makes it past the death traps, which will probably be fewer women and children and more young men.
You on Rumble? Glenn Greenwald is on there. He’s good.

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I am not on Rumble, nor kick. I read my news. I don't need a personality to present the news to me. I read multiple sources with varying political leanings. This is how most decently informed non-boomers consume news.

I watch a lot of YouTube and none of it is news, really. Like I said, I read the news, I don't watch it.
I am not on Rumble, nor kick. I read my news. I don't need a personality to present the news to me. I read multiple sources with varying political leanings. This is how most decently informed non-boomers consume news.

I watch a lot of YouTube and none of it is news, really. Like I said, I read the news, I don't watch it.

Propaganda comes in print too, young whippersnapper.

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You on Rumble? Glenn Greenwald is on there. He’s good.

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I have no idea who glenn greenwald is.
I think you might watch too much political programming

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I have no idea who glenn greenwald is.
I think you might watch too much political programming

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Better more info than less. Y’all don’t know Glenn Greenwald, Rachel Maddow, etc. It’s not like they’re obscure. Y’all arguing for team ignorance?? Srsly?

Greenwald made his name during George W’s reign. The left loved him then. But he’s objective so now the left hates him. ‘Cause the left isn’t objective. Btw, all of Fox, CNN, and MSNBC suck balls. I’m guessing yahoo isn’t any better, but I don’t read that mainstream ****.

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Better more info than less. Y’all don’t know Glenn Greenwald, Rachel Maddow, etc. It’s not like they’re obscure. Y’all arguing for team ignorance?? Srsly?

Greenwald made his name during George W’s reign. The left loved him then. But he’s objective so now the left hates him. ‘Cause the left isn’t objective. Btw, all of Fox, CNN, and MSNBC suck balls. I’m guessing yahoo isn’t any better, but I don’t read that mainstream ****.

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Nah I'm just saying that I don't watch a lot of politics. Less info when it comes to politics is definitely better. Politics suck.

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Nah I'm just saying that I don't watch a lot of politics. Less info when it comes to politics is definitely better. Politics suck.

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Fish, you’re a stud. But yeah, there are some bad folks in politics. And more and more of them are getting exposed the last few years - and largely thanks to Orange man bad. That’s a good thing, even if you don’t like the messenger.

Michael Malice recently said the media uses language, not to communicate, but rather to manipulate. You maybe don’t know Michael Malice - he’s awesome. Regardless, his sentiment there is spot on. I think people suffer from TDS because they‘ve been emotionally manipulated. It’s akin to the two minutes hate from Orwell’s 1984. It’s worth a read if you haven’t already - prophetic, given our current media/govt. People are riled up and divided - thanks to the media. They pit the people against each other, and then say it’s all Trump’s fault. The list of lies and hoaxes the media has attempted the last 7+ years is LONG. Srsly. But if you believe ‘em then you get infected with TDS. It’s hard to reason with people’s emotions, which is why the media can be successful riling people up and manipulating narratives. But more and more are getting wise to their manipulation. If you had better, more objective sources you may not be as emotionally triggered about Orange man. Although, you admitted you don’t really follow the news. Or don’t question where you’re getting your news. You should. Politics sucks but it’s necessary. Misinfo is a weapon the legacy media has wielded for far too long. And then they accuse others of peddling misinfo (this is projection - a classic symptom of narcissism, they accuse others of the very thing they’re guilty of). Independent media is a beautiful thing. The establishment no longer has a monopoly on the megaphone.

I’m not fighting w you. I don’t care for sardines but I love me some Fish. God bless, bruh.

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In one case, a joke about birds operating as a tool of government surveillance started as satire and festered into a conspiracy theory – one Jamal also proposed on social media.
I love this one. People have had a lot of fun with it. Demonstrating with signs, I think most knew it was a big goof at the expense of conspiracy theories. One interesting fact that never occurred to me: birds sit on overhead wires to recharge their batteries, lol…

View: https://twitter.com/kuro_cuts/status/1747012092501074173

View: https://twitter.com/dirtywizzard/status/1748020521072017420
So just throwing money at an issue will solve it? Just like throwing money at student loans will solve the issue. It’s a limited bandaid solution.
This is spoken like someone who has never owned a business or managed a large organization. This might fly with low info conservatives and Facebook friends, but not with thinking adults. Of course "throwing more money" will solve it. It's amazing how often "throwing money" at a problem is a large part of the solution if not thee largest part of the solution.

There are 2 issues here that you seem to be conflating:
1. Immigration
2. Asylum Seekers

1. If you want to "solve" illegal immigration then you'll need to "throw more money" at the issue. Hiring government workers to process visas and worker applications will require money. Increased border security will require money. If you want to invest into Central and South America to discourage migration here, that will require money.
2. If you want to mitigate the problem of asylum seekers crowding the border, that will require money. We need far more judges to hear cases. You can't ask asylum seekers to sit waiting for 8+ months to hear their cases.
3. Even if you want to cut off most immigration and asylum seeking, it will require money. Buying off private landowners, Land mines, rocket launchers, Berlin Wall like fencing, and alligators with lasers on their foreheads will all require money.

Legit? Is this subjective by each judge? So if the right is in power and sends right wing judges in so they can shut everyone out and if the left is in power they can send more liberal judges to let more people in? This is what is happening right now. Biden has let in more immigrants than the last 2 administrations combined.
This is weird flex. It seems like you're admitting that right wing judges can't judge cases based on merit and the law and instead will let their xenophobia take over. How else should asylum seekers have their cases decided? I guess you could have a committee of judges hear their cases and decide. That'll require, you know, throwing more "money at the issue."

Where? As I have posted before, we have no low income housing in America.
I know this might blow the minds of people who have never traveled to another country or like reading nonfiction books about other countries, but there are solutions to this.

How many are allowed in? How fast?
I'm uncomfortable with quotas. Those familiar with the Immigration Act of 1924 will probably understand why. Again, some non-fiction reading might be required.

Again the issue is not race. It’s resources. These blue cities are realizing it pretty quickly with just thousands of migrants getting dropped off there.
Asylum seekers or undocumented immigrants? There's a difference.

There's a huge difference between cities and states working together to help new arrivals succeed vs trying to score political pts with Fox News Viewers by promising migrants jobs and shipping them to a Vice President's house.

Trump says everyday “poisoning the nations blood”? Everyday?
Yes, this has become one of his talking pts over the past two months at rallies.

You, media and most of the left calling it racist to be against the flood of immigrants coming over the border Every Day, isn’t helping.
Grow up. Stop blaiming the media for reporting the words that the guy you'll most likely vote for this November says. Don't do that.

Is this racist or not? This is a yes or no question and much on whether this conversation with you continues hinges on how you answer this next question. You've whined before about being unfairly labeled a troll or accused of acting in bad faith. So here's your chance to prove ol Thriller wrong. Is this racist, yes or no?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKPFjAhd3KQ