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for all the regular vaccines i thoroughly agree. However that they can't differentiate the Covid vaccines and the problems with lack of proper testing, misrepresentation and corruption regarding them from the regular long term proven safe and effective vaccines previously been widely used is pretty mind boggling, That this article fails to even consider the way the authorities handled the Covid vaccines having led to quite a bit of the loss of trust in regulatory bodies is damning.
Been awhile since Covid arrived in the US, but I just never felt that way. Responding to a unique situation, I was just not enveloped in all the distrust, a distrust endemic towards virtually all sources of authority these days. We already had an anti-vaccine subculture. That wasn’t my response at all, though, never had that impression that I was being led astray, that I was a test subject with something that seemed dangerous. Just went with the flow, did my best with vaccine, boosters, bests masks, etc. Everyone didn’t respond to the pandemic the same way. Never felt distrust toward Fauci, for instance. Liked the guy.
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I think Trump believes that a cognitive test is an IQ test or ACT test or something.

He loves to brag about how he has passed 2 cognition tests lol.

He can ID a whale but not Nikki Haley or Nancy Pelosi…

Republicans are challenging each other to dementia tests. That's where they are in case you were wondering.


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And he doesn’t mention pedophilia anywhere in that clip. Whatever the context is has been left out, so who knows what he’s talking about here. But lefties will cite this w their misleading commentary, par for the course.

He mentioned bad people even in the church. I heard that part. I agree - there are bad people everywhere, even in church. I listened to it three times. No mention of pedo at all.

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Totally obvious what he's talking about, what other reference would he be making?
I think Trump believes that a cognitive test is an IQ test or ACT test or something.

He loves to brag about how he has passed 2 cognition tests lol.

He can ID a whale but not Nikki Haley or Nancy Pelosi…

Republicans are challenging each other to dementia tests. That's where they are in case you were wondering.


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Lol, so true. Hopefully he'll have time in jail to do 1st grade crossword puzzles.
Did you listen to this? Where does he mention pedos? I didn’t hear it.

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Did you listen to it?

He's talking about outliers, lawless presidents and brutal cops. Between :13-:19 seconds he makes his reference to “in the church there are some not good people.” Do you think he’s referring to literally everyone who is imperfect, so not outliers or to perverted church leaders, who are mostly likely outliers, like lawless presidents and brutal cops?

Furthermore, do you think the president should be given immunity from breaking the law?
Been awhile since Covid arrived in the US, but I just never felt that way. Responding to a unique situation, I was just not enveloped in all the distrust, a distrust endemic towards virtually all sources of authority these days. We already had an anti-vaccine subculture. That wasn’t my response at all, though, never had that impression that I was being led astray, that I was a test subject with something that seemed dangerous. Just went with the flow, did my best with vaccine, boosters, bests masks, etc. Everyone didn’t respond to the pandemic the same way. Never felt distrust toward Fauci, for instance. Liked the guy.
That’s because you don’t consume cynical and anti vax propaganda. Some people here, that’s all they consume. Conspiracies give them entertainment. Garbage in garbage out
Only one president in our history has preached that the president should have immunity to do whatever they want.
I wonder why trump is the only one to say this. Oh ya, cause trump is the only completely worthless piece of total **** president in our countries history. He is different. He is the outlier. Worst of the worst

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Totally obvious what he's talking about, what other reference would he be making?

Alex Cole’s tweet said “Trump just compared himself to pediphiles and that’s why needs immunity.” But Trump never mentioned pedos. Trump talks about Presidental immunity but he never mentions pedophilia. I dunno why Alex Cole claimed T is talking about pedophilia. Do you agree with Alex Cole that Trump is talking about pedo? You can hate trump for many things without having to make these unsupported leaps in logic.

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Did you listen to it?

He's talking about outliers, lawless presidents and brutal cops. Between :13-:19 seconds he makes his reference to “in the church there are some not good people.” Do you think he’s referring to literally everyone who is imperfect, so not outliers or to perverted church leaders, who are mostly likely outliers, like lawless presidents and brutal cops?

Furthermore, do you think the president should be given immunity from breaking the law?

Alex Cole claimed Trump compared himself to pedos. But he didn’t. I dunno the whole context here - lotta word salad, especially when I didn’t hear what preceded it. This Alex Cole guy is either confused or dishonest.

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Alex Cole claimed Trump compared himself to pedos. But he didn’t. I dunno the whole context here - lotta word salad, especially when I didn’t hear what preceded it. This Alex Cole guy is either confused or dishonest.

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You’re right, you’re missing a lot of context.

Why didn’t answer my question about president’s immunity?
Sure, let's take the pedo part out. With that part not being considered what we still have is a former president who think s that the U.S. President should be above the law and can only be held accountable if the party in power in both the house and the senate want to hold him accountable. I have always heard that "We are a nation of laws, not of men." but Trump wants to end that. Just as long as the President of the U.S. has political support in either the house or the senate then the president can kill any American he wants, including political rivals.

By this same token, if the President wants to violate the Constitution or even eliminate it then that is 100% possible just so long as they are not both Impeached in the house and convicted in the senate. It is so hard to pass a Constitutional amendment, but if Trump gets his way it will be quite simple to eliminate it entirely.

Is this really how close we are to tyranny? This is not something that the vast majority of Americans reject with a passion? I'm talking 90+% of us should be say not just no, but **** no to this and the horse this BS rode in on. Get this nonsense all the ****ing way out of the U.S.A.!
You’re right, you’re missing a lot of context.

Why didn’t answer my question about president’s immunity?

You dodged my question by posing stuff not relevant to the tweet, which was an attempt to obfuscate. I didn’t fall for it.

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The polls in New Hampshire close in 3 minutes as I write this and Trump is crushing Haley. I suspect this one is gong to be called quickly.
You dodged my question by posing stuff not relevant to the tweet, which was an attempt to obfuscate. I didn’t fall for it.

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What dodge? Rest assured, I’m not afraid of answering your simple questions.

What was your question?

How was my post an attempt to obfuscate? Perhaps the context you’re missing here is causing you to perceive things that aren’t real? That clip is a part of Trump’s very public argument that presidents should have complete immunity from being prosecuted for crimes. It’s a pretty important part of Trump’s rhetoric right now and is basically the only reason why he’s running for president. He wants to escape prosecution for the 90+ crimes he’s been indicted for. Did you know that? Do you believe a president should be immune from being prosecuted for crimes? In other words, Is the president above the law?
Answer my ****ing question.

Be careful with your next post. And If you just don’t know anything about a subject, you can freely admit it. I mean, you’re already admitting it through your ignorant posts. But you can just save time and say, “I like Trump and I’m voting for him no matter what” and stop this pretense of actually caring about stuff.
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Well they just need to not only leave it up to the most engaged extreme voters. Have the voting in the primaries more like the voting for president in the general.
Don't do this caucuses ****. Let me mail in vote. Allow everyone to vote in the primaries.

We might actually end up with decent choices if you do it that way. I'm almost certain that trump and Biden wouldn't be the 2 winners if we went with that style of primary voting.

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Mail in voting? You’re such a commie!

But what if demoncrats from the Democrat party take big massive stinky dumps in the middle of the night dumps that you wouldn’t believe dumps so big many people say that they’ve never seen dumps this big and they steal another election with Hugo Chavez and 2,000 mules and big massive dumps outside of Detroit?
