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  1. ijazz

    Irving/Hayward Press Conference - Hayward jabs at Jazz

    Hayward on Boston.... Hayward: "What's special about here is it seems they are especially educated sports fans...they know a little more here." LMAO
  2. ijazz

    NBA - Opening nights national games and Xmas games....

    Huh... No Jazz? Celtics open the NBA season on TNT and have the prime time Xmas game.... The Jazz can watch GH20 on TV. Welcome back to the lottery as the curse of Hayward begins ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
  3. ijazz

    Best Wishes...see ya!

    JazzFanz, First I want to apologize for being too behind Hayward. I realize the pain it has caused. understandably I made everyone upset though not intentional. coach QS is just as good as BS. BS is just a life friend of GH kurt kragthorpe for the trib has probably been the most fair writer...
  4. ijazz

    Rodney Hood Interview on youtube... Nice watch Interviewer kept trying to bait Hood into ripping Hayward and he didn't. Very classy guy / interview (responses to jackass)
  5. ijazz

    Trey Burke twitter

    Says no one wants to play in Utah is why Hayward left ☘️
  6. ijazz

    Hayward - now a new Gatorade video.... Man he is playing with us. This makes me feel like he is leaving....
  7. ijazz

    Robyn Hayward - new Instagram post 7-27

    She just posted a bunch of letters from 7th graders saying it was so nice of them to send letters to stay. I assume this means he is staying otherwise cruel post.
  8. ijazz

    Hayward questionable for Monday

  9. ijazz

    Done with Locke...

    I am sure no one cares, but I have been following him almost daily for 8 years or so. Respect his work ethic and acknowledge he is propaganda employee for Jazz. That's been fine with me. Last 2 months for obvious reason he keeps spewing his political opinion, I use Sport as an outlet. I...
  10. ijazz

    Hayward made all stars!!!!!!!!!

  11. ijazz

    Jazz All Stars 2017 - who ya got ?

    My heart wants both. If I had to bet , Gobert in and Hayward stiffed
  12. ijazz

    Haywards House Tour. Very cool
  13. ijazz

    Hayward - any real updates on return date ?

    I have not seen much from Jazz on return.... Anyone hear anything current ?
  14. ijazz

    We clinch tonite - gotta beleive

    We win Houston loses at Minny because they do not care. Go Jazz!
  15. ijazz

    Hayward OUT Tonite...... (plantar fasciitis)

    There goes the season now.... This is what kept Hood out for about a month last year. Lillard missed 7 games this year. Hayward is day to day.
  16. ijazz

    Hayward Jerseys - with old mountain logo ?

    I looked over online and cannot find anywhere. Anyone know if they make the retro jersey in Gtime ? Thanks!
  17. ijazz

    DL grew a sack - Hayward traded to Celtics! (J/K)

    ....just kidding. But remember that emotion when he gets traded before the trade deadline.......... :)
  18. ijazz

    Saturday game at Washington, D.C. Postponed

    Locke is speculating it may get cancelled due to blizzard He said only way to make up would be a back to back to back This would suck! Edit by Jason - Jazz media has confirmed the game has been postponed.
  19. ijazz

    Congrats Gtime - Team USA 2016 finalist

    For all the abuse he takes on this board, just making the finalist list is pretty impressive... Gordon Hayward (Jazz) LaMarcus Aldridge (San Antonio); Harrison Barnes (Golden State); Bradley Beal...
  20. ijazz

    Kevin Durant - Racist Remarks on Hayward....surprised...

    I was disappointed in KD. I thought he respected Hayward more than this comment. I realize his tone was jovial but I was still surprised... He was asked about Ibaka's block on Hayward.... Went on to say "Hayward is pretty athletic...for a white guy". Where's the media uproar on this ...