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  1. D

    Someone explain the timeline and X-Men film franchise to me

    Basically in "Day's of Future Past" Logan is sent back to his past self by kitty pryde and what he does in that movie resets the timeline so the older movies, set in the future, never actually happened. They retcon a few things along the way. It's a little more complicated than that. But that's...
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    Is this meant for me? Don't know anymore in this thread. It was a combination of things one was that she didn't know if she wanted to stay or leave. So by telling me I would make the decision for her thinking for sure I would end things. Another was the extreme guilt. After the first guy she...
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    Wow, This thread has gotten way more attention than I ever expected. But her mom was bipolar and partial responsible for her death. Mixed wrong meds and bad things happened. Sent from my Nexus 5 using JazzFanz mobile app
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    We did last time she cheated. Thought it was fixed. Should have kept going back now and then for check ins. But I think we are past that now. Sent from my Nexus 5 using JazzFanz mobile app
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    She totally admits she was wrong. She regrets it all. And says she wishes it never happened. When she gets overwhelmed she checks in to the spot in her brain that is her own fantasy land that has no consequences. But when she finally comes out of it she regrets everything. Almost like a second...
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    Thanks. I will definitely look into the book. And I agree with you thoughts on the matter. Sent from my Nexus 5 using JazzFanz mobile app
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    And it's hard to explain, but while she did all this she is still an amazing woman in so many other ways. Her mom died when she was 13 and her dad became very verbally abusive. Over time I was able to help her overcome so much and accomplish things she never dreamed she could. That's honestly...
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    No need to apologize because honestly it was one of my first thoughts when it happened. Though I don't believe it was the plan it did give her the ability to leave. Sent from my Nexus 5 using JazzFanz mobile app
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    Her reasoning was that it allowed her to go to a place in her head where none of those things were. Or whatever. But you are right. Sent from my Nexus 5 using JazzFanz mobile app
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    I agree, and we talked about that a bit a while back. But I decided it wasn't going to work for me. I've talked to her again and we have both decided it would best for everyone if we were to just move on. Thanks everyone for the comments it actually really helped me figure out where I stand...
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    Thanks for the replies. But yeah, I haven't slept at all tonight and sis a ton of reading. I've made up my mind and I am done. It's time to move on. Sent from my Nexus 5 using JazzFanz mobile app
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    I understand that. I always told her she was my rock star and that she was so intelligent. Graduated high honors 3.9 GPA. Always tried to let he know how amazed I was by her and how proud I was. It was never just about looks. But the reason she kept telling me she got interested in other guys...
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    Wife cheated on me... again

    Probably inappropriate and none of you really know me, but I had no where to go and no one to talk to. (long) A litte back story... We got married when she was 19 (both grew up Mormon, but not anymore) obviously way to young. So she never got to experience a lot of life. Move ahead 7 years...
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    NCAA Bracket Challenge

    So I screwed up... I entered a bracket, but something messed up so I started a gain, but I guess I made 2 brackets. The one I messed up on I guess went into the jazzfanz group with no picks... I can't leave and move my other bracket in because the group is locked. Oh well...
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    God owns Yahoo!

    Something about Kanye West using the Confederate flag as his own person flag now or something like that I believe.
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    Which Holidays Are Good And Which Are Bad?
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    My first book is free this weekend.

    Just wanted to let you know I bought the first book the right when you posted your original thread about it. I really enjoyed the book. I'm not much of a reader though so I haven't gotten around to reading the next ones in the series. I promise I will do so soon... haha. But just wanted to say...
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    Burks - what is his MAX we can offer ?

    I know this is all talk and means nothing, but a while back on the local sports radio they were talking about the Hayward contract situation with a national media guy (wish I could remember which one). They were talking about if Gordon gets a huge contract wouldn't it make it hard to keep Burks...
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    Rodney Hood:: Ceiling and Floor

    Ceiling: Allan Houston Floor: -DECEASED-