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  1. RealFansStand

    Howard Interested in GSW?

    Please reread the post that you are asking him to reread. It says "get Ariza plus the 10th pick from NO." Now, how exactly are the Jazz supposed to do that without trading?
  2. RealFansStand

    We Need to Talk About Kevin

    Agreed. The youth, assets, and salary situation that Utah is in is basically picture perfect. Utah needs to be a contending team withing 2-3 seasons.
  3. RealFansStand

    Is the Lottery rigged?

    Small market San Antonio is the best team in the NBA. Small market New Orleans won the draft lottery. Huge city team New York Knicks have been horrible for a long, long time. People still think the NBA is rigged. LOL
  4. RealFansStand

    Boo Raja Bell/ Will you boo Raja Bell?

    KOC can't get rid of Bell on his own, he will need to find another team out there that wants to take him. With his injuries, age, decline in shooting, scoring, and defense, combined with his open criticism of coaches, KOC isn't exactly going to have teams breaking down the door to get at Bell.
  5. RealFansStand

    New 1280 blows

    Pretty awesome protest at Miller Motor Sports park, buddy. Sounded like a grand total of 0 people showed up.
  6. RealFansStand

    What do we do with Millsap?

    I still say we trade him. His stock will never be higher, it would be nice to have him on the bench but that isn't how you improve a team. Right now, in a trade, you can get back what a starting PF is worth. If you move him to the bench, he isn't as valuable.
  7. RealFansStand

    What an intelligent GM would do

    Deron Williams is not coming back to Utah.
  8. RealFansStand

    My First Official Trade Thread.

    Gross, no thank you.
  9. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    Great breakdown and I agree with all of it. I couldn't hear Jake and Parks, though, because I listen online and their FM stream wasn't working yet. The next thing we need to hope for are the few idiotic fans of Jan and Gunther that spam everything that 1280 posts on Facebook. Your immature...
  10. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    The only show that I am afraid of is Monson and Spence. Monson has been phoning it in for the last few years, hopefully being paired up with the best radio personality in the state will help him step his game up.
  11. RealFansStand

    KOC`s needs bodyguards.

    I wonder if the OP is happier rooting for Portland than he would have been rooting for Utah.
  12. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    Tate would be great as well, I have been begging 1320 (And now 1280) to get a midday show of Tate and Jensen for a while now. I only said Jensen because I know that he wants to do it and he'd take the job if he could, I can't say the same thing about Tate.
  13. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    Jake Scott is good, but I'm not sure I want 5 straight hours of him. I'd be willing to bet that they replace his spot in the 10-1 show with Riley Jensen by the time college football season rolls around. That would be some great radio.
  14. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    Gunther has only himself to blame. He has the football knowledge to have a job on the radio but he blew it by trying to be a standup comedian, straying off topic way too much, insulting listeners, and being a sexist and misogynistic pig. If anyone sees him on the street or the unemployment...
  15. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    The new 1280 the Zone needs to get into negotiations with Riley Jensen and Steve Tate for that local mid-day show before college football season gets here. That would be radio bliss during college football season and that pairing would make you all realize how amateur Kyle and Jan were.
  16. RealFansStand

    Just A Thought....

    Raja Bell talking about anyone else's "lack on communication" is a joke. This is a guy who had his agent call the Utah Jazz front office to ask if they wanted him to get back into shape when he was healthy rather than walking in and asking for himself.
  17. RealFansStand

    Future plan

    Alex Burks Alex Burks Alex Burks
  18. RealFansStand

    LHM group buying 1280 the zone (ending lease with 1320)

    Jan doesn't know how many minutes are in a basketball game. Take that for what it is worth when you start to feel bad that LHM will own the "Jazz spin" in the area.
  19. RealFansStand

    Al - This is how a non-scared leader responds to trials.

    Al Jefferson is better than Blake Griffin. Blake Griffin is an ESPN created superstar.
  20. RealFansStand

    OJ Mayo?

    No, I do not want to see OJ Mayo in a Utah Jazz uniform.