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  1. D

    Trade Gobert Discussion

    Rudy is a very good player, but giving him 60 M per year ... sorry, it´s crazy. Rudy needs a team that helps him to bright in offense. Since he´s earning this amount, won´t be much money to build around him. Of course is not an easy situation but sometimes you have to cut one leg to save a life.
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    Lakers @ Jazz (7:00pm MTN)

    Reading your post i was thinking to myself... is really this year team better than last year? I see the bench from last year and i don´t know what to think. Of course Bogdanovic is a good addition, in theory Conley too. What Green and Davis bring to the table? And since is a non starter, Ingles...
  3. D

    Tonights game is huge

    Sorry, It was a translation from a spanish saying. " look (as happy) as a child with news shoes. He was very happy with Joe feeding him. That´s why i said to make changes in the starting line up ( Joe). Maybe i didn´t explain well
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    Tonights game is huge

    Rudy looked like a child with new shoes playing with Ingles. Maybe Quinn must look for some changes in the starting line up
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    Rudy's comments

    I don't think that is the answer that Rudy was waiting for but to me Quinn ( being smart) has said the same i was thinking about his comments. But i'm not sure how is feeling Rudy with comments and how will affect to the players chemistry. Anyway is a weird situation
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    Rudy's comments

    Obviusly Quinn knows the players better than me. If doing that he thinks the team will keep united,ok. But there is a lack of maturity there, Rudy is good or great for what he is, if he wants the last shot or be more important in offense he needs more weapons. It's true that are humans with...
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    Rudy's comments

    These guys are pros not boys, they have to know what are they good or bad at, and maybe if they want and they work will develope their game in order to improve. If each player do what they know usually things go better. Rudy has to know his limitations and, as i wrote in other post is not so...
  8. D

    Game Thread: Jazz @ Clippers 11/3/19 19:00 MST

    Rudy is a beast in defense but is too predictable in offense. Is not so easy to pass to the big when everybody knows that this will happen. And Rudy needs the pick&roll, neither is great posting or in mid-range shooting. Sure sometimes is his teammates faults but the first you have to do is to...
  9. D

    The “I’m a Mike Conley hating bitch” list

    my numbers are totals, not only from 3. But ok, DM ok, Ingles lost his confidence but ok, the rest lost their aiming, Rudy perfect for what he does, defend, rebound and loops. The key was Ricky, let´s see this season how it runs. Hope you the best.
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    The “I’m a Mike Conley hating bitch” list

    Last playoffs: Harden : FA/FG 43/115 37,39 % PPG:27,8 AS: 8 APG STL:2,2 SPG (11) TOV:5,6 TPG (28) 8 points less and worse % than regular season, and without resistance. Will be better to let Harden alone on the court, maybe his %...
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    The “I’m a Mike Conley hating bitch” list

    Yes, I´m a Rubio fan but not a fanboy. I know perfectly what he does well and bad. To be a Rubio fan sometimes is not easy, he makes you " suffer". Is not like to be a star or superstar fan. Sometimes he takes bad decisions, too many risks, shots bad, etc. But usually he gives more than he takes...
  12. D

    The “I’m a Mike Conley hating bitch” list

    Last playoffs: FG/FA Donovan 36/112 32,14% Ricky: 28/66 42,42% AS Donovan 16 3,2 p/g Ricky: 43 8,6 p/g stl/tov Donovan 8/21 Ricky : 12/15 +/- Donovan -38 Ricky : -13 Of course, we all know Donovan is a star and a future superstar...
  13. D

    Insights and what we can take away from the preseason ..

    Probably i'm wrong but it seems that this season the team's game will change. More talented offense and (i think) less defense. I think that the key to get playoffs last 3 years was defense. The fact is that the league is full of wild teams,that make a lot of threes and i ask myself if the jazz...
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    So we need another 3/4 defender

    I think he could fit well with the team's needs, an upgrade to try to stop the Clippers. But sure there would be more options
  15. D

    So we need another 3/4 defender

    I've read that Minnesota could trade Covington. 36M next 3 years. Time to put Exum on the table?
  16. D

    Woj bomb... AD to Lakers

    A couple of questions: if you had the chance to exchange the whole roster with the Lakers (with Kemba playing w.Lakers) next season, Would you do it? if you had the chance to exchange the whole roster with the Lakers ( without Kemba but with Rubio playing w. Lakers plus something more)...
  17. D

    You're the GM this offseason. What do you do?
  18. D

    You're the GM this offseason. What do you do?

    I´ve read in an article in Spain that Lakers are interested in Favs, may be a fake?
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    You're the GM this offseason. What do you do?

    And Kuzma? Favs to L.A and Kuzma plus ... to Utah?
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    No more plumbers!!! Fix the issues.

    Truth, no matter your reasoning or arguments. If you write " Rubio" and add " play well" on a sentence you will have a group of jazzfanz that will tell you things like " he only play well because...", that is a sentence that reminds me when i was at school ," the teacher has it out of me" and...