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2024 NBA Draft Mega Thread

Houston is reportedly open to moving #3. Memphis is open to moving #9. Portland is willing to package some of their picks. I think a lot of teams are going to be willing to move picks in this draft.
You have gone full homer with your trade proposals lately lol. Of course I’d be down tho.
I just think we have no urgency on that type of deal and they would have plenty… so they are more motivated to close the gap. If they move him elsewhere I’m not sad at all… but just a word of warning… that’s how I felt about the John Collins rumors. I wanted a pick back and felt they would be more desperate. We did the deal without a sweetener… which was the wrong call imo.
Houston is reportedly open to moving #3. Memphis is open to moving #9. Portland is willing to package some of their picks. I think a lot of teams are going to be willing to move picks in this draft.
Kessler and 29 or 32 for 9 is something we should be investigating… I think more highly of Walker but I’m not sure the org does.
Despite the "quiet" market, I think Lavine will yield something similar to what Beal got. Chicago never trades, they probably want a max-superstar type package for him but no one will come close to it. I still think he gets something clear positive. Maybe you can get him in a pure salary dump, but if you're sending back bad/long term salary that's going to add some cost.
Despite the "quiet" market, I think Lavine will yield something similar to what Beal got. Chicago never trades, they probably want a max-superstar type package for him but no one will come close to it. I still think he gets something clear positive. Maybe you can get him in a pure salary dump, but if you're sending back bad/long term salary that's going to add some cost.
Maybe. I think Beal was viewed more positively (right or wrong) than Lavine is now. Both have concerns about availability, but Lavine also has the issue of his teams consistently being better when he is off the floor throughout his career. I also think people look at the Beal trade as a mistake... so people may poke holes in the comp.

If the Lakers get desperate and miss out on their first targets... that is what I think would change things.
Guys like Cam Christie staying in the draft is crazy to me, but I guess some people are just ready to go pro and get out of college
Beal also had the no-trade... so maybe Zach will go for more. I just know what my price would be and its dirt cheap.
I mean a Collins/Clarkson straight swap for LaVine is fine in my eyes. I wouldn’t add 10 or anything close to that value.

I would actually be trying to get something... I know... I know... real homer deal, but if there really is no market for that deal right now it feels like they could get a little desperate.
I wouldn’t even give away my ear wax for him.
Despite the "quiet" market, I think Lavine will yield something similar to what Beal got. Chicago never trades, they probably want a max-superstar type package for him but no one will come close to it. I still think he gets something clear positive. Maybe you can get him in a pure salary dump, but if you're sending back bad/long term salary that's going to add some cost.
I would be shocked if Lavine pulled similar value to Beal. Beal was always viewed as the better player and Lavine is coming off foot surgery.
Beal also had the no-trade... so maybe Zach will go for more. I just know what my price would be and its dirt cheap.

Yeah, Beal had a no-trade and would only go to one team who gave everything they had left over. As far as accolades go, these guys are very similar and injury wise I wouldn't say either had a great outlook. Beal also had one more year left on his "scary" contract and WAS got expiring matching salary. Even if you think Beal has more trade value than Lavine, there's a long way to go for him to be negative. Maybe there isn't a team wanting to make the same mistake, but I think it's hard to say that Beal was a much better trade asset if he was at all.

If you squint and be very favorable to the Jazz, let's say that CHI sees JCx2 as neutral assets contract wise. Still got a lot of room to make up for all the draft capital that PHX gave up for Beal. If I had to guess, CHI wants the same or more than what WAS got for Beal, and they just aren't getting traction. They will have to settle for less if they want to trade him, but they will still get something.
Yeah, Beal had a no-trade and would only go to one team who gave everything they had left over. As far as accolades go, these guys are very similar and injury wise I wouldn't say either had a great outlook. Beal also had one more year left on his "scary" contract and WAS got expiring matching salary. Even if you think Beal has more trade value than Lavine, there's a long way to go for him to be negative. Maybe there isn't a team wanting to make the same mistake, but I think it's hard to say that Beal was a much better trade asset if he was at all.

If you squint and be very favorable to the Jazz, let's say that CHI sees JCx2 as neutral assets contract wise. Still got a lot of room to make up for all the draft capital that PHX gave up for Beal. If I had to guess, CHI wants the same or more than what WAS got for Beal, and they just aren't getting traction. They will have to settle for less if they want to trade him, but they will still get something.
I would guess the most we'd add is the 29 or 32. I also wonder what happens if Phoenix isn't run by a new owner who is nuts. Like the Heat didn't want Beal (supposedly he would have gone there). It only take one arsehole but it seems like if the offer was there where they get out of jail free and get a little something on the side that they would have moved him.

If we are doing the same Beal to Lavine math comp then we could do a similar exercise with Collins. In theory his value should be higher this summer... but we may not find a buyer. He improved his shot, stayed healthy, and knocked a year off the contract. There is zero reason to believe his value would be lower... if we are simply doing this summer to summer comp math.

Like I've said before... for us... the price has to be really low. We should not be that desperate. If they find a better price then great.

I do think he gets moved (or they die trying) so we will see if the market on these types has moved.
I would guess the most we'd add is the 29 or 32. I also wonder what happens if Phoenix isn't run by a new owner who is nuts. Like the Heat didn't want Beal (supposedly he would have gone there). It only take one arsehole but it seems like if the offer was there where they get out of jail free and get a little something on the side that they would have moved him.

If we are doing the same Beal to Lavine math comp then we could do a similar exercise with Collins. In theory his value should be higher this summer... but we may not find a buyer. He improved his shot, stayed healthy, and knocked a year off the contract. There is zero reason to believe his value would be lower... if we are simply doing this summer to summer comp math.

Like I've said before... for us... the price has to be really low. We should not be that desperate. If they find a better price then great.

I do think he gets moved (or they die trying) so we will see if the market on these types has moved.

The thing in Beal’s favor is that there was at least one team who wanted him badly. Don’t know if that’s the same for Lavine. I’m not sure the Bulls trade Lavine because they will want something to budge. Doing nothing is kind of their thing and they are happy with where they are. IIRC, the last time they traded away a player was Lauri Markannen in a S&T.

I’m hopeful on Collins. Not a lot of teams in the market for an offensive tweener big, but if his production from 2024 holds he could be like Rozier. It’s too bad his first half+full season metrics are so awful.
Bona seems like a Udoka type player
Big strong Nigerian like Udoka
Maybe a bit more polished Much better free throw shooter etc
Not rated in top 60 players Not sure he's the #32 pick