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And Now the Day you have all been waiting for! Time to reveal all my true identities.

I've just finished running every post from the last 4 months through an advanced textual analysis software. You would be surprised!

Now you're all on notice, from me.

I am surprised you put ME on notice. What did I do?

Do you or do you not support a BluesRocker 2012 campaign. If i get enough support I will run for another identity and totally change your opinion of me. Guaranteed!
First of all let me say that I have been part of the Jazz fanz community for a long time. And I have enjoyed my run.

For a long time I have battled my addiction to this website. But recently I have had a mental break down. I can't continue to carry out the lies anymore. I have been seeing a therapist and she has told me that I should come clean because it would be good for my soul. I am sorry for deceiving all of you. I didn't mean to hurt all of you with my lies. I just have a lot of mental problems and split personalities. I have been diagnosed with Bipolar disease and schizophrenia.

So, here it goes. Some of my identities are new ones, long time current ones and short lived old ones.


I know I had a couple more short lived ones from back in the day, but it is hard to remember them all because of the medication that I have to take.
It takes so much energy to run all these different personalities right now. It is starting to wear me out.

I want to stop but I don't know if I can. Sometimes the different sides of me just take over and don't know what I have done. Thank god for my newest personality BluesRocker. This is the best side of me. It is the side of me that always wants to be honest and a good person. Maybe that personality can save me. I will try my hardest to get my other sides of me to come clean but it will be hard. My other personalities are always telling lies and being stubborn.
