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Apps That Haven't Made It To Market Yet


Well-Known Member
Nolan Ryan App - If you throw your phone as hard as you can it tells you how far it traveled and at what velocity.

Suey App - When you get pulled over this app gives you all the best insults to hurl at the cop.

Alzheimer App - When you forget what you are thinking this app will tell you what to think.

Omega Man App - This app simply shuts off your phone, completely disconnecting you from the virtual world. (In trial runs they placed a 100 people in the same room and found that most people can only take this for 2-5 seconds before going into a panic due to feeling isolated)

Venom App - This app identifies the poisonous creature that has jut bit you and then counts down how long until you die.

Coitus App - This app tells you whether or not you want to have annonymous sex with a specific person. It has your phone interact with the potential hook-up's phone making sure there are no numbers or contacts in common that could connect you to them thereby leading to your significant other finding out.

Dissolution App - This app alerts you if your significant other uses the Coitus App.

Recall App - This app hangs onto all outgoing messages, texts, e-mails, message board posts, etc. for 1 hour before sending them allowing said sender to cancel them upon further consideration of their appropriateness, or lack thereof. For people that like to drink there is the 12 hour upgrade.

Incarceration App - This app lets you know how much time you will spend in jail if you get caught.

Bubba App - This app allows you to determine the probablilty of you becoming someone's bitch while incarcerated. This info is based on your age, weight, height, hair color, eye color and how many times you use certain words or phrases while talking or texting. Words like pomade, hair gel, body wash, manicure, heeheepeepeecaca and "I'm 6'5" and work out" have about 100% probablity that you will be everyone's bitch.

Raspberry-D App - this measures your IQ using a scientific formula based on your gut to ****** ratio.

Diversity App - We haven't been able to determine what this app does yet. It's so "short" that it is over just as soon as it begins. We've tried to "hack" into the programming but it seems to "have a problem with us" and just keeps flashing a pic of a basement on the phone's monitor.

Ain't App - Translates everything into gibberish.

Clearly App - This app continues to goad you into making outrageous, over the top claims and arguments even after it is clear that people are just egging you on. Clearly this app is not for everyone but for those that use it, you will never lose an argument on the internet again. Clearly this is the best app ever. Clearly. **Warning, use of this app may result in multi-quotational posts that will take up an entire page**
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