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Bleacher Report - Cavs Website Ranks Best Players by Number in Team History, Leaves out LeBron

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The "Cava-List: All-Time Cavs, By the Numbers" feels like it's missing someone, if you ask me.
When the Cleveland Cavaliers' official website released its list of the best players to wear each number in the franchise's history, there was one decision that just leaves you scratching your head a little bit.
Scrolling through, you see Terrell Brandon at No. 1, Kyrie Irving at No. 2 and so on and so forth.
Everything appears fine until you get to No. 23.
Tyrone Corbin? What?
This is where you ask yourself something along the lines of, "Self, am I wrong? Didn't LeBron James wear No. 23 for the Cavaliers?"
He did.

And the site even acknowledges it, as Corbin's caption reads:
So many great Cavaliers have worn No. 23, but we went with current Jazz coach, Tyrone Corbin. The digit, made famous by MJ, was also worn by Chris Dudley, Gary Freeman, Rowland Garrett, Mike Bratz, Bruce Flowers, Tyrone Corbin, John Morton, Rod Higgins, Carl Thomas, Derek Anderson and LeBron James.

So not only are the Cavs spurning LeBron by refusing to acknowledge his role in the franchise's history, but they're even listing him last out of all those players. Behind standouts like Mike Bratz and Bruce Flowers, who every basketball aficionado treats like household names.
C'mon man.
Just for fun, let's take a look at Corbin's career stats for the Cavs next to LeBron's:
Seasons PlayedPointsReboundsAssistsStealsBlocks
Tyrone Corbin26.
LeBron James727.
I'm thrilled to see that the Cavs value blocks so heavily. Now to be fair, Cleveland beat writer Mary Schmitt Boyer does provide a little context for us:

But still. Really? What is this list of players supposed to represent then?
From the time Corbin was signed as a free agent in 1987, the current Utah Jazz head coach lasted just over a calendar year before he was traded to the Phoenix Suns. So what exactly did he mean to the franchise that would put him above LeBron, who was the Cavaliers before he made a free-agency decision that was well within his rights?
There's a time to be bitter. Right before you're expect to court an MVP in free agency is not the time for any lingering animosity.
But hey, at least the list wasn't written in Comic Sans.
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