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Chauncey Billups

I never said he wanted to come here, I was asking if people would like to see him here. If you read my first post I said im sure Denver or NYC would be his first choice. As for him not wanting to be traded when he was traded from Detroit he said multiple times how he wanted to finish his career in Denver its his hometown (or at least where he went to college).

Do most the responses you've gotten make your ears bleed too? Brick walls... without google or complexity... you're better off talking to yourself.

I like the idea. Trade Harris while he still has value too.
Jazz need to stay young. I only want people that will be with us through the rebuilding

Well consider for a moment the benefits of the Jazz making the playoffs next year, sure they are not likely to get past the first round, but even that will provide valuable experience for our young core. That what I'm looking at, that experience will come in handy 2 or 3 or 4 years down the road when hopefully they have a shot to contend.
Says who? You? I certainly haven't heard him say so.

Even if he wasn't crazy about Melo making this trade, so that means he's coming here?

Please, answer my question in your next post. Why would he leave a bigger market, better team, and more money to come to a smaller market, worse team, for less money?

It's been public knowledge since day one that Billups wanted no part of being traded to NY as he was born and raised in Denver. It's also blatantly obvious to anyone that's been paying attention that Billups is a mediocre fit at best for D'Antoni's ****** up tempo system and that NY is not going to spend the money they do have left on him when Paul and Deron will be available in 2012 or a cheaper, younger option who can play alongside Melo and Amare for the next five years may also prove available. Please try to keep up.