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Classic Jazzfanz Moment


In 2008 there was a topic in general discussion. Apparently unluckyseventeen didn't like something that Archie said so they were getting into it. Archie then throws down a "you're wife is ugly." That was so cold, yet so totally boss.

I salute Archie Moses for this Classic Jazzfanz Moment.

unluckyseventeen = Sloaned
I kinda favors that there time Write4U proved his pwnage over the whole damn board when he went and said: "You guys just don't wanna listen to facts, eh?" That ROCKED!
Classic moment: When Sloanfeld got sloaned himself by being banned from the board.

<cues up Alcoa's Fantastic Finishes music>
I remember with fondness SeattleJazzFan's story about referring to himself as "Seattle" to his boss and getting a perplexed look in reply. (Apologies if I mangled the story.)