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Countdown to the semi-annual Reactionary Deron-Hater Thread because they won without him

Start AK at PG, LOL.

We won against "pesky" Minnesota. Nothing to be excited about except the fact that guys finally busted their butts from start to finish and the fact that they unintentionally figured out that they can also play the game at a higher pace. The Jazz, hopefully, will start playing a little bit faster consistently. The bad news meanwhile, is; another "lower" back strain for Okur, the inability of the Jazz to finish off the opponent when they have the chance to do so, and most importantly the fact that they yet again failed to defend the shooting. Fortunately, we had a hungry AK and Millsap who had insane stealing performances. The Jazz should start playing some freakin defense. We need everybody healthy, with Deron at the helm. With Watson or Ronnie at PG position, it's probable that you will have heart attack. THey are relentless but reckless.
This is just silly

It's not like we got down by 19 points, and then Deron went to the bench, and then we made a run to get back into the game.


Best PG in the league.
We beat a team that has won what, 10 games all season? With or without Deron it means nothing more than a W. Other than to get us a win that maybe our guys will take some confidence from.
I know it's only temporary, but I'm greatly enjoying the anti-Deron turn.

Team might not be better without him, but it sure as hell is more entertaining.
You can sometimes expect (or usually with the Jazz) a team to come together and step their games up when they're forced to. If you looked at Millsap's performances for a big chunk of when Boozer went down two years ago, you'd think he was the second-coming of KG. But he's not.

Oh well, I excitedly await the brilliant observations of people with no long-term memory or ability to project in anyway whatsoever. On that note, Millsap is the next KG after tonight.
First off - Numerica is a stud. Even when he's wrong(not often) I second guess myself.

Now for the truth. Utah played quite well without Deron tonight, and it wasn't like it was an isolated incident. Happens all the time during periods in which Deron sits with Earl running the point. No surprise.

Now for the truth. Deron typically sits while Earl plays against inferior competition. Wolves are a great example, all game long, instead of the normal resting periods.

In other words, all hail D-Will, and Haters can Neil and Bob. ( 2 good friends)

Seriously though, Deron needs to look in the ****** mirror.

Stop the ****** finger pointing.

Step up your game, shut the **** up, and prove CB wrong about best PG in the league. Fo real.
What question is being asked here? Depending on what question is being asked, the answer might be what many people don't want to hear.
What question is being asked here? Depending on what question is being asked, the answer might be what many people don't want to hear.

If I'm reading correctly, the question in the original post was "I am the bomb-shizzle; all y'all are idiots."

Which is strange, because it's not even really a question.