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Do you believe in astronomy?


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Tongue in cheek bit of malapropism there. Anyway, do you espouse, or know anyone who does, anything weird and counter-scientific, like astrology, flat earth, etc? Been getting into discussions with my SIL about astrology. Cannot seem to get it into her head that the fluke of when her parents or her chosen partner's parents, randomly chose to ****, combined with the alignment of the stars, is meaningless. Any other weirdness out there we can make fun of and laugh at to ease the constantly morose and forlorn tone of GD. Maybe some nice schadenfreude?
Tongue in cheek bit of malapropism there. Anyway, do you espouse, or know anyone who does, anything weird and counter-scientific, like astrology, flat earth, etc? Been getting into discussions with my SIL about astrology. Cannot seem to get it into her head that the fluke of when her parents or her chosen partner's parents, randomly chose to ****, combined with the alignment of the stars, is meaningless. Any other weirdness out there we can make fun of and laugh at to ease the constantly morose and forlorn tone of GD. Maybe some nice schadenfreude?
I find a lot of people believe in astrology which is quite strange to me. I have a hard time taking people seriously after that. Seems like it's much much more common for women. The proof is always that some generic description that pretty much fits everyone perfectly describes them. Men more often just have this really stupid alpha beta thing they believe in at an alarmingly high rate.
Mine isn’t a belief in “astrology,” per se, but rather how many mainstream things really are astrology, or astrology-adjacent, without the collective acknowledging it as such. Things like astrology are then used to laugh at unbelievers of [whatever sanctioned astrology is mainstream]. I’ve long-contended this about flat-earthers, as literal believers constitute such a negligible amount of society but further serves to buttress against perceived ‘anti-science’ attitudes, the same way the non-existent Tide pod challenge was used to dismiss anything coming from a particular generation, or the way the Westboro Baptist Church, having some 40-odd members, managed to become a household name.
Tongue in cheek bit of malapropism there. Anyway, do you espouse, or know anyone who does, anything weird and counter-scientific, like astrology, flat earth, etc? Been getting into discussions with my SIL about astrology. Cannot seem to get it into her head that the fluke of when her parents or her chosen partner's parents, randomly chose to ****, combined with the alignment of the stars, is meaningless. Any other weirdness out there we can make fun of and laugh at to ease the constantly morose and forlorn tone of GD. Maybe some nice schadenfreude?
I don't have any close relationships with anyone who believes in astrology, and that's probably intentional if not fully conscious. It's the sort of thing that if I was dating it would be an automatic disqualifier for anyone I was seeing.

Karma is the one that gets me because it seems almost universal. First I should say that I don't have a deep understanding of the actual concept from the various spiritual sources from which it came, but I think that it generally doesn't mean "what goes around comes around" or that when someone does a bad thing that a bad thing will happen to them. However, people seem to act sincerely like it is a thing that happens, and these are typically Christians because I'm surrounded mostly by Christians. Karma is not real as a source of universal justice. It just isn't.
I don't have any close relationships with anyone who believes in astrology, and that's probably intentional if not fully conscious. It's the sort of thing that if I was dating it would be an automatic disqualifier for anyone I was seeing.

Karma is the one that gets me because it seems almost universal. First I should say that I don't have a deep understanding of the actual concept from the various spiritual sources from which it came, but I think that it generally doesn't mean "what goes around comes around" or that when someone does a bad thing that a bad thing will happen to them. However, people seem to act sincerely like it is a thing that happens, and these are typically Christians because I'm surrounded mostly by Christians. Karma is not real as a source of universal justice. It just isn't.
Yep, karma is just as fake as astrology.

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I don't have any close relationships with anyone who believes in astrology, and that's probably intentional if not fully conscious. It's the sort of thing that if I was dating it would be an automatic disqualifier for anyone I was seeing.

Karma is the one that gets me because it seems almost universal. First I should say that I don't have a deep understanding of the actual concept from the various spiritual sources from which it came, but I think that it generally doesn't mean "what goes around comes around" or that when someone does a bad thing that a bad thing will happen to them. However, people seem to act sincerely like it is a thing that happens, and these are typically Christians because I'm surrounded mostly by Christians. Karma is not real as a source of universal justice. It just isn't.

How do you keep all those Christians straight? Do you like have nicknames for them? How many of them go by Chris? Those Christians sound gullible.
How do you keep all those Christians straight?
They all insist that they are very very straight. No effort needed on my part.
Do you like have nicknames for them?
Yes, I usually just use their first name.
How many of them go by Chris? Those Christians sound gullible.
A LOT of them go by Chris. Some of them don't shorten it, so I have to say Christian when I'm trying to get their attention, but most of them use Chris.
An incredibly intelligent, well accomplished, highly educated friend of mine was a huge believer in astrology, he ended up in psychiatric care for nearly 12 months. As nonsensical as a belief in astrology is its a fairly benign thing to believe in. In truth it makes about as much sense to me as religion. It used to be a phase that teenage girls and young women went through, probably driven by the crappy magazines they used to read. You know, you've gotta fill that pulp with some crap and a major story every two months on what does your star sign have in store for you this year or an exposé on what your boyfriends star sign means for your future together is very hard hitting. I wonder when they started having the daily horoscope in newspapers?
I used to read my horoscope in the paper every morning, but mostly because it was kind of like a puzzle. A good astrologer can write a horoscope that sounds very specific but could really apply to almost anyone.

As for astronomy, to quote James Earl Jones, I'm interested in all kinds of astronomy.
I used to read my horoscope in the paper every morning, but mostly because it was kind of like a puzzle. A good astrologer can write a horoscope that sounds very specific but could really apply to almost anyone.

As for astronomy, to quote James Earl Jones, I'm interested in all kinds of astronomy.

To paraphrase James Earl Jones "Gandalfe I am your father."
In this faithless world, wouldn’t be surprised if nobody believed in Astronomy anymore tbphwy.

Thanks Obamacare.
Don't worry, I do have faith in leprechauns and unicorns still.

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Hey!!! Its been a very cold winter!!!! Anyway it cant be that bad, she keeps coming back for more, the dirty hen.
If they peck enough they'll find a seed here and there.