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Game Thread Feb 27, 2024 05:30PM MT: Jazz at Hawks

Added to Calendar: 02-27-24

If we win this game, we are headed directly to the 11th pick (no pick) with no play in either.
If we win this game, we are headed directly to the 11th pick (no pick) with no play in either.
Not only that the Hawks or Rockets take the 9 slot and jump all the way to the top spot. The darkest timeline.
Need to go about 20-4 or 21-3 rest of the way to make it to top 8, and give a decent chance to tackle the play-ins. These games just are absolute must wins. Go Jazz! Yes, bring on the hate tankers, idgaf.
If only this visiting crowd brought the energy for the road team... Holly... this gotta stop.