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General Discussion rule?

Good thing you didn't even consider debating and resorted to posting pics since you would have been completely annihilated just like every other one of our debates. Sharks eat fish, that is life get used to it.

He may have been directing that pic at me (I have been doing a lot of crybaby-ing lately).
Good thing you didn't even consider debating and resorted to posting pics since you would have been completely annihilated just like every other one of our debates. Sharks eat fish, that is life get used to it.

I would have, but I didn't want you to start another thread about banning discussions that hurt your feelings.
No, it's up to you to not distinguish between people as individuals. It's not up to other people to change your opinions based on hasty generalizations.

Well it's up to both sides to come to the party.

The Muslims need to do a better job of reigning in these extremists, reaching out to them and showing them the part of the Quran that they should be focusing on, not the part about violence, etc. This is not easy when there is money and corruption involved.

The general public on the other hand also need to tone down the "hasty generalization" and recognize that there are peace loving Muslims out there too. This is also not easy, when lives are at risk - if you're a Buddhist monk living in the South of Thailand you would know very well what it feels like to be 'cautious' of Muslims.

It needs to be a collaborative process.

One thing's for sure though, sitting on the sideline and shouting "The God of the Quran doesn't exist" isn't gonna help. Yes I'm looking at you One Brow.
where's that little "group hug" emoticon when we need it?

Or maybe this will do:


(LOL @ "great quality")

I don't value the opinions of irrational people so your wrong opinion wouldn't hurt my feeling.

Right right. You're a lion of science who eats irrational kittens like me for breakfast. We have your shtick memorized by now.

But seriously, posting a picture of a crying baby is just a joke. You get that, right? It really wasn't intended to be that offensive.