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Well-Known Member
Holy cow, I want to believe in the kid and over time he may make it, but has there been a much worse starter in the history of the league? Right now he cannot really do anything well, although his defense may be acceptable. He is making Adam Keefe look like a HOFer.

I think he ought to go to the D-league to at least get his stroke going. At least when Elson gets back and certainly when Memo returns. He also needs to give JJ redick a call to see how he got himself up to NBA standards.
Here are an admittedly out of shape Thomspon's numbers in Orem for two games. 10.5 ppg, .444 2 .250 3 .500 FT 2.5 rebounds 1.5 assists. Here are Hayward's in the show: 1.9ppg .372 2 .250 3 .625 FT 1.3 rebounds 0.2 assists.



He needs to shoot A LOT better - no doubt. But his passing ability is how he'll contribute to the Jazz's flex offense which requires SF to make that extra pass leading to an easy bucket. His defense and rebound are decent for a SG.

Once those 3s start to drop - boy.. let me tell you..

He passes better than AK (potentially)
He dribbles better than AK (definitely)
He shoots better than AK (potentially)
He needs to shoot A LOT better - no doubt. But his passing ability is how he'll contribute to the Jazz's flex offense which requires SF to make that extra pass leading to an easy bucket. His defense and rebound are decent for a SG.

Once those 3s start to drop - boy.. let me tell you..

He passes better than AK (potentially)
He dribbles better than AK (definitely)
He shoots better than AK (potentially)

Potentially he could be better than Larry Bird at everything, but I doubt it.
I really don't see him being a better passer than AK, because AK is actually a very good passer.
AK can pass over the top of most of his defenders, which doesn't happen with most players or match-ups.
Potentially he could be better than Larry Bird at everything, but I doubt it.
I really don't see him being a better passer than AK, because AK is actually a very good passer.
AK can pass over the top of most of his defenders, which doesn't happen with most players or match-ups.

AK is a very good passer.