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If someone is a total turd and is ruining it for everyone

I think a lot of people are taking this internet forum thing a little too seriously.
is there some sort of list or some kind of guideline (PG-13, Rated R, etc.) of what names are acceptable to call other posters?
Apparently "turd" is okay. What about stuff like butt licker and fart sniffer. Etc.
I think a lot of people are taking this internet forum thing a little too seriously.

this isn't OP's or any poster's fault. The management here has set that tone. It's not unexpected that posters would follow their lead.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
this isn't OP's or any poster's fault. The management here has set that tone. It's not unexpected that posters would follow their lead.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Most of the other forums I frequent are moderated much more aggressively than Jazzfanz. In a way aggressive moderation is better because it reduces the grey area that can lead to a perception of biased enforcement.

All those in favor of the board rules being enforced to the letter at all times say aye...