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Is this t-shirt too offensive to wear to a party?

If that's the theme of the party, I don't see why anybody would get mad even if you wore something that was really really offensive. It would be douchie to wear around town or something though.
It looks like a shirt that might be worn by a roadie for a Christian rock band. I don't think it's offensive.
I figured its not worth really offending someone... Examples of t-shirts from past years' parties: I'm with stupid (with an arrow pointing down), Go Local Sports Team, Winnie the Pooh dressed as a pimp and the caption "B*tch better have my honey", etc...

I decided to go with this: https://www.cafepress.com/+the_booger,391516430 (sadly the link kinda gives away the answer of my would be trivia question of what movie is this from?)