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"It seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze"


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Did anyone else see this article on yahoo?

North Korea ‘dream’ video shows U.S. city under missile attack

In what appears to be a provocative PR stunt, a bizarre video uploaded to YouTube by North Korea over the weekend shows a dream sequence that includes a U.S. city resembling New York under an apparent missile attack.

The video, produced by North Korea's official website, Uriminzokkiri, begins with a young man imagining himself aboard a North Korean space shuttle that circles the earth, pausing to zoom in on a unified Korea.

The soundtrack to the three-and-a-half-minute video is an instrumental version of "We Are the World," the 1985 single written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, and recorded by a celebrity supergroup, with proceeds going to African aid.

Near the end of the dream sequence, the imagined U.S. city—including what appears to be the Empire State Building—is shown in flames.

"Somewhere in the United States, black clouds of smoke are billowing," reads a caption, translated by The Guardian. "It seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze."

When reached by Yahoo News, U.S. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to comment.
The video arrives just days after North Korea threatened to retaliate against the U.S. for what it called a double standard stemming from a recent rocket launch by South Korea, which the U.S. said had no military intent.
In December, the U.S. claimed a North Korean rocket launch was a test of banned ballistic missile technology, and the United Nations Security Council announced sanctions.

On Saturday, a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman did not elaborate on the threatened retaliation. But according to the Associated Press, Pyongyang recently threatened to conduct its third nuclear test in response to what it calls U.S. hostility.

On Tuesday, South Korea U.N. Ambassador Kim Sook said a North Korean nuclear test was "imminent."

The US portion is at the 2 minute mark.
Yeah things seem to be going to crap all over the place.

China v. Japan, Vietnam and the Phillipines
N. Korea v. S. Korea and America
Syrian Civil War
Israel v. Iran and Syria v. Turkey

In direct relation to N. Korea I cannot see a single thing to be gained by making a video of nuking an American city. That government already has total control over its people. Posting that video will not win them concessions of food, medicine and other goods. In fact it hurts them. China does not want to be associated with that and recently threatened to withdraw their monetary aid to N. Korea if they do not settle down.
Is there not one person in that country that is capable of making something better than a cornball propaganda video that looks 15 years old? It's amazing that a country that pretty much ruins people's souls as a national policy could ever call any other place wicked though. At least in some other places that totally suck from a governance standpoint, it's more like a situation where the government just doesn't even pretend to care about you, for better or worse.
Is there not one person in that country that is capable of making something better than a cornball propaganda video that looks 15 years old? It's amazing that a country that pretty much ruins people's souls as a national policy could ever call any other place wicked though. At least in some other places that totally suck from a governance standpoint, it's more like a situation where the government just doesn't even pretend to care about you, for better or worse.

At least everyone is poor in the PRNK. What's really bad is when some people are super rich and have fancy things while others only have a couple older model TVs and automobiles and are forced to eat at fast food restaurants instead of being able to eat at fine dining establishments. It the gap between he wealthiest and the poorest that is the problem, not weather or not the poorest are having their basic needs met and then some.
It's probably revenge for the Onion article that proclaimed Kim Jong Un the sexiest man of the year
Video was removed for copyright claims by activision. Did they steal a video game sequence to use as propaganda?