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Jazz/Pacer Trade Idea

Twin Towers

Well-Known Member
Idea might have been shared already but I think it would balance things out on both teams since both teams are struggling. And I think we all know minor changes won't fix the problem.


D-Will - Watson - Price
Bell - Miles
Granger - AK - Evans
Jefferson - AK - Elson
Fesenko - Elson - Okur
Yes Fesenko is starting. He helps us every time he plays a large amount of minutes. Give him consistent minutes and he will only get better. We get big like the Elite teams are. And we get that second scorer next to Deron.

Collison - Ford - Price
Rush - Hayward
Dunleavy - George - Posey
Millsap - Hansbrough - McRoberts
Hibbert - Foster - Jones
(This is how the lineup would start but by the end of the season George or Hayward could end up starting) Collison could do the pick and roll with Millsap. Which is what made Collison successful in New Orleans.
Again? Seriously. Again. Screw you. So much. So, so, so, so much. There is just absolutely no excuse for this.
I have always been a Fesenko fan. Every time Sloan plays him 15 plus minutes he provides a huge spark and we don't allow offensive rebounds and he doesn't allow penetration. Something we are not stopping now. After those games everyone loves Fesenko than Sloan benches him and never plays him more than 5 minutes than all of a sudden fans forget what he does when he plays a lot. Like this have short term memories.
Any trade that is posted on this board that doesn't involve us trading AK/Memo I will hereby give negative rep to. You have been warned.
Any trade that is posted on this board that doesn't involve us trading AK/Memo I will hereby give negative rep to. You have been warned.

We cannot trade Memo. Nobody wants him. And nobody wants AK either. Expiring contracts are worthless right now with all the teams having there massive trade exceptions. When you can come up with a decent trade idea than I will give you a positive rep for it. And the Okur for Hamilton trade sucks.
We cannot trade Memo. Nobody wants him. And nobody wants AK either. Expiring contracts are worthless right now with all the teams having there massive trade exceptions. When you can come up with a decent trade idea than I will give you a positive rep for it. And the Okur for Hamilton trade sucks.

SOMEBODY wants them. Otherwise, why would we have signed them to their current contracts if nobody else would want to pay them that?

Also, I like the trade idea you posted in this thread a lot.
seen this exact trade idea on this forum over and over. redundancy........ it is groundhogs day i guess
Granger isn't going anywhere until they've about run through another coach or they get a legit star. All bets of Granger's (or anyone on the Pacers) availability are off until that time.
I ran this same trade on the pacers board and the only way they would do it would be to add cj miles. Then I get nervous I have a 3 team trade that works better.

Jazz trade millsap, ak, price, and fes
Get granger, kaman, foye, and mcroberts

Clippers trade foye, kaman, Gomes
Get ak, price and fes

Indiana trades granger and mcroberts
Get millsap and Gomes

Utah gets some major pieces in kaman and granger although I think miles would have to be included maybe a draft pick. I think kaman and Jefferson is a better match thin big al and millsap. Granger givesvus the scoring we need.

Indy gets a little shorted unless we add miles but Gomes is a scrapper as is millsap. Millsap and Hibbert are a great front line.

Clips clear cap space and get aplayer who is a perfect fit along side griffin. The could resign fes and ak
If you go by PER, Millsap is better.

Would the Pacers trade Granger for Millslap straight up? Hell no!

I H8 Hollinger.