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John F. Kennedy: A New Book


Well-Known Member
Jerome Corsi is coming out with a new book. . . . . last night on a radio talk show hosted by a moderate republican "great American" advocate, he stated that his father was associated with the Kennedy clan, and mentioned mob links. . . .

I've been talking a little about JFK's role in popularizing meth. . . . well, he used it to come on the TV debate with Nixon in the 1960 Presidential campaign as dynamic and energetic, despite his poor health and general depression. . . . just like the great movie mogul Cecil B. DeMille insisted that Charlton Heston be high on meth in order to appear dynamic or "inspired" when coming down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments inscribed on the stone tablets.. . . . . see the story in the book "Dr. Feelgood". . . .

After laying out the history of JFK and claiming that the Kennedy assassination was planned by certain "darkside" elites after a plan used in various other countries since Eisenhower's time, notably in the "bananna Republic" of US Banana Company interests. . . . . with folks like Richard Nixon, Allan Dulles and the Bush Dynasty being implicated in one way or another. . . . on account of JFK's failure to give air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, besides imoo his refusal to ramp up the war in Viet Nam, and his monetary policy. . . .

the moderate republican host let Mr. Corsi go, after which he announced he didn't believe a word of it.


yep, and George Bush, either one, would be just as quick to raise the "conspiracy theory" slur whenever anyone mentions Prescott Bush being the bag man to pass millions of dollars into Hitler's hands to help his solidify his power inside Germany during the run-up to WWII.

It's quite a heap of cognitive dissonance for most of us to follow the trails through history of our great movers and shakers, we just can't really process it. . . . .or sit still long enough to understand it.
Nice, I'll read it. Love me some Corsi. That doesn't seem to be a conspiracy where a lot of people need convincing as it typically polls well above 1/2 of the populace not buying it and I've seen up to 80% on some.
I remember the day JFK was assassinated. I was living in a very conservative Utah backtrack town, and it was total shock. Nobody was "glad". LBJ took this nation down a bad path. . . into Viet Nam with no rational plan or purpose. The whole idea of "fighting communism" was bogus. . . . all you need to understand to see this clearly is one or two dizzy dames like Jane Fonda. . . . . The Anglo-American Pax UNicus has never given the world a day of peace, and has grown the military industrial complex in the West to a clearly dominant force, a global cartel. Killing, LLC. While we are distracted with sentimentality for dogs, cats, fish, and every other sort of species we can narcissistically attach ourselves to for personal significance.

How many folks do you know who have no real contact with their own kids, but dote on a dog?

My true-believer Marxist buddy/carpool pal twenty years ago used to cry in his beer about "State Socialism", how it was no different from cartel Capitalism, and how the Revolution had gone all wrong with phonies who just use the ideology to build their own power cartels. My buddy's sister was John Bircher, and it was a riot seeing how they could agree on the essentials of "Who's Who in the Evil World". Amazing how they would take it to polar extremes though. . . .

Today we are being whipped up. . . . well, it seems the effort is being made to work us up. . . . to fight a war with "Islamic Extremists". It's the same today as it was with Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq. . . . the same as it was when we were being worked up by our so-called "press" or media manipulators in the 1850s on the slavery issue. Abolitionists and Secessionists both financed by foreigh interests whose principal aim was to weaken the United States.

We have wasted our strength on useless foreigjn wars.

JFK was killed because he didn't want to go down that road.