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Matilda madness.

Douchebag K

Well-Known Member
Australian women’s football team through to the World Cup semis folllowing an amazing penalty shootout v France that went to 10 penalties taken by each side

Jump on the bandwagon my friends
Australian women’s football team through to the World Cup semis folllowing an amazing penalty shootout v France that went to 10 penalties taken by each side

Jump on the bandwagon my friends

Mate quality night. I watched down at the Albion in North Melbourne wasn't too bad an atmosphere. Couple of old ***** probably worth more money than god complained that the North Melbourne game wasn't on, I asked them are you that keen to see them lose? They looked at me with a combination of fear and hate. I starred back with hate, wishing with every breath that they would die.

For an AFL pub 90 percent of the room was well into the game, to the point where the 6 ***** sitting next to me stopped whinging (was a shame one of them was my age and id have loved to feed him his teeth.) Anyway the joint exploded and it was a quality aussie night.