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Name Jazz fan top-3 most hated NBA teams

1- Lakers.... After the loss to Miami, they acknowledged that they are cocky. It's now proved and approved from first hand. The franchise is NBA's darling, always has been. As much as I respect the accomplishments of coach Phil, I really hate him. As a european basketball fan having watched lots of Eurobasket and World champs. I detest nearly every Spanish and Greek player since their teams are favored by FIBA, which has proven time after time. Gasol is a flopper, is not a man of his size. No guts, no heart, lots of talent and archness, yelling at every dunk or layup attempt as if was pushed, always talking with refs. The stupid and ignorant fanbase of LA + the fact that you see lots of cocky laker fans anywhere you go makes them unquestionable #1.
2- Spurs.... One of the most annoying things to watch during the game is having to deal with the bewildered-face look Duncan and Manu gives whenever the calls go against them. Manu is a great basketball player but he has not class in his actions sometimes. He is too clever and astute which sometimes gets sickening. Flopping and favoring illegal defense is an art downtown AT&T center, perfected by Bruce Bowen and one thing you should now if you are a basketball fan is south americans uses everything they can do to win it. Everything is licit to get it done. They can get over-physical with you. Check Manu's layups, he sometimes intentionally and illegally uses his knees against opponents. Tough to see by refs.
3- Rockets.... The club that accuses you of beling floppers and classless while they are absolute trash and floppers. I mean, if you know Scola from his days with TAU, two things you remember is his post up moves, and his flopping act. It's a latin thing, I guess. How about Shane? Are you kidding me cry-baby Clyde Drexler? Tracy has a great deal of impact on my #3 selection. McLazyeye. He and his cousin Carter are ultimate losers in my book. Shame that Yao had to deal with all of these.

I also do not like OKC and Denver at all. The new darling of the NBA, OKC and a group of knuckleheads, street ballers who have to be coached and manned up by a class act, coach Karl. I feel sorry for the coach.
1. Los Angeles Lakers - no explanation needed.

2. San Antonio Spurs - before the season sweep in 09-10, the Spurs always seemed to have Utah's number for the previous 12 seasons. Started in the lockout season where they overtook the Jazz for the #1 seed in the final week, then they beat the Jazz I think 19 times in a row from 1999 until 2004, Kirilenko sprained his knee in San Antonio which completely derailed the 04-05 season, beat the Jazz in the WCF in 2007 during the infamous Steve Javie Game 4, other than Staples the one place the Jazz will never get a call is in San Antonio, plus Duncan and Ginobili are two of the whiniest players in the league. They never think they committed a foul and Duncan's wide-eyes and "who me?" gestures make me want to throw something at him.

3. Nuggets - in the Melo era I'm not sure it's possible to get a larger group of thugs (KMart, Melo, Iverson, J.R. Smith, Dahntay Jones, Birdman) and annoying players (Jon Barry, Andre Miller, Eduardo Najera) on the same team.
(1) Timberwolves - They're pesky.
(2) Clippers - They tend to play the Jazz tough no matter how bad they suck. Plus they are hogging all the #1 picks.
(3) Wizards - They gave in to the bleeding hearts and changed their cool name. They must love Harry Potter or something.

Honorable Mention:
(1) Lakers - But, it's so tough to hate a team with that cute, cuddly Kobe Bryant.
(2) Nuggets - If they'd trade Carmelo for AK, I'd drop them from the list.
(3) Spurs - The Robinson/Duncan combination was an evil conspiracy.
I always hated the sonics when I was a kid, they knocked us out of the playoffs a couple of years and i think thats why.
Lakers - Several reasons already stated. Cocky, babied by the league, fans are tards (particlarly SLC Laker fans).

Heat - Bunch of pansies that can't win under normal circumstances. LeBron seems to think he needs an hour of the national audience's attention just to speak one sentence. Doesn't know the definition of humility.

Nuggets - Team full of punks that act like babies when they start to lose.

I can't hate the Spurs simply because all they ever do is quietly get the job done.

Can't hate the 90's Bulls much only because the only beef we had with them is that they're better than us, plus Jordan + Pippen were so phenomenal to watch. Loved those 90's series against the Knicks. Golden age of basketball and they dominated it.

Can't hate the late 90's Kings because they were the arch-rivals to the Lakers when the Jazz started to decline, and I've always hated the Lakers.

Can't really hate the Rockets (their fans are morons though) since all they ever did was win titles when the best team was crippled.