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Official THANKS FOR THE TANK TY thread

The Jazz Wonderbra

Well-Known Member

Thanks for the PICK... Whoever we pick, I will always be thankful of your efforts...

Highlights of Ty's decorated career:

Leading the Jazz to a great lottery pick in a great draft
2013/14 1 - 13 start
2013/14 3 - 21 finish
Frog voice post game discussions
Not starting the youth together until 3 games before the end of the season (and your job as HC for the Jazz)
2012/13 3 - 12 stretch that allowed Kobe and the Lakers to somehow catchup and make the playoffs when they were behind by 10 games!!!
Veteran Handling skills (Raja sends his love)
Still figuring out the offensive scheme 2 weeks before the end of your career while Horney goes to Phoenix and makes an offensive team out of scrub city...
Losing the last game to Minnesota (we can only hope)...

You are DL's tool.

Now go be Horney's assistant and learn how an offense works... if you can get the job.

Wonderbra out!