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Rant Sports - Utah Jazz Rumors: Gustavo Ayon Would Bring Frontcourt Security

Utah Jazz Newsfeed

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The Utah Jazz have made it clear over this NBA off-season that they are going to build around young players and look towards their future. After either choosing not to or not being able to re-sign Al Jefferson and Paul Millsap and with the team addressing their point guard needs by getting rookie Trey Burke, [...]

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"However, one of the key things for next season is making sure they are able to effectively develop the young players on their roster. If you don’t surround players like Derrick Favors, Enes Kanter and Gordon Hayward with solid depth, they aren’t going to be able to get the experience they need."

Say what? First off, Ayon isn't even good depth. Second, why do you need to surround them with "solid depth" in order for them to get experience?

Jeremy Evans backs up Favors and Biedrins and Gobert back up Kanter. Maybe after seeing Favors get into immediate foul trouble with the US team, the Jazz figure they need another body.