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SLC Dunk - Donovan Mitchell still carrying Utah Jazz one year later


Mychal Lowman

Denver Nuggets v Utah Jazz - Game Six
Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
Despite an active offseason, Donovan Mitchell still shoulders the burden of Utah’s offense.

After a disappointing five game series demise to the Houston Rockets for the second season in a row, the Utah Jazz knew what they had to do. Utah needed offense. Their defense had carried them as far as it would go and Donovan Mitchell was dragging their offense to victory as if it was an anti-vaxxer to a Science Journal. The Utah Jazz rightfully were aggressive in the offseason. As Donovan Mitchell prepares for a Game 7, he finds himself in a similar position as years past. He must carry this team to a win.

Last year Utah targeted Mike Conley who was the best offensive threat on the trade market. He would serve as their guaranteed upgrade through trade then they would hope they could get lucky in free agency. That luck took a denial from Nikola Mirotic that allowed an opening for Bojan Bogdanovic. Utah’s offensively anemic starting lineup was now an offensive powerhouse. An up and down season mixed with a pandemic never allowed that lineup to sync up. Defensively Utah was worse.

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