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"Subsidizing" Industry


Well-Known Member
Paying subsidies to oil companies is a PR move by politicians. They are ostensibly to offset costs so they can keep the price of gas low. Whether the offset in costs is the reason or that they are using oil to hold america hostage is debatable. In turn we get cheaper gas at the pump, the politicians look like heroes to the average Joe for helping him get lower gas prices and the oil companies and politicians all line their pockets.

And don't kid yourself, the oil lobby is absolutely NOT exclusive to the republican party. They spread the wealth around.

Paying subsidies? If there are any "subsidies" they are in the form of tax breaks.

"The federal government by no stretch of the imagination subsidizes the oil industry. The oil industry subsidizes the federal government at a rate of $95 million a day." ~ Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute

I don't know of anyone who sees politicians as heroes or gives them credit for low gas prices.
It cracks me up how much you argue for the sake of argument hoppe...er...millsapa, and what a master of semantics you are. You even feel the need to tear apart a post that more or less supports your position from other threads. Weird.

Anyway, here are a couple articles about this issue. One is CNN article about the dems maligning the Bush administration for high gas prices, the other is from democrats.com claiming they are the party that will lower gas prices. If you don't think the gas price issue is used as political currency on each side of the debate you don't pay attention to the media very well. It was especially hotly contested from around the 2008 time frame as America saw rapid increases of gas prices, and people were looking for someone to blame. I remember many articles and op-ed pieces at that time extolling the virtues of the democratic party and how they are saving us by working to lower gas prices and demonizing of the republicans for their unwillingness to to anything to lower gas prices. So yes to many people, mainly at that time democrats, they viewed democrats in congress as saving them from gas prices rising any higher.


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It cracks me up how much you argue for the sake of argument hoppe...er...millsapa, and what a master of semantics you are. You even feel the need to tear apart a post that more or less supports your position from other threads. Weird.

Anyway, here are a couple articles about this issue. One is CNN article about the dems maligning the Bush administration for high gas prices, the other is from democrats.com claiming they are the party that will lower gas prices. If you don't think the gas price issue is used as political currency on each side of the debate you don't pay attention to the media very well. It was especially hotly contested from around the 2008 time frame as America saw rapid increases of gas prices, and people were looking for someone to blame. I remember many articles and op-ed pieces at that time extolling the virtues of the democratic party and how they are saving us by working to lower gas prices and demonizing of the republicans for their unwillingness to to anything to lower gas prices. So yes to many people, mainly at that time democrats, they viewed democrats in congress as saving them from gas prices rising any higher.



1-I am arguing because I think you are wrong.
2-The Hopper accusation is getting to be a real bore. You and your thinker Trout should put your money where your mouths are and then ask one of the mods to verify I'm not hopper. Then I'll gladly take your money and a sincere public apology.
3-How does your inaccurate post support any position I've taken?
4-Yes the Dems blamed Bush for the high gas prices during the election season. They blamed him for everything. That ain't the same thing as being seen as heroes for low gas prices, now is it? By the way, Obama said he liked the high gas prices, but wished they would have risen more slowly. I believe the non-partisan consensus in 2008 for where to place the blame on high gas prices were speculators.
5-It is "green" energy that is actually getting paid subsidies.
1-I am arguing because I think you are wrong.
2-The Hopper accusation is getting to be a real bore. You and your thinker Trout should put your money where your mouths are and then ask one of the mods to verify I'm not hopper. Then I'll gladly take your money and a sincere public apology.
3-How does your inaccurate post support any position I've taken?
4-Yes the Dems blamed Bush for the high gas prices during the election season. They blamed him for everything. That ain't the same thing as being seen as heroes for low gas prices, now is it? By the way, Obama said he liked the high gas prices, but wished they would have risen more slowly. I believe the non-partisan consensus in 2008 for where to place the blame on high gas prices were speculators.
5-It is "green" energy that is actually getting paid subsidies.

All we need is a pic of you holding the daily paper and it will be settled.
It cracks me up how much you argue for the sake of argument hoppe...er...millsapa, and what a master of semantics you are. You even feel the need to tear apart a post that more or less supports your position from other threads. Weird.

Anyway, here are a couple articles about this issue. One is CNN article about the dems maligning the Bush administration for high gas prices, the other is from democrats.com claiming they are the party that will lower gas prices. If you don't think the gas price issue is used as political currency on each side of the debate you don't pay attention to the media very well. It was especially hotly contested from around the 2008 time frame as America saw rapid increases of gas prices, and people were looking for someone to blame. I remember many articles and op-ed pieces at that time extolling the virtues of the democratic party and how they are saving us by working to lower gas prices and demonizing of the republicans for their unwillingness to to anything to lower gas prices. So yes to many people, mainly at that time democrats, they viewed democrats in congress as saving them from gas prices rising any higher.



Truth is the first casualty of politics.

The Rockefeller philosophy adopted before cartel power was achieved. . . . . was to do whatever possible to limit supply. Their view has always been that there's just too much oil. Their strategy has always been to achieve monopoly power one way or another, and they have not neglected politics in that effort. And it is very true that dems as well as reps have cooperated with their strategy, and have been paid well for doing so.
Yeah, I'm weird like that. I fell in love with Jazz basketball when I was subjected to it as a kid when my dad controlled the TV changer. I'm 5'3" so I never played basketball myself. My PE teacher tried to teach me how to do a layup but I was too uncoordinated for even that. I can shoot pretty well though. I lived near Hornacek when he first came to play for the Jazz, but then he moved to a home on Walker Lane.

The politics comes from my Grandpa. I lived with him for awhile as a teenager and I learned a lot from his wisdom. He was a hard core Limbaugh listener, a veteran of WW II (navy sea bees), and an entrepreneur. He was a great example to me.

I can see that most fanz can't tolerate opposing political viewpoints so I'll try to stick to rainbows and butterflies.
Most of you all are pretty funny when you aren't trolling me, so this place is cool apart from that.

I asked at the poker game if everyone was convinced you were Hopper and the consensus there was that you were not, for what that's worth. That said, come to the next poker game and it'll be settled.
I asked at the poker game if everyone was convinced you were Hopper and the consensus there was that you were not, for what that's worth. That said, come to the next poker game and it'll be settled.

I was at the last poker game...emo girl. ;)