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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Be patient, I'm sure someone is going to come along and Trump-splain why the economy is actually as bad as it has ever been.
Trumpers think he is destroying America.
I think America is awesome.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
This is still the biggest issue we have going on in the US right now.

The migrant crisis. This is not about race, its about resources, which we do not have to handle this problem.

I have been talking about low income housing for over a year, on this board but I'm going to expand on another limited resource...

Doctors and medical resources. Lets see what's happening in Denver:

"Eight-thousand migrants from Central America accounted for approximately 20,000 visits in 2023. Denver Health asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide funds for immigrants’ medical costs. The state and federal governments aren’t reimbursing the hospital, which spent $136 million for patients who didn't pay."

20,00 visits in 2023 were from migrants. $136 million spent on services for patients who didn't pay... we can't even properly care for Americans.

So how many people came over the border this year? 3.2 million

How many doctors are needed for 3.2 million? 8,000 (2.5 per 1000 source https://data.oecd.org/healthres/doctors.htm#indicator-chart)

How many new doctors enter residency per year? Around 40k (https://www.vox.com/22989930/residency-match-day-physician-doctor-shortage-pandemic-medical-school)

How many doctors left the work force? 117,000 in 2021. Within 5 years they are estimating a deficit of doctors to be around 140,000. 5 more years of this volume of migrant, this country will need to add another 40,000 doctors.

Pausing the border crossings is needed.
Trumpers think he is destroying America.
I think America is awesome.
The economy is good, certainly better than I and many others were predicting. However there is one noteworthy change showing up in the economic data that I don't like very much. It doesn't indicate a bad economy as much as a failing culture. The statistic I'm referring to is the workforce participation metrics put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the employment-to-population ratio were the same today as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, 2.6 million more people would be employed today.

That in and of itself isn't the concerning thing but rather it is in who the missing participants are. Around two-thirds are the 65+ workers who all decided to call it a career. That is great. I wish them all the best. The other third of missing workers are 20-24 year old women with no kids.


Why the young women aren't getting jobs and where they went isn't a mystery. They are here:


As The Thriller said, credit where credit is due. Joe Biden used to inappropriatly shower with his teenage daughter and Hunter Biden's association with sex workers is legendary. I don't have a daughter myself. I only have a son and I do not hold back my condemnation of simps but that is not the same. Do those with daughters think turning their little girls into prostitutes destined to burn out on the idea of family after seeing the very worst parts of the worst male humans the world has to offer is worth a good economy?
The economy is good, certainly better than I and many others were predicting. However there is one noteworthy change showing up in the economic data that I don't like very much. It doesn't indicate a bad economy as much as a failing culture. The statistic I'm referring to is the workforce participation metrics put out by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the employment-to-population ratio were the same today as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, 2.6 million more people would be employed today.

That in and of itself isn't the concerning thing but rather it is in who the missing participants are. Around two-thirds are the 65+ workers who all decided to call it a career. That is great. I wish them all the best. The other third of missing workers are 20-24 year old women with no kids.


Why the young women aren't getting jobs and where they went isn't a mystery. They are here:


As The Thriller said, credit where credit is due. Joe Biden used to inappropriatly shower with his teenage daughter and Hunter Biden's association with sex workers is legendary. I don't have a daughter myself. I only have a son and I do not hold back my condemnation of simps but that is not the same. Do those with daughters think turning their little girls into prostitutes destined to burn out on the idea of family after seeing the very worst parts of the worst male humans the world has to offer is worth a good economy?
The average woman on onlyfans makes $180/month. That's the average where there are some making millions a month. Most people flashing their cooter on the internet aren't even paying their phone bill with the proceeds.

Yep, our society has been ruined.
Why don’t we just reverse the Trump tax cuts and use part of that added revenue to “solve” the migrant crisis? We could rush judges to the border to hear cases. Those legit asylum seekers would be let in while those who aren’t, won’t. Those let in will be given housing and other assistance until they’re on their feet. We could reform the immigration process and make it much faster and easier to come here legally. Dreamers would be granted citizenship.

Why not just do that?

Or does one party want to keep this an issue so they can demagogue about it on Fox News every year for elections? “The brown caravan! Scary!!!”

I’m guessing it also doesn’t help when that party’s leader says everyday that immigrants are “poisoning the nation’s blood.” It’s hard to take them seriously about this issue when such racism is so in our faces everyday. Right? I wonder why those on here sooooo concerned over immigration (cuz they’re soooo not racist) have been so silent on Donald’s racist diatribes?
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Why don’t red states expand Medicaid if solving fentanyl abuse is supposedly a priority? Seems to me like these states should be providing their people with as much health care as possible. Right? These poor people need treatment, what are states that suffer the most from drug abuse not expanding health care coverage to their most vulnerable?
Be patient, I'm sure someone is going to come along and Trump-splain why the economy is actually as bad as it has ever been.
The economy is a mixed bag, but looks like it will continue to have moderate growth in the near term, which is good news as many thought we'd be in a recession by now. Home sales are the slowest since 1995, but other indicators and consumer confidence is strong.
This is still the biggest issue we have going on in the US right now.

The migrant crisis. This is not about race, its about resources, which we do not have to handle this problem.

I have been talking about low income housing for over a year, on this board but I'm going to expand on another limited resource...

Doctors and medical resources. Lets see what's happening in Denver:

"Eight-thousand migrants from Central America accounted for approximately 20,000 visits in 2023. Denver Health asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide funds for immigrants’ medical costs. The state and federal governments aren’t reimbursing the hospital, which spent $136 million for patients who didn't pay."

20,00 visits in 2023 were from migrants. $136 million spent on services for patients who didn't pay... we can't even properly care for Americans.

So how many people came over the border this year? 3.2 million

How many doctors are needed for 3.2 million? 8,000 (2.5 per 1000 source https://data.oecd.org/healthres/doctors.htm#indicator-chart)

How many new doctors enter residency per year? Around 40k (https://www.vox.com/22989930/residency-match-day-physician-doctor-shortage-pandemic-medical-school)

How many doctors left the work force? 117,000 in 2021. Within 5 years they are estimating a deficit of doctors to be around 140,000. 5 more years of this volume of migrant, this country will need to add another 40,000 doctors.

Pausing the border crossings is needed.
I don't deny this is an issue, but the largest issue we are facing as population decline. Birth rate has been below the replacement rate since the 70s. It is anticipated we'll start seeing effects as baby boomers die off. We need immigration, but it should be in a controlled manner.
Why don’t we just reverse the Trump tax cuts and use part of that added revenue to “solve” the migrant crisis?
So just throwing money at an issue will solve it? Just like throwing money at student loans will solve the issue. It’s a limited bandaid solution.
We could rush judges to the border to hear cases. Those legit asylum seekers would be let in while those who aren’t, won’t.
Legit? Is this subjective by each judge? So if the right is in power and sends right wing judges in so they can shut everyone out and if the left is in power they can send more liberal judges to let more people in? This is what is happening right now. Biden has let in more immigrants than the last 2 administrations combined.
Those let in will be given housing and other assistance until they’re on their feet.
Where? As I have posted before, we have no low income housing in America.

Should we listen to Mayor Adams and invite people into your private residence?

View: https://x.com/breaking911/status/1665803255245336576?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

We could reform the immigration process and make it much faster and easier to come here legally.
How many are allowed in? How fast? Again it’s not about bringing people in, we have a country that many foreigners want to come to. That’s not the issue. How can we support them?
Dreamers would be granted citizenship.

Why not just do that?

Or does one party want to keep this an issue so they can demagogue about it on Fox News every year for elections? “The brown caravan! Scary!!!”
Again the issue is not race. It’s resources. These blue cities are realizing it pretty quickly with just thousands of migrants getting dropped off there.

I’m guessing it also doesn’t help when that party’s leader says everyday that immigrants are “poisoning the nation’s blood.”
Trump says everyday “poisoning the nations blood”? Everyday?
You, media and most of the left calling it racist to be against the flood of immigrants coming over the border Every Day, isn’t helping.
This is still the biggest issue we have going on in the US right now.

The migrant crisis. This is not about race, its about resources, which we do not have to handle this problem.

I have been talking about low income housing for over a year, on this board but I'm going to expand on another limited resource...

Doctors and medical resources. Lets see what's happening in Denver:

"Eight-thousand migrants from Central America accounted for approximately 20,000 visits in 2023. Denver Health asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide funds for immigrants’ medical costs. The state and federal governments aren’t reimbursing the hospital, which spent $136 million for patients who didn't pay."

20,00 visits in 2023 were from migrants. $136 million spent on services for patients who didn't pay... we can't even properly care for Americans.

So how many people came over the border this year? 3.2 million

How many doctors are needed for 3.2 million? 8,000 (2.5 per 1000 source https://data.oecd.org/healthres/doctors.htm#indicator-chart)

How many new doctors enter residency per year? Around 40k (https://www.vox.com/22989930/residency-match-day-physician-doctor-shortage-pandemic-medical-school)

How many doctors left the work force? 117,000 in 2021. Within 5 years they are estimating a deficit of doctors to be around 140,000. 5 more years of this volume of migrant, this country will need to add another 40,000 doctors.

Pausing the border crossings is needed.
I agree that immigration is the biggest issue

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
I don't deny this is an issue, but the largest issue we are facing as population decline. Birth rate has been below the replacement rate since the 70s. It is anticipated we'll start seeing effects as baby boomers die off. We need immigration, but it should be in a controlled manner.
Completely agreed. I will never argue against the importance of immigration. Just needs to be controlled in real time with the need of the country.
I could absolutely care less about illegal immigration.

The most effective solution would be for the U.S. to invest in the nations where the people are coming from. We give money to Israel who doesn't need it. Give that money to Honduras in a cooperative effort to build industry and jobs there. Build Mexico, Central and South America into industrial powerhouses, Illegal immigration will vanish. The U.S. will beg and bribe people to come here at that point.

Illegal immigration is the opposite of a problem. It hasn't been solved because no one wants to actually solve it. People just want to use it to scare people who are afraid of Spanish speakers making jokes about them that they can't understand.
Holy **** I can’t believe so many on here still watch Rachel Maddow. She’s lied to you for years and still you believe her?
Serious TDS sufferers. Get well.

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Holy **** I can’t believe so many on here still watch Rachel Maddow. She’s lied to you for years and still you believe her?
Serious TDS sufferers. Get well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Who is Rachel maddow?
As for TDS, I definitely have that. Its one of the main reasons I don't want him to be president. I, and a lot of Americans, could definitely benefit from a break from Trump. The country as a whole could. If you truly want me and other Americans to "get well" then don't vote for him.

Why would anyone want to elect a president who has a syndrome named after him that afflicts so many Americans. A huge flaw of Trump is that no one can go a day without seeing him on TV or in an article or at a rally or doing an interview or reading his posts. Dude never shuts up and seeks out attention way too much. He is a narcissist with an enormous ego.

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Not the best trend….

Ya the local news was on the TV in the break room at work the other day and they were talking about the HPV virus.
They talked about the HPV vaccine and showed a chart on the screen that showed the HPV vaccination rates in other countries vs America (I know Australia was one of the countries and I think England was another).
Australia was at like 85% of the population vaccinated. England (I think it was England) was at like 78%

America was at like 53%.

The conspiracy theorists and anti science anti medicine communities are definitely making their mark on it society.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
Holy **** I can’t believe so many on here still watch Rachel Maddow. She’s lied to you for years and still you believe her?
Serious TDS sufferers. Get well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rachel Maddow? WTF you talking about? You think we're as dumb as you?
Rachel Maddow? WTF you talking about? You think we're as dumb as you?
I literally dont know who that is. Is she like the liberal version of a tucker carlson/sean hannity/laura ingraham or something?
Not the best trend….

In loosely related news: https://www.yahoo.com/news/social-media-age-cults-internet-101706910.html

Six people are missing out of Missouri after investigators believe they were sucked into what appears to be a “spiritual cult” on social media called the University of Cosmic Intelligence. The group is run by convicted child molester Rashad Jamal.

Jamal is currently in prison on child molestation and cruelty to children convictions. Authorities say he built up an online following of hundreds of thousands of followers on platforms including YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, and shares his theories about Black and Latino people being gods and goddesses, while people of other races and ethnicities are not from this planet. He also shares conspiracy theories in his videos about government controlling the weather and elites and politicians being “reptilian shapeshifters” who drink blood.

The missing people became increasingly isolated from family members, quit their jobs and were seen engaged in nude meditations outdoors, according to the Berkeley Police Department in Missouri.

The “pot of odd beliefs that’s bubbling outside of mainstream society” has always existed, said Stephen Kent, emeritus professor at the University of Alberta’s sociology department. But experts say with the internet and the dominance of social media, people have easier access to them, and targeted content can drag them further in.

What sets cults apart from other organized groups is they operate to benefit only a leader, and their authoritarian structures leave no room for critical thinking, according to Dr. Steven Hassan, a renowned cult expert with firsthand experience escaping the Unification Church. Hassan founded the Freedom of Mind Resource Center to help other survivors heal.

“The word ‘cult' is used mostly pejoratively, but for me, the problem is authoritarian cults,” he told USA TODAY.

Cult leaders, Hassan said, construct authoritarian rulings that benefit only themselves either financially or by fueling their narcissistic beliefs. They become tyrannical, with no allowance for free will or anyone else's needs.

“If you can create uncertainty, doubt and fear, it makes people’s minds more susceptible to an authoritarian voice,” Hassan said.

“Probably 99% (of cult leaders) are con artists and they know exactly what they’re doing. Some of them may eventually become delusional because they get away with so much for so long,” Lalich said in the video. “I think most of them are sitting back and laughing at their followers.”

Before the internet, people interested in cults largely communicated and found groups through individual contacts, alternative bookstores, a radio broadcast or lecture, Kent said. Now, the same groups can connect with each other from their couches by lifting little more than a finger on their phones.

In one case, a joke about birds operating as a tool of government surveillance started as satire and festered into a conspiracy theory – one Jamal also proposed on social media.

“If you look at (Jamal's) YouTube, how did he get so many followers? Was it really organic, or were there bad actors amplifying it, or was it just algorithms of YouTube trying to make money?” Hassan said.

From Russia to Christian nationalists, “bad actors” encompass a wide breadth of entities with a variety of agendas that benefit from inducing chaos and promoting anti-government views in the U.S., Hassan said. One of them may have amplified Jamal’s online presence and boosted his platform by manipulating the algorithm.

The average American spends nearly seven hours online per day, including about two and a half hours on social media, which Hassan suspects is partly driven by the addictive dopamine hit that companies bolster by pushing engaging content tailored to viewers.
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