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I agree that immigration is the biggest issue

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Imagine how much worse our labor shortages would be in agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and service industry if immigration was severely limited or stopped in America? Immigrants, whether they're undocumented or not, or asylum seekers, are what keeps our economy from becoming stagnant.

Furthermore, they're net pluses economically. So if you're worried about the national debt, you better hope immigrants keep coming! Otherwise, you'll see a severe shortfall in revenue.

I wonder what can be done to fix this native born dropout problem? They seem to be takers of our system and aren't contributing much to our economy. Cato is a conservative think tank btw. Maybe we need to build walls around failing rural towns and states? Is there a way we can dump Mississippi? Perhaps we should take away their electoral college votes or voting rights until they're not leeches and actually produce something?

I'm just asking questions...
Immigrants have a more positive net fiscal impact than that of native‐born Americans in most scenarios in the Updated Model and in every scenario in the Cato Model, depending on how the costs of public goods are allocated. The Cato Model finds that immigrant individuals who arrive at age 25 and who are high school dropouts have a net fiscal impact of +$216,000 in net present value terms, which does not include their descendants. Including the fiscal impact of those immigrants’ descendants reduces those immigrants’ net fiscal impact to +$57,000. By comparison, native‐born American high school dropouts of the same age have a net fiscal impact of −$32,000 that drops to −$177,000 when their descendants are included (see Table 31).
I have no idea who glenn greenwald is.
I think you might watch too much political programming

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In my experience, those who whine about corrupt media and about being sheeple are typically consuming the worst most unreliable media and are the biggest sheeple. Glenn Greenwald is one of the most ridiculous characters there are. When he's not spewing disinformation about covid and vaccines, he's spewing romance novels about Putin. He's a wannable Tucker Carlson, who'll say anything stupid to get attention. He's really popular among the low info counter culture types who want to feel important by rejecting experts and expertise. "Yeah man, I'm so woke cuz I reject what normal respected doctors, historians, and military experts say. Stop being a Sheeple (while they follow some crank with a cult following)!"
I don't deny this is an issue, but the largest issue we are facing as population decline. Birth rate has been below the replacement rate since the 70s. It is anticipated we'll start seeing effects as baby boomers die off. We need immigration, but it should be in a controlled manner.
Immigration is a band-aid solution.

I've got a mind-blowing statistic for you: For every 100 South Korean people there are today, there will be only 6 great grandchildren. In 100 years there will be a 94% reduction in population, and that is only if they can stabilize the current fertility rate which so far they have been unable to do.

Might be the first time I’ve ever agreed with Al. If “native born” Americans aren’t going to replace their parents and grandparents, then in order to maintain our standard of living, we will need to replace those people with immigrants. Immigration is one of if not thee reason why America’s economy is so dynamic.
Not the best trend….

for all the regular vaccines i thoroughly agree. However that they can't differentiate the Covid vaccines and the problems with lack of proper testing, misrepresentation and corruption regarding them from the regular long term proven safe and effective vaccines previously been widely used is pretty mind boggling, That this article fails to even consider the way the authorities handled the Covid vaccines having led to quite a bit of the loss of trust in regulatory bodies is damning.
Amy Coney Barrett and Chief Justice John Roberts side with the three liberals on the Supreme Court. Let's hope they do the same with regards to the rapist.

Traitors to their country. Pretty much every Republican, cowardly traitors.

Until the incentive structure changes in the GOP, they’ll continue to bend at the knee to Trump or any wannabe authoritarian. And that incentive structure only changes if the GOP learns that it cannot compete in 21st century politics by nominating crazy authoritarians. That will come only AFTER repeated losses.

Personally, I’d like to see the primary go away for everyone. Let the smoke filled rooms of political party leaders decide who the candidates are. Leaving this up to the most engaged from the party just fuels extremism; extremist politicians afraid of their lives from extremist voters who self-radicalize through every increasingly extremist media wanting clicks and eyeballs. Get rid of this! Go back to strong political parties nominating “boring” candidates. It’s the only way to offset a primary electorate that has become detached from reality fueled by Fox News and social media algorithms.
Personally, I’d like to see the primary go away for everyone. Let the smoke filled rooms of political party leaders decide who the candidates are. Leaving this up to the most engaged from the party just fuels extremism; extremist politicians afraid of their lives from extremist voters
Wait. Am I being punk'd?
Until the incentive structure changes in the GOP, they’ll continue to bend at the knee to Trump or any wannabe authoritarian. And that incentive structure only changes if the GOP learns that it cannot compete in 21st century politics by nominating crazy authoritarians. That will come only AFTER repeated losses.

Personally, I’d like to see the primary go away for everyone. Let the smoke filled rooms of political party leaders decide who the candidates are. Leaving this up to the most engaged from the party just fuels extremism; extremist politicians afraid of their lives from extremist voters who self-radicalize through every increasingly extremist media wanting clicks and eyeballs. Get rid of this! Go back to strong political parties nominating “boring” candidates. It’s the only way to offset a primary electorate that has become detached from reality fueled by Fox News and social media algorithms.
Well they just need to not only leave it up to the most engaged extreme voters. Have the voting in the primaries more like the voting for president in the general.
Don't do this caucuses ****. Let me mail in vote. Allow everyone to vote in the primaries.

We might actually end up with decent choices if you do it that way. I'm almost certain that trump and Biden wouldn't be the 2 winners if we went with that style of primary voting.

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Primary voting will never change because it puts too much at risk for the established politicians. If we get essentially a dry-run at voting we might vote according to who we like best, want not worry as much about electability. That's bad for the guys with the loudest voices and most to lose. Too many options. They want to limit options, not present good candidates. Doing that doesn't allow them to control the narrative and set themselves up for automatic reelection. So it'll just never happen. Just like term limits or changing the term for the president. The current incumbents have too much to lose so they'll never vote for it.
According to a few articles, most questioned at exit polls have voted for Trump in NH. If Haley can't win it Trump is going to get the nomination.

I heard there was a big spend by Democrats urging voters to write in Biden in NH. Seems like a sure fire way to take some votes away from Haley and keep Trump in the mix. Not sure what the thought was other, unless they think they can beat Trump easier than Haley.

According to a few articles, most questioned at exit polls have voted for Trump in NH. If Haley can't win it Trump is going to get the nomination.

I heard there was a big spend by Democrats urging voters to write in Biden in NH. Seems like a sure fire way to take some votes away from Haley and keep Trump in the mix. Not sure what the thought was other, unless they think they can beat Trump easier than Haley.

The write-in campaign has nothing to do with the Republican primary. The Democrat primary is also today in New Hampshire but Joe Biden isn't on the ballot. For a Democrat to vote for Joe Biden in the Democrat primary in New Hampshire, they have to write-in Joe Biden's name.

It is a pissing match between the DNC and New Hampshire. The DNC wanted to make South Carolina the first state to vote and New Hampshire refused to move their voting date so the DNC didn't put Joe Biden on the ballot. Then the DNC started making announcements that votes in the New Hampshire primary were not valid and New Hampshire threatened to sue the DNC for illegal voter suppression.

The write-in campaign has nothing to do with the Republican primary. The Democrat primary is also today in New Hampshire but Joe Biden isn't on the ballot. For a Democrat to vote for Joe Biden in the Democrat primary in New Hampshire, they have to write-in Joe Biden's name.

It is a pissing match between the DNC and New Hampshire. The DNC wanted to make South Carolina the first state to vote and New Hampshire refused to move their voting date so the DNC didn't put Joe Biden on the ballot. Then the DNC started making announcements that votes in the New Hampshire primary were not valid and New Hampshire threatened to sue the DNC for illegal voter suppression.

I know why it was done, and Biden chose to not be on the ballot, because he didn't need to with no challenger. However, the push was to democrats AND moderate independents, which will take away votes from Haley and benefit Trump.
I watched that clip. No idea what the **** he is even talking about for most of it. Just nonsensical ramblings. Then you hear the crowd start to cheer at the end.
What exactly are they cheering?

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And he doesn’t mention pedophilia anywhere in that clip. Whatever the context is has been left out, so who knows what he’s talking about here. But lefties will cite this w their misleading commentary, par for the course.

He mentioned bad people even in the church. I heard that part. I agree - there are bad people everywhere, even in church. I listened to it three times. No mention of pedo at all.

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